Why don't Republican officials accept science? 3 examples..

Not all. For instance the tetanus "vaccination" gives the vaccination then estimates the effictiveness based on rates of infection. That's not scientific.
Does that method originally require a animal to suffer pain and/or death? Then yes it's wrong. Would you agree to let the original procedure with that methdod done to your child, if not, then you shouldn't do to it a helpless animal.
A polar bear might not be the ideal arbiter. cn

Are you aware of any of "our" Germans who were guilty of atrocity? I am aware that there is a conspiracy-theory focus on the Operation Paperclip Kinder, but I've not seen anything substantive. cn

two words, Ciba Geigy.

they still use deathcamp research to push methylphenidate as a cure for "disruptive behavior" despite its status as fruits of the poisonous tree. ritalin and the other daughter products were directly derived from human experimentation on concentration camp victims as part of the nazi super-soldier program. the product was designed to keep german soldiers focused and alert for days on end, and make them obey orders without question, and it does.

now we use it on kids who dont sit still and obediently accept the commands of the pedagogue, and all this with NO study on long term side effects.

the japanese doctor who was convicted (but not executed) for human experimentation on allied prisoners, injecting them with animal blood and synthetic compounds became the founder of the largest manufacturer of artificial blood products in the world.

science may have a conscience, but its a rickety and pitiful thing, easily overcome by pride, patriotism and profit.
Anal electrocutions?? Hot dog! :shock: cn

(A link please.)
anal electrocution is used to terminate an animal for dissection without damaging tissues and organs which are the subject of study, its not the only method, some research requires asphyxia, others require exsanguination, and some use lethal injections to make the critter ready for it's necropsy. its not pretty, but it's still better than vivisection.

anal electrocution is also used for fur critters since it leave the pelt undamaged and doesnt splatter the fur with blood.

oddly, anal electrocution is also a popular (and less hilarious) method of extracting animal semen. its faster and more efficient than traditional methods, providing a cleaner sample with less carpal tunnel and tennis elbow among the technicians than other means.

i cant do it... i gotta say it!

so we dont have to jack off horses any more!
“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.” -Todd Akin rep. Missouri

"God's word is true. I've come to understand that. All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell. And it's lies to try to keep me and all the folks who are taught that from understanding that they need a savior." -Paul Broun rep. Georgia

Broun also believes "the Earth is no more than 9,000 years old".

(both of these men are on the US house committee on science, space and technology)


"If the life of the mother was at risk, would you say she should be allowed to have an abortion?" -reporter

"Let me briefly say, there is no such exception with modern technology and science, you can't find one instance. This is an issue that opponents of life throw out there to make us look unreasonable. There's no such exception as life of the mother, and as far as health of the mother, same thing." -Joe Walsh rep. Illinois

Why do we allow people like this to be making scientific decisions that affect the whole nation if they don't accept science?

I dont know, maybe because some people take Al Gore as scientific fact or maybe because we have people dumb enough to have voted for 0bama...
Its a toss up.... We have to have potential Darwin Award winners like Gore, 0bama and Libserals is my best guess...
Actually its a pretty ignorant question if you "axed" me Bros.
You make me want to give up my secular humanism and adopt animism to go with my veganism.

sorry wabbit. sometimes a plowboy has to jack off horses. it's a rough life, but somebody has to do it. anal eclectrocution always seems like such a perfunctory and abrupt method of making a hose release his seed. it would be much kinder if the horse got a nice firm handy, as long as im not the dude that has to give him his "happy ending".

the methods of animal termination likewise are designed to be abrupt. if you ever witnessed a kosher or halal butchery you would no longer worry about bolt guns and sledge hammers, or wonder why they are the preferred method.

for research, the method of termination is always determined by what the researcher wishes to study, so sometimes things get unpleasant, but that is the way of things.

not eating meat or using animal products is a choice, and if you want to be "pain free" and rock a pair of vans instead of the leather oxfords, thats groovy bro. but when it comes down to me and mine we get to choose too, and well sometimes the animals are too delicious to resist. i dont mind if all the world wants to go ultra-vegan, as long as they dont make me eat tofu .

ok i actually love tofu. i fry it in peanut oil after a liberal dredging in flour with salt pepper and garlic powder, then dip it in padang sauce. the key is freezing the tofu solid first then letting it drain while it thaws. this removes most of the excess moisture so it fries like chicken.
Damn Kynes, you're a wealth of information...not sure about the horse thing, who gets to
finish the horse off? I'm assuming the newest guy or apprentice?
two words, Ciba Geigy.

they still use deathcamp research to push methylphenidate as a cure for "disruptive behavior" despite its status as fruits of the poisonous tree. ritalin and the other daughter products were directly derived from human experimentation on concentration camp victims as part of the nazi super-soldier program. the product was designed to keep german soldiers focused and alert for days on end, and make them obey orders without question, and it does.

now we use it on kids who dont sit still and obediently accept the commands of the pedagogue, and all this with NO study on long term side effects.

the japanese doctor who was convicted (but not executed) for human experimentation on allied prisoners, injecting them with animal blood and synthetic compounds became the founder of the largest manufacturer of artificial blood products in the world.

science may have a conscience, but its a rickety and pitiful thing, easily overcome by pride, patriotism and profit.

Two objections. The obvious one is that the research and the parent firm aren't American.
The second, less obvious but imo more important one is that a compound has no morality. Yes, you can rightly condemn how some of the research was done, but ultimately that has no effect on the therapeutic value of the drug. Methylphenidate is pretty good gooch. Though I prefer the Sandoz competition ... taste the rainbow. cn
I know all about pretty much every way to cook and eat tofu. I've been vegan for five years and vegetarian for four before that. I make bad ass vegan cheese too. I'm the vegan love child of Childs and Emeril.
Damn Kynes, you're a wealth of information...not sure about the horse thing, who gets to
finish the horse off? I'm assuming the newest guy or apprentice?

semen extraction used to be done with actual handjobs. it was not a popular line of work and the "technicians" were well compensated specialists. plus they had Popey forearms and a grip that could crush bowling balls. now the process is done by restraining the critter and "inserting" a probe near the prostate and tickling their Q-zone with low voltage to deliver the "product". its much less of a hands-on process now, which is good for me, but not so much for the poor critter who winds up tired, drained and with a sore butthole. critters dont look forward to the semen extraction a much as they used to, but the owner doesnt have to shell out fat stacks of cash for his livestock to get a little gription on their sliption if you know what i mean.

unblocking a bunged up cow's turdchute is still a striclty "manual" process, and yes, it goes to the new guy, unless like me, he has hands like matured hams. i usually wound up "reclaiming" the cattle magnets after the unblocking and during the shit shoveling since i got no fear of crap.
Two objections. The obvious one is that the research and the parent firm aren't American.
The second, less obvious but imo more important one is that a compound has no morality. Yes, you can rightly condemn how some of the research was done, but ultimately that has no effect on the therapeutic value of the drug. Methylphenidate is pretty good gooch. Though I prefer the Sandoz competition ... taste the rainbow. cn

but american firms profit from the research done by nazis in their deathcamps, and sell the results of that research like it's made of sunshine and rainbows. i hated ritalin, it made me zombified.
have you tried dextromethorphan? ritalin made me robo-trip rather like that. the doctors put me in a bottomless K-hole for like 5 years just cuz i was rambunctious.

im not sure why since im no bio-chemist, but ritalin actually works as a sedative on those who actually have "adhd". 10mg put me in a stupor, but my pals got wired on the shit.
I know all about pretty much every way to cook and eat tofu. I've been vegan for five years and vegetarian for four before that. I make bad ass vegan cheese too. I'm the vegan love child of Childs and Emeril.

vegan cheese? like using fake rennet on dairy or totally non-animal stuff like Cheeze Wiz?
WTF does this have to do with fixing our country? So if republican's favor life thats somehow a war? Even if abortions are banned on a federal level, the decisions will go back to the individual states per Roe v. Wade of the supreme court. Save some tax dollars from planned parenthood in the process

why do you put an apostrophe in "republicans"?

did you skip third grade? not make it to third grade? are you not yet old enough to attend third grade?

and why no comment on the absolute idiocy of your republican friends? does it not seem stupid to you?