Why don't Republican officials accept science? 3 examples..

What you believe does affect your decisions. You can choose to be an authoritarian asshole or you can be a fucking human being and let others live their own lives no matter what they believe. That's the difference between liberal and humanitarian.
"Science is a philosophy of discovery. Intelligent design is a philosophy of ignorance." -NDT

"Another practice that isn't science is embracing ignorance. Yet it's fundamental to the philosophy of intelligent design: I don't know what this is.... So it must be the product of a higher intelligence." - NDT

What you believe does affect your decisions. You can choose to be an authoritarian asshole or you can be a fucking human being and let others live their own lives no matter what they believe. That's the difference between liberal and humanitarian.

It's not about "letting others live their own lives no matter what they believe", what they believe impacts my life. It would seem they're actually the ones opposed to your advice. If they didn't make important decisions based on ignorance of science, you wouldn't hear a word out of me, but the fact is, they do, and they don't understand what they're doing when they do it.

You're supporting it based on ignorance of science, policy, and basic human nature.
The only ignorance is calling someone ignorant.

A meaningless tautology. No one has been called ignorant. When your theory amounts to "I don't/can't understand this, therefore God", you are using ignorance for evidence. You are using the lack of knowledge as justification for the conclusion. The entire philosophy of intelligent design is based on the lack of knowledge.
I understand science, policy is doing your job no matter your feelings or you get fired, and I could give a fuck about basic human nature because "basic human nature" doesn't exist. It seems to me you're the one doing what you accuse me of.
It's fine to believe something on faith IF you understand what that means. It means you are not allowed to debate your idea academically, because you can not support it. It means you are not allowed to use your ideas to influence any sort of social or public policy, because you have no justification. You can not expect your faith to have value to anyone but yourself. You have the right to express, explain and celebrate your belief and then sit down and be quiet because your idea amounts to wild speculation. Speculation is not afforded certitude. When the idea of God acquires more support than the idea of leprechauns or the tooth fairy, you might then have something more to say.
I understand science, policy is doing your job no matter your feelings or you get fired, and I could give a fuck about basic human nature because "basic human nature" doesn't exist. It seems to me you're the one doing what you accuse me of.

No, you don't. You believe aliens seeded life on Earth with zero evidence. That demonstrates your understanding of science.

Elected officials don't respect policy, and neither do you.

Basic human nature very much exists, and your denial of it says a lot.

I haven't accused you of anything except being ignorant of science, which you prove with each post you make.

"In the US we have a similar problem – not the Gulag, but political factions that disagree with certain findings of science that are ideologically inconvenient for them. The two biggest issues being targeted (but certainly not the only ones) are evolution and climate change. Much of the focus has been on what should be taught to students in science class."

Recently the North Carolina legislature proposed House Bill 819 to study the effect of climate change on sea levels, and therefore coastlines. For some reason the legislators felt the need to include in the bill specific restrictions on how the science can be done.Apparently being elected to the State House of North Carolina invests politicians with superior knowledge (to actual scientists who work in the field) as to the proper way to model future trends.

The North Carolina bill does more than dictate how publicly funded scientists may extrapolate future trends, they also dictate that they may only use historical data. In other words, they cannot use climate models – they can’t use any actual scientific understanding of climate and the forces at work that can affect climate. They must take a simplistic approach of extending the line from historical data into the future, and they must do it in a linear fashion.

This bill is an amazing combination of ignorance and hubris. It is perhaps an excellent example of the Dunning Kruger effect whereby ignorance renders one unable to detect their own ignorance. Only a scientifically illiterate legislator would be unable to determine how scientifically illiterate this bill is.


The state senate passed bill 893, which will now go back to the house. The bill reflects the current strategy of creationists to sneak creationist arguments into the public school, or at least water down the teaching of evolution. The bill offers this justification for why it is needed:

(1) An important purpose of science education is to inform students about scientific evidence and to help students develop critical thinking skills necessary to becoming intelligent, productive, and scientifically informed citizens;
(2) The teaching of some scientific subjects, including, but not limited to, biological evolution, the chemical origins of life, global warming, and human cloning, can cause controversy; and
(3) Some teachers may be unsure of the expectations concerning how they should present information on such subjects

"The second sentence is the crux of the justification, the notion that biological evolution “can cause controversy.” This is what we call a “manufactroversy” – evolution is not a scientific controversy. The fact that all known life on earth shares a common ancestor and is the product of common descent is as well-established a fact as any in science. There is a mountain of evidence from genetics, developmental biology, anatomy, biochemistry, and paleontology that support this core fact of evolution. Further, there is no competing scientific theory that can account for the evidence from these disciplines. That is the consensus view of the scientific community and the vast majority of scientists."

"The controversy is a religious one only, and is created by the community that is pushing this bill and others like it. So in essence they create the controversy where none exists, and then exploit the controversy they made in order to push what is demonstrably a religious agenda into the public school science classroom."

(d) Neither the state board of education, nor any public elementary or secondary school governing authority, director of schools, school system administrator, or any public elementary or secondary school principal or administrator shall prohibit any teacher in a public school system of this state from helping students understand, analyze, critique, and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories covered in the course being taught.

"That is the key provision – protecting teachers who are teaching creationism, under the guise of teaching the “strengths and weaknesses” of evolution. The “weaknesses,” as stated above, are not genuine scientific weaknesses but manufactured anti-evolution propaganda."

Well, it had to happen–one pseudoscience, creationism, is using another pseudoscience, the nonexistent Loch Ness Monster, as proof. Herald Scotland is reporting that a book, produced by the A.C.E. Curriculum Program and called Biology 1099, Accelerated Christian Education, informs students that Nessie is proof that evolution never happened.

According to the book,

Are dinosaurs alive today? Scientists are becoming more convinced of their existence. Have you heard of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’ in Scotland? ‘Nessie’ for short has been recorded on sonar from a small submarine, described by eyewitnesses, and photographed by others. Nessie appears to be a plesiosaur.

The creationist logic is apparently that this lone plesiosaur got captured in Loch Ness during the biblical flood. Thus, we can assume, Nessie proves that dinosaurs didn’t die out 65 million years ago.

“thousands of students in Louisiana will receive state voucher money, transferred from public school funding, to attend private religious schools, some of which teach from a Christian curriculum that suggests the Loch Ness Monster disproves evolution and states that the alleged creature, which has never been demonstrated to even exist, has been tracked by submarine and is probably a plesiosaur.“

But what’s worse, the Accelerated Christian Education program pushes other lies:

Science Proves Homosexuality is a Learned Behavior
The Second Law of Thermodynamics Disproves Evolution
No Transitional Fossils Exist
Humans and Dinosaurs Co-Existed
Evolution Has Been Disproved
A Japanese Whaling Boat Found a Dinosaur
Solar Fusion is a Myth

From the Accelerated Christian Education Site http://www.aceministries.com/aboutus/?content=main

From its beginning, Accelerated Christian Education® has maintained high Biblical and academic standards and remained committed to setting children on a path for success. The goal is the same today: to prepare children for the world today and give them the academic and spiritual tools necessary to achieve their God-given potential.

Based on these principles, the A.C.E. curriculum assures parents of:
A solid, mastery-based, back-to-basics education for their child.
A course of study diagnostically individualized to meet a student's specific learning needs and capabilities.
A program incorporating Scripture, Godly character building, and wisdom principles.
A curriculum using advanced computer technology to help ensure the finest education possible in today's high-tech climate.

Well, it had to happen–one pseudoscience, creationism, is using another pseudoscience, the nonexistent Loch Ness Monster, as proof. Herald Scotland is reporting that a book, produced by the A.C.E. Curriculum Program and called Biology 1099, Accelerated Christian Education, informs students that Nessie is proof that evolution never happened.

According to the book,

Are dinosaurs alive today? Scientists are becoming more convinced of their existence. Have you heard of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’ in Scotland? ‘Nessie’ for short has been recorded on sonar from a small submarine, described by eyewitnesses, and photographed by others. Nessie appears to be a plesiosaur.

The creationist logic is apparently that this lone plesiosaur got captured in Loch Ness during the biblical flood. Thus, we can assume, Nessie proves that dinosaurs didn’t die out 65 million years ago.

“thousands of students in Louisiana will receive state voucher money, transferred from public school funding, to attend private religious schools, some of which teach from a Christian curriculum that suggests the Loch Ness Monster disproves evolution and states that the alleged creature, which has never been demonstrated to even exist, has been tracked by submarine and is probably a plesiosaur.“

But what’s worse, the Accelerated Christian Education program pushes other lies:

Science Proves Homosexuality is a Learned Behavior
The Second Law of Thermodynamics Disproves Evolution
No Transitional Fossils Exist
Humans and Dinosaurs Co-Existed
Evolution Has Been Disproved
A Japanese Whaling Boat Found a Dinosaur
Solar Fusion is a Myth

From the Accelerated Christian Education Site http://www.aceministries.com/aboutus/?content=main

From its beginning, Accelerated Christian Education® has maintained high Biblical and academic standards and remained committed to setting children on a path for success. The goal is the same today: to prepare children for the world today and give them the academic and spiritual tools necessary to achieve their God-given potential.

Based on these principles, the A.C.E. curriculum assures parents of:
A solid, mastery-based, back-to-basics education for their child.
A course of study diagnostically individualized to meet a student's specific learning needs and capabilities.
A program incorporating Scripture, Godly character building, and wisdom principles.
A curriculum using advanced computer technology to help ensure the finest education possible in today's high-tech climate.

This would be funny if it weren't true...

All I can feel is sadness..
(A*B)->A, is one example of a tautology. That sort of thing is used all the time in circuit design for example. But, hey, you're sure an expert at baseless insults.
(A*B)->A, is one example of a tautology. That sort of thing is used all the time in circuit design for example. But, hey, you're sure an expert at baseless insults.

What does circuit design have to do with biology or anything that's been presented in this thread?

Would you like to address any of the counterclaims presented or keep skirting around the issue at hand?
I thought you were the bad ass scientist? Yet you don't know prepositional calculus is used by scientists to make sure the theory makes sense to those speaking all languages. Whitehead and Russel.

Well, it had to happen–one pseudoscience, creationism, is using another pseudoscience, the nonexistent Loch Ness Monster, as proof. Herald Scotland is reporting that a book, produced by the A.C.E. Curriculum Program and called Biology 1099, Accelerated Christian Education, informs students that Nessie is proof that evolution never happened.

According to the book,

Are dinosaurs alive today? Scientists are becoming more convinced of their existence. Have you heard of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’ in Scotland? ‘Nessie’ for short has been recorded on sonar from a small submarine, described by eyewitnesses, and photographed by others. Nessie appears to be a plesiosaur.

The creationist logic is apparently that this lone plesiosaur got captured in Loch Ness during the biblical flood. Thus, we can assume, Nessie proves that dinosaurs didn’t die out 65 million years ago.

“thousands of students in Louisiana will receive state voucher money, transferred from public school funding, to attend private religious schools, some of which teach from a Christian curriculum that suggests the Loch Ness Monster disproves evolution and states that the alleged creature, which has never been demonstrated to even exist, has been tracked by submarine and is probably a plesiosaur.“

But what’s worse, the Accelerated Christian Education program pushes other lies:

Science Proves Homosexuality is a Learned Behavior
The Second Law of Thermodynamics Disproves Evolution
No Transitional Fossils Exist
Humans and Dinosaurs Co-Existed
Evolution Has Been Disproved
A Japanese Whaling Boat Found a Dinosaur
Solar Fusion is a Myth

From the Accelerated Christian Education Site http://www.aceministries.com/aboutus/?content=main

From its beginning, Accelerated Christian Education® has maintained high Biblical and academic standards and remained committed to setting children on a path for success. The goal is the same today: to prepare children for the world today and give them the academic and spiritual tools necessary to achieve their God-given potential.

Based on these principles, the A.C.E. curriculum assures parents of:
A solid, mastery-based, back-to-basics education for their child.
A course of study diagnostically individualized to meet a student's specific learning needs and capabilities.
A program incorporating Scripture, Godly character building, and wisdom principles.
A curriculum using advanced computer technology to help ensure the finest education possible in today's high-tech climate.
Heisenburg, surely you say these words with a certain level of "uncertainty"?
I thought you were the bad ass scientist? Yet you don't know prepositional calculus is used by scientists to make sure the theory makes sense to those speaking all languages. Whitehead and Russel.

Because I understand science has led you to believe I'm "the bad ass scientist"?

Your first mistake.

What does circuit design have to do with biology or anything that's been presented in this thread?

Would you like to address any of the counterclaims presented or keep skirting around the issue at hand?
Because I understand science has led you to believe I'm "the bad ass scientist"?

Your first mistake.

What does circuit design have to do with biology or anything that's been presented in this thread?

Would you like to address any of the counterclaims presented or keep skirting around the issue at hand?
The parallels (although somewhat irrelevant in this example) are there, humans are just big squishy machines.