Why don't Republican officials accept science? 3 examples..

"Credible" isn't the criterion. The criterion is "better than any competing hypothesis". The panspermia argument relies on a phenomenon so far undiscovered, which would be any trace at all for evidence of non-terrestrial life.
As for man causing climate change, we have some pretty hard evidence that change is occurring and accelerating. At this time assigning blame to man would be an overextension of reason, cum hoc ergo propter hoc, but to deny that man can be causing this is the worse abuse of reason. My gut read (which withstood test by reason) on AGW is "undecided, but quite suggestive". cn

Agreed that man COULD be causing GW, but disagree that it is suggestive. I think a huge part of the global warming science is due to chart manipulation, and then using a manipulated chart to find things that correlate.

Here are some examples of chart manipulation of random things:


Both charts show the same thing, however, they are shown in different ways to prove whatever the persons view is on the subject. With the missing information that the chart doesn't cover on population of each class.


These two graphs are designed to show a rough correlation between temperature and CO2 concentrations, and seem to show a real correlation.


This chart shows natural fluctuations over history of them being correlated.



Do you see how you can make any particular era look like the temperature is dropping or rising because of something happening? On the chart to the right, they show the temperature going straight up as mankind become more industrialized. However, when you look to the chart on the left, a completely different picture emerges. You see that the temperature fluctuates normally all the time and that the chart on the right actually started during an iceage so that part of the temperature change was just returning to average and the rest quickly becomes a normal fluctuation. We can easily expect an ice age in the next couple hundred years where the temperature drops significantly below what would be considered the median. Will we then make a chart of that that shows that man kind is destroying the world and causing an iceage? I would theorize that yes we would.

My point is that many global warming scientists are intentionally dishonest in their numbers and that they are not using science as much as emotions to promote ideas.
Were those who denied the Ether theory idiots? A person's opinions are their own, even if you deny "the"(what about the Armenian genocide or the spanish decimating the South Americans?)holocaust. I consider communism just as vile as you holocaust deniers.

Dont forget about the Allied holocaust against the Germans after 1945. American policy starved millions of Germans(mostly children) in the couple years after the war intentionally. Oh wait.. we aren't allowed to talk about stuff like that :X
Good thing I'm vegan then. Macrobial rennet is just as natural, gives a better flavor and is more efficient. From what I remember. My days even eating milk seem like a bad dream.
the poor germans . . .were they forced to provide and give back which they took . . . . .its called reparations . . . for the atrocities that happened previously
how old are you? i was diagnosed as "hyperactive" in my youth but treatment back then was little more than a suggestion to stay away from e numbers and many years of teachers thinking i was a little shit

as a grown uup every k-hole i've had stuck my face to the floor for the duration

im old enough to have voted for george bush sr. and clinton.

when i was diagnosed as hyperactive there were no "e numbers" and the e number system is still not used in the US. i was prescribed ritalin to control my "diisorder' with a dosage of 20mg a day at the end when my uncle and grandpappy said fuck that shit.

ritalin is not related to ketamine, which is a horse tranquilizer

ritalin is a "psychoactive stimulant" but if you actually do have "ADHD" which used to be called hyperactivity when i was a kid, the shit drops you into a zone very similar to the K-hole in dosages like i was getting at the end.

on normal kids its more like high quality speed, and is rightly very popular as a study aid.

these days i dont slam dex, or tweak out on what we used to call "fruit salad" back in the 80's. i still like percocet and darvon and benzedrine but i wont just stuff a fistfull of random pills in my gob and see what happens any more.

good times.
Have you even ever read Roe vs Wade? There is no 28 week limit, it was mentioned, but not a definition. They also mentioned 24 weeks, but it was not a definition of 'viability'. The Roe decision defined "viable" as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid". Viability will continue to become sooner and sooner until abortion can be outright banned by state governments. I believe the count is 10 states that ban abortion past 20 weeks, with another 7 considering going with 20 weeks. This will continue to erode until abortion is regulated out of existence but not illegal in much of the country. Eviction will become customary in the future. I think at this point, pro-choice and pro-life will become a very blurred line.

If you believe that you're in a complete state of delusion. Abortion will be "regulated out of existence"? And yet...

The ruling was incorrect because it wasn't based on constitutional powers granted to the federal government. Whether it is the right thing or not isn't the decision of the court, legality is. The pro side said that it was the right to privacy as their reason for their finding.

So when the courts allow it, it's not based on constitutional powers, but when they ban it, it is? Can't be both..

The fact that you keep calling evolution a theory and a fact at the same time shows that you really don't understand what theory and fact mean. You might want to brush up on that. Once something becomes a fact, it is no longer a theory. A theory could be a fact, but it isn't provable as fact, that is why they call it a theory.

Theory and fact have different meanings in a scientific context. A theory is a collection of observable facts - the theory of evolution, the theory of gravity, germ theory, cell theory, atomic theory, etc. All theories, all backed up by facts, also all accepted by 99% of the scientific community and academic institutions worldwide.

What you say is what I've been trying to tell them for pages now. Evolution is a lie, or evolution isn't Darwin's theory of species. But damn liberals like to pretend both are true so not to look like fools.You make mistakes,but they won't admit

You don't understand the theory of evolution which is why you don't accept it, bottom line. It's validity doesn't require your acceptance. You stand next to the religious fanatics and pseudoscience wingnuts in calling it a lie. With people like rep. Broun.

If evolution was a lie, modern biology wouldn't make any sense at all. You'd have to throw out nearly every measurable advancement in medicine, as vaccines rely on the theory of evolution to work correctly, diseases mutate over time, exactly as evolution predicts, and scientists alter the vaccines accordingly. Why would they need to do this if the germ was always exactly the same? They adapt and evolve, just like 100% of living organisms.

How do scientists know exactly where to search for past organisms based on the time they existed and the anatomical features they had if the theory of evolution wasn't true? They can pinpoint locations with known dates of rocks, look in the records to see what type of animal lived earlier and later than the rocks, then search those exact rocks for an animal in the middle, which they've done, dozens of times. If evolution was a lie, scientists would be digging completely blind and not find a single fossil they're looking for.

If evolution was a lie, there would be no way to explain any of that.

Like I said, you simply don't understand it enough to accept it. Anyone who does accepts it outright because it is glaringly obvious, as obvious as humans breathe oxygen and drink water.
Anal electrocutions?? Hot dog! :shock: cn

(A link please.)

I agree, link! I need to know where to get this equipment. Is it adjustable? I don't want to turn it on while going at my wife only to find it shocks me too much and I can move my lower body any more and finish off.
Does that method originally require a animal to suffer pain and/or death? Then yes it's wrong. Would you agree to let the original procedure with that methdod done to your child, if not, then you shouldn't do to it a helpless animal.

When does something become an animal and not something man made? For instance, would cultured meat become acceptable if it was not started from an animal? It is 100% the same as a piece of chicken, but it isn't made from chicken. Does this make it ok?
I agree, link! I need to know where to get this equipment. Is it adjustable? I don't want to turn it on while going at my wife only to find it shocks me too much and I can move my lower body any more and finish off.

you can acquire these devices from veterinary supply shops.

warning, not for use on your butthole unless you got a size 15 poopchute. plus youll just shoot your seed as soon as it is inserted and turned on, thats what they are designed for.

of course the ones used to kill critters for fur or science are different. i never used one of those. plus on thosem comfort and painless extraction afterwards is not a concern.

mind the barbs!
semen extraction used to be done with actual handjobs. it was not a popular line of work and the "technicians" were well compensated specialists. plus they had Popey forearms and a grip that could crush bowling balls. now the process is done by restraining the critter and "inserting" a probe near the prostate and tickling their Q-zone with low voltage to deliver the "product". its much less of a hands-on process now, which is good for me, but not so much for the poor critter who winds up tired, drained and with a sore butthole. critters dont look forward to the semen extraction a much as they used to, but the owner doesnt have to shell out fat stacks of cash for his livestock to get a little gription on their sliption if you know what i mean.

unblocking a bunged up cow's turdchute is still a striclty "manual" process, and yes, it goes to the new guy, unless like me, he has hands like matured hams. i usually wound up "reclaiming" the cattle magnets after the unblocking and during the shit shoveling since i got no fear of crap.

I still need the link to acquire one of these jizz machines. I want my prostate tickled with low voltage.
Understanding and accepting are two different things, dimwit. I got perfect grades in AP Biology and AP Physiology. Also got top honors on my state exams in the subject. AP is college level courses in high school.
I agree, link! I need to know where to get this equipment. Is it adjustable? I don't want to turn it on while going at my wife only to find it shocks me too much and I can move my lower body any more and finish off.

Google E-stim or electrosex. Don't go for the cheap ones. (Zeus) Build your own stereostim or spring for a professional unit, then say hello to multiple hands-free orgasms. Pretty much just for masturbation though.
science is not democracy.

a single counterexample can put a hole in an otherwise widely accepted theory.

you have the republican view of science. no wonder you deny the overwhelming evidence of anthropogenic climate change. even the people the koch brothers were paying to deny it for them had to admit we have a hand in it.

you anti-science republicans make me sick.

I am not a republican, and I am not not denying 'overwhelming evidence', I am pointing to the evidence and saying it a load of turd that is intentionally misleading people by leaving out the rest of the evidence. I am not a denier of AGW, I have never seen any hard evidence that it exists, just theories of why it could.

Science is like economics. They come up with a theory, test it, and use skewed proof to try to turn it into fact. There is a reason that evolution and AGW are THEORIES and not FACTS. I believe evolution is true, and AGW could be true, but that doesn't make them facts. I also believe that climate changes of late could simply be the world shifting on its own, it doesn't make that a fact either.
Agreed that man COULD be causing GW, but disagree that it is suggestive. I think a huge part of the global warming science is due to chart manipulation, and then using a manipulated chart to find things that correlate.

Here are some examples of chart manipulation of random things:


Both charts show the same thing, however, they are shown in different ways to prove whatever the persons view is on the subject. With the missing information that the chart doesn't cover on population of each class.


These two graphs are designed to show a rough correlation between temperature and CO2 concentrations, and seem to show a real correlation.


This chart shows natural fluctuations over history of them being correlated.



Do you see how you can make any particular era look like the temperature is dropping or rising because of something happening? On the chart to the right, they show the temperature going straight up as mankind become more industrialized. However, when you look to the chart on the left, a completely different picture emerges. You see that the temperature fluctuates normally all the time and that the chart on the right actually started during an iceage so that part of the temperature change was just returning to average and the rest quickly becomes a normal fluctuation. We can easily expect an ice age in the next couple hundred years where the temperature drops significantly below what would be considered the median. Will we then make a chart of that that shows that man kind is destroying the world and causing an iceage? I would theorize that yes we would.

My point is that many global warming scientists are intentionally dishonest in their numbers and that they are not using science as much as emotions to promote ideas.

I take your point about data manipulation. However what impels me is the unfudgable sharp rise in atmospheric pCO2. I strongly suspect that this is a preload for disaster. But as i am not sure, I'm sticking with "suggestive".
There are other greenhouse gases/vapors in the atmosphere, but none as persistent (I have methane in mind) except as nanotrace contaminants, like SF6 and CF3SF5. cn
I only eat things from plants or essential minerals. 99% of what I eat I make myself starting from the raw plant which I leave alone, cook or mash.
I am not not denying 'overwhelming evidence', I am pointing to the evidence and saying it a load of turd that is intentionally misleading people by leaving out the rest of the evidence.

hillbilly grammar aside, why don't you cite the evidence "saying it a load of turd".

asserting something does not make it so, just like when you said science is democracy. i see you have no rebuttal for that little gem of sub 70 WAIS-IVness.
I still need the link to acquire one of these jizz machines. I want my prostate tickled with low voltage.

why not just get a vibrating buttplug? these things aint cheap, and they are rather LARGE for a human anus. plus the "victim' rarely makes the kind of happy sounds associated with the "traditional" method of semen extraction.

i doubt you could acquire one without great effort. but perhaps you could make one from a "Steely Dan" and a car battery. good luck on that homey.


electroejaculation machines!
"the spark of life" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Socialists now identify themselves as solid democrats.

lol, I realize that, and I almost put this instead:

"If a theory changes itself, it is not longer the same theory. If Nazi's suddenly decided that whatever the Democrats were doing was the right thing to do, would they still be Nazi's? No, they would be socialists, and that would be a new theory for them. Get it? "

The Nazi's considered themselves socialists, but I wouldn't consider the Democrats to be the same as the Nazis at this time and I changed it to democrats because while they are socialist, they aren't quite the same as of yet. I wasn't trying to compare the two, I was just making a point about theories.