Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Who was talking to you?

Not true. Your children would carry the recessive trait and could pass blue eyes onto their children if they married another person carrying the recessive gene.

Bb x Bb can equal bb

Haha! That's a lie to sell high school biology books. Eye color is "brown" dominant, always. A few thousand years, about 6 to 10, ago a Red Sea inhabitant mutation (SNP)to the OCA2. That gene has 2 variations, A and G. Because of A variation kept breeding with G mutation, 3 versions of HERC2, A, G and C cause 10% of brown to show blue and 3% blue to show brown. HERC2 also causes green or blue. That Bb bullshit is no longer in proper text books.
Haha! That's a lie to sell high school biology books. Eye color is "brown" dominant, always. A few thousand years, about 6 to 10, ago a Red Sea inhabitant mutation (SNP)to the OCA2. That gene has 2 variations, A and G. Because of A variation kept breeding with G mutation, 3 versions of HERC2, A, G and C cause 10% of brown to show blue and 3% blue to show brown. HERC2 also causes green or blue. That Bb bullshit is no longer in proper text books.

You're clearly trying too hard. You have no clue what you're talking about, but you're trying to seem like you do.

Recessive traits can only manifest in a homozygous genetic locus, which can certainly be the result of two heterozygous parents passing along the recessive alleles.
Buck Fuck if you don't think its there culture you must think its
because of there lower IQ. Very surprising

goddamn, it's just too ironic to respond to at times.

only barely-literate racists like you would ascribe "there culture" (LOL!) being at the root of the statistics that trolly OP trollily posted. barely-literate right wing racists like you often profess many falsehoods when talking about the culture of anything other than the very limited circles in which you live.

and only a true dimwit would ascribe it to "there lower IQ" (even harder LOL). if it's a matter of IQ, you would be crawling in through windows in the dark all the time. a less racist way of saying it would be 'lower scores on an intelligence test", by the way.

that you try to even push such retarded theories is a testament to either stupidity, willful ignorance, or outright racist hatred, either one of which i find equally abhorrent.
You're clearly trying too hard. You have no clue what you're talking about, but you're trying to seem like you do.

Recessive traits can only manifest in a homozygous genetic locus, which can certainly be the result of two heterozygous parents passing along the recessive alleles.

Then explain how two blue eyed parents have a brown eyed child. Hint, it has to do with my thin brown ring near the pupil.
You're damn right I'm not racist...I respect anyone who wants to earn their way through life, without wanting a handout or sympathy. That rules out you, ChesusRice, and UncleBuck.
So black people just want a handout or sympathy?

Again, you're so obviously totally anti-racist...
Then explain how two blue eyed parents have a brown eyed child. Hint, it has to do with my thin brown ring near the pupil.
Brown eye genes are dominant, so two blue eyes parents can't have a brown eyed child...if they did, one of them would have to have brown eyes.

Brown eyes is heterozygous and blue eyes is homozygous.
Im not going to mention names..but there are some pathetic mother fucking losers running around.Anyone who knows this kind of information about crack or meth or any of this shit probably has been doing a bunch of it.
No one forces someone else to get hooked on crack or meth.These people think in there mind..im going to go get high then they go get high and get addicted to shit..Its not the Governments fault its not the white mans fault its not the black mans fault..ITS THE INDIVIDUAL who made the choices fault to do the shit .If a whole black community gets addicted to crack? To some on here..its the governments fault its the who evers fault but the stupid fuck who smokes the shit..cant be his fault can it?
Where is their personal responsibility ?Where is your logical thinking?
Some of you want to be free but you dont want the responsibility to manage your own freedom.you want the government to do it for you. because allot of you are to damn dumb to manage your own freedom.Well you cant have it both ways folks..you cant be FREE and managed by the government.
Im not going to mention names..but there are some pathetic mother fucking losers running around.Anyone who knows this kind of information about crack or meth or any of this shit probably has been doing a bunch of it.
No one forces someone else to get hooked on crack or meth.These people think in there mind..im going to go get high then they go get high and get addicted to shit..Its not the Governments fault its not the white mans fault its not the black mans fault..ITS THE INDIVIDUAL who made the choices fault to do the shit .If a whole black community gets addicted to crack? To some on here..its the governments fault its the who evers fault but the stupid fuck who smokes the shit..cant be his fault can it?
Where is their personal responsibility ?Where is your logical thinking?
Some of you want to be free but you dont want the responsibility to manage your own freedom.you want the government to do it for you. because allot of you are to damn dumb to manage your own freedom.Well you cant have it both ways folks..you cant be FREE and managed by the government.
And so you only need to learn about something if you intend on doing it personally?

So I guess educating children about space should just be forgotten, cos 99% of the dumb little Ritalin munchers won't be going there...

Priests shouldn't learn about marriage, cos of course, they'll never do that personally...

You "pathetic mother-fucking loser"...
Brown eye genes are dominant, so two blue eyes parents can't have a brown eyed child...if they did, one of them would have to have brown eyes.

Brown eyes is heterozygous and blue eyes is homozygous.

Its actually partial expression of 8 genes that did 50 SNP. Depending if you inherited which 8 will give: blue, green or hazel ( blueish or greenish brown ). I actually have the blue, green and hazel expression. Some expressions of blue and green don't supress enough brown with their partners inherited 8 genenes and show brown. The reason it looks like simple dominant recessive is only recently has there been a 4,000 person study on the four color types. Actually mine is the rarest type with blue, green and hazel.
what do you suppose it is about melanin that causes this?

We need more studies. Melanin is linked to CO2 production in the Equatorial Forests, as well as over large portions of the rest of the World.

And one of the reasons ganja was banned was too much melanin in the US. We find a definite link between large shiny Monkeys, Greenhouse Gases, and calcium, carbon, along with most other elements and Melanin.

Need more studies. But, it is definite now. Melanin.
We need more studies. Melanin is linked to CO2 production in the Equatorial Forests, as well as over large portions of the rest of the World.

And one of the reasons ganja was banned was too much melanin in the US. We find a definite link between large shiny Monkeys, Greenhouse Gases, and calcium, carbon, along with most other elements and Melanin.

Need more studies. But, it is definite now. Melanin.
What if you're not quite lily white, just "white-white"...does that make you inferior to the lily white?
Im not going to mention names..but there are some pathetic mother fucking losers running around.Anyone who knows this kind of information about crack or meth or any of this shit probably has been doing a bunch of it.

No one forces someone else to get hooked on crack or meth.These people think in there mind..im going to go get high then they go get high and get addicted to shit..Its not the Governments fault its not the white mans fault its not the black mans fault..

ITS THE INDIVIDUAL who made the choices fault to do the shit .If a whole black community gets addicted to crack? To some on here..its the governments fault its the who evers fault but the stupid fuck who smokes the shit..cant be his fault can it? Where is their personal responsibility ?Where is your logical thinking?

Some of you want to be free but you dont want the responsibility to manage your own freedom.you want the government to do it for you. because allot of you are to damn dumb to manage your own freedom.Well you cant have it both ways folks..you cant be FREE and managed by the government.

You are talking though your hat. You don't shit about it.. You are a baby to addiction. Stay that way.

But, when you run across a coke whore, you might not even know, until you are sucking on the pipe with her. You might realize it when you are out in East Oakland at 4am, paying $500 an 1/8 to her "special connection." But, then you are way over the line. You don't come off easy from that. The old restraint is gone before you know it and then, so is she. She is gone when the money runs dry. She we just selling coke and feeding her demon. But, Jones? He is still that clawing monkey on your back.

You just seem hideously naive and hide behind your fear, with bravado. You should fear. What the hell do you think ADDICTION is? Physical is only the easy part.

CRAVING FOR DEPRAVITY, jacking of your priorities, a month's rent per night....MADNESS. Freebase addiction is worse than physical. It doesn't really harm you, physically. Not the pure freebase. You can't OD. It is Insidious because it rots, not the brain....the MIND. And in end that is the harm. Your life is in the ditch. Your "friend fiends" are there with you. A ditch full of Flacky Flunts is not a life.

They say one hit of heroin will make you addicted.....naw. Makes me sick as hell and the pleasure is after you get used to it. Don't get used to it.

Crack is a one hit addiction. Don't kid yourselves. You can be forced.
What if you're not quite lily white, just "white-white"...does that make you inferior to the lily white?

As far as I understand the argument it is the Lilly Whites are responsible for the excess CO2 production that is KILLING THE PLANET.

So, it seems the current understanding is that there is an inverse proportion between melanin and CO2 in the atmosphere.

The Lilly Whites, with no melanin is the problem. They don't have enough melanin so produce excess CO2 gas. So, those are the Inferiors.
well, as a black myself born in the states there is are those that commit to what they do in society and those that just don't get with the fucking program. in the 60's through possibly 1973, black folks have marched, protected and rose from the oppression and bigotry from their *ahem* "white superiors". then came the 80's, the govt finally offers us these 2 options: get a job or die doing drugs. by the time the 90's rolled around, a lot of young black kids became no more than headless chickens with guns without those old school OGs to show them the ropes, drugs and ignorance won. now the question shouldn't be why african americans haven't assimilated because we have just like everyone else in this country or ANYwhere else for that matter. we pay taxes, contribute to science, etc. just know this, the only color that truly matters in this world is green. many will kill for it and many will die for it, for money rules this earth cause it corrupts the soul of the week willed. no longer do we consider ourselves brothas and sistahs anymore for we no longer come together as a community. like my grandpa used to say "it was the govt's master plan".
well, as a black myself born in the states there is are those that commit to what they do in society and those that just don't get with the fucking program. in the 60's through possibly 1973, black folks have marched, protected and rose from the oppression and bigotry from their *ahem* "white superiors". then came the 80's, the govt finally offers us these 2 options: get a job or die doing drugs. by the time the 90's rolled around, a lot of young black kids became no more than headless chickens with guns without those old school OGs to show them the ropes, drugs and ignorance won. now the question shouldn't be why african americans haven't assimilated because we have just like everyone else in this country or ANYwhere else for that matter. we pay taxes, contribute to science, etc. just know this, the only color that truly matters in this world is green. many will kill for it and many will die for it, for money rules this earth cause it corrupts the soul of the week willed. no longer do we consider ourselves brothas and sistahs anymore for we no longer come together as a community. like my grandpa used to say "it was the govt's master plan".

Hard Drugs corrupts the soul of the week willed. And no one made the blacks do shit! Just like no one made the fucker with cancer fucking smoke cigs either. Always passing the blame. Such is the way America has become. No personal responsibility anymore, always someone else's fault.
ADDICTION. Why do they even call it that? And if you don't know, you don't know shit on this subject.
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