"Credible" isn't the criterion. The criterion is "better than any competing hypothesis". The panspermia argument relies on a phenomenon so far undiscovered, which would be any trace at all for evidence of non-terrestrial life.
As for man causing climate change, we have some pretty hard evidence that change is occurring and accelerating. At this time assigning blame to man would be an overextension of reason, cum hoc ergo propter hoc, but to deny that man can be causing this is the worse abuse of reason. My gut read (which withstood test by reason) on AGW is "undecided, but quite suggestive". cn
Agreed that man COULD be causing GW, but disagree that it is suggestive. I think a huge part of the global warming science is due to chart manipulation, and then using a manipulated chart to find things that correlate.
Here are some examples of chart manipulation of random things:

Both charts show the same thing, however, they are shown in different ways to prove whatever the persons view is on the subject. With the missing information that the chart doesn't cover on population of each class.

These two graphs are designed to show a rough correlation between temperature and CO2 concentrations, and seem to show a real correlation.

This chart shows natural fluctuations over history of them being correlated.

Do you see how you can make any particular era look like the temperature is dropping or rising because of something happening? On the chart to the right, they show the temperature going straight up as mankind become more industrialized. However, when you look to the chart on the left, a completely different picture emerges. You see that the temperature fluctuates normally all the time and that the chart on the right actually started during an iceage so that part of the temperature change was just returning to average and the rest quickly becomes a normal fluctuation. We can easily expect an ice age in the next couple hundred years where the temperature drops significantly below what would be considered the median. Will we then make a chart of that that shows that man kind is destroying the world and causing an iceage? I would theorize that yes we would.
My point is that many global warming scientists are intentionally dishonest in their numbers and that they are not using science as much as emotions to promote ideas.