Why don't Republican officials accept science? 3 examples..

You have reading comprehension problems. I stated circuit design even uses it. Axiom theory is used in evolution too. Do Zermelo, Fraenkel,Hilbert,Cantor,Peano sound familiar?What do they all have in common?You think I'm ignornant.You have no clue.
You have reading comprehension problems. I stated circuit design even uses it. Axiom theory is used in evolution too. Do Zermelo, Fraenkel,Hilbert,Cantor,Peano sound familiar?What do they all have in common?You think I'm ignornant.You have no clue.

Yes, you have no clue to the depth of his ignorance...

Sorry, couldnt resist...
Right on. The fucker thinks I'm Ignorant. But I've taught all grades and tutored for college level. I even assisted professors in English, foreign language studies and math courses beyond calculus. Yet I'm ignorant?
You have reading comprehension problems. I stated circuit design even uses it. Axiom theory is used in evolution too. Do Zermelo, Fraenkel,Hilbert,Cantor,Peano sound familiar?What do they all have in common?You think I'm ignornant.You have no clue.

Right on. The fucker thinks I'm Ignorant. But I've taught all grades and tutored for college level. I even assisted professors in English, foreign language studies and math courses beyond calculus. Yet I'm ignorant?

You must be nuts to think I'd believe that bullshit.

I've known 5th grade students who don't espouse such unscientific beliefs as you do.

You don't understand science or the scientific method, you don't understand words like 'theory' and 'fact', you hold panspermia in higher regard than one of the strongest theories in all of science based on nothing but unsupported hypotheticals, and you called evolution "a lie".

Nobody in their right mind would ever let you anywhere near a teaching position.
Does that mean you don't know what those people have in common? It's alright, I won't call you ignorant. It relates to evolution.
another example of republicans digging in when mired completely in idiocy.

I noticed you didnt even address the direct bullshit lie the president told about sequestration... It isnt going to happen, well maybe it is going to happen, well we dont know what will happen... Obama is spinning like a top after giving a direct answer to the question... LOL!!!

At least Romney has a record of doing what he says he is going to do...
I noticed you didnt even address the direct bullshit lie the president told about sequestration... It isnt going to happen, well maybe it is going to happen, well we dont know what will happen... Obama is spinning like a top after giving a direct answer to the question... LOL!!!

At least Romney has a record of doing what he says he is going to do...

so romney promised to be almost dead last in job creation and number one in debt?
so romney promised to be almost dead last in job creation and number one in debt?

Obama can only dream of 4% unemployment and schools in 1st place plus 4 years of actual budgets...

Tired of playing with my bucky doll tonight... L8r...
Obama can only dream of 4% unemployment and schools in 1st place plus 4 years of actual budgets...

Tired of playing with my bucky doll tonight... L8r...

yeah, the gigantic mess left by the GOP made that scenario a pipe dream for anyone, which is why republican pundits were glad he won the election, so he could take the blame for the mess left by republicans.

nighty night, my geographically challenged amiga.
You're a rude fuck. I put you on virtual ignore because your cock sucker self is a "mod." I tried to be civil but all you do is attack. All people are different, but you're just a dipshit asshole.
Sure you tried to be civil..

You don't understand what 'ignorant' means, because if you did, you wouldn't be calling me calling you ignorant or scientifically illiterate an "attack".

If you think the theory of evolution is a lie, there's no other way to put it, you're ignorant of it. Everything else confirms you don't understand the scientific process or it's application; scientifically illiterate.

None of which is a personal attack so much as a personal observation.
You're a rude fuck. I put you on virtual ignore because your cock sucker self is a "mod." I tried to be civil but all you do is attack. All people are different, but you're just a dipshit asshole.

To be fair, Padawan is just stating a fact.
He's just saying that you don't understand evolution / scientific method.
That's what being ignorant means. It's not an insult, it's a statement of facts.

Just like if a person doesn't understand economics, they are ignorant with respect to a lot of subjects, like math, social sciences and in particular general economics.

I don't understand why you take it as an insult.
If you really do feel like it's insulting then perhaps you have double standards with regards to knowledge and application of knowledge.

The fact that you call him a cock sucker just shows the hypocrisy.
Right on. The fucker thinks I'm Ignorant. But I've taught all grades and tutored for college level. I even assisted professors in English, foreign language studies and math courses beyond calculus. Yet I'm ignorant?

You are the worst king of ignorant, willful. You are a slave to an ideology that you have not taken the time to think about. When your position can't hold up to basic scrutiny, you attempt to blame others. You can not address basic questions which should have easy answers, or even explain your position beyond some pseudo-intellectual song and dance. You apparently do not understand that knowledge of calculus gives no qualifications scientifically, meaning you do not even comprehend what the word ignorant means. You think it's an insult when it is really an indication of your lacking qualifications. It doesn't become an insult until you point out that your ignorance is willful.

You are unable to construct an argument based in logic and evidence, so you instead attack evolution and then play the hurt card. Luckily the rest of us can learn something from you. You are a real life example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

The Dunning-Kruger effect occurs when incompetent people not only fail to realize their incompetence, but consider themselves much more competent than everyone else. Basically - they're too ignorant to know that they're ignorant.

In the words of Dunning and Kruger, "this overestimation occurs, in part, because people who are unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it."

Also referred to as "the bubble"; facts do not get inside, logic can not penetrate, ignorance does not register.
You're a rude fuck. I put you on virtual ignore because your cock sucker self is a "mod." I tried to be civil but all you do is attack. All people are different, but you're just a dipshit asshole.

Name calling insults are the refuge of an insecure and insufficient mind, especially when they are couple with complaints of an attack. Do you actually read the stuff you write before you hit post?
He refuses to acknowledge any of the counterclaims and instead goes off on random tangents.


-modern medicine

-previous discoveries in known locations simply because we know the age of said locations

None of it. He'd rather spout what if's and could have's..


This type of shit is so old..

How these people don't acknowledge the obvious mistakes in their own reasoning I'll never understand.. Wouldn't you want to know where your mistakes are? Wouldn't you want to correct them? Why would you want to remain ignorant on the subject you so adamantly defend only to be made to look like a fool in front of everyone?

How does that make any sense at all?

Sometimes I wish we could have a country based on logic, reason and science, and keep these silly fucks outside the walls to let them put themselves into extinction. See how good their beliefs hold up in the real world when there's nobody else there to enable their survival based on association.

They wouldn't last a year without the rest of us, and my cynical ass wouldn't miss any of them.
Yep, you got me. I get paid to polish college essays in all subjects. Not one paper got less than an A. People come to me when they cannot understand why their writings recieve Cs, or worse. That's incompetence. I'm done with this thread.