Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Hard Drugs corrupts the soul of the week willed. And no one made the blacks do shit! Just like no one made the fucker with cancer fucking smoke cigs either. Always passing the blame. Such is the way America has become. No personal responsibility anymore, always someone else's fault.

this is america jack EVERYONE wants someone to blame, it's the modern past time.
Well, you don't sound like you know.... How is that?

And you just sound like a ass who thinks they Know everything. Alcoholism is very prevalent in my family. I know all about that shit, But yet NO such addiction for me.
Infairness, the bottle is not equal to the meth pipe...

Well I did not throw in that my 3 brothers where all coke heads and they all still worked and maintained a life. As did I, Just another excuse in my opinion. Main difference between me and them, I did not let the drugs control me.
Well I did not throw in that my 3 brothers where all coke heads and they all still worked and maintained a life. As did I, Just another excuse in my opinion.

COKE, is not the subject nor is snorting. I was a very successful, High Income snorter.

So, you don't actually know shit about this, as I said.
COKE, is not the subject nor is snorting. I was a very successful, High Income snorter.

So, you don't actually know shit about this, as I said.

And where does your super powers reading ability's see were I said they where snorting. More assumptions from someone speaking out their ass.
And where does your super powers reading ability's see were I said they where snorting. More assumptions from someone speaking out their ass.

Coke heads. So were they freebasing? That is the subject you ignored. And are you saying it is OK?

you just sound like a ass who thinks they Know everything

You don't many people in their 60s with giant life experiences? And how can you think I give a single shit about what I seem to you?
Still not reading this shit. Fuck all of you asholes.

Either the OP posted this as a joke, or he is as dumb as a box of hammers and less useful.

Here is a hint for all you assholes:

All humans are shit.

These arguments of what race is less of a piece of shit are weird.
If you think your race is better than another, you are even more of garbage than the rest of us.

Fucking inbred, toothless, white trash pieces of shit.

damn ease up man. it's true we're all gonna turn to dirt someday, but we as human should learn to collaborate, build strong and create for the next generation since we're stuck with this planet we ruined anyway.
As far as I understand the argument it is the Lilly Whites are responsible for the excess CO2 production that is KILLING THE PLANET.

So, it seems the current understanding is that there is an inverse proportion between melanin and CO2 in the atmosphere.

The Lilly Whites, with no melanin is the problem. They don't have enough melanin so produce excess CO2 gas. So, those are the Inferiors.

wtf are you talking about?

Are you saying that whites breath out more co2 or that white countries produce more co2 from factories/cars?
Still not reading this shit. Fuck all of you asholes.

Either the OP posted this as a joke, or he is as dumb as a box of hammers and less useful.

Here is a hint for all you assholes:

All humans are shit.

These arguments of what race is less of a piece of shit are weird.
If you think your race is better than another, you are even more of garbage than the rest of us.

Fucking inbred, toothless, white trash pieces of shit.

Humans are shit, they're the cancerous species of Earth.

These albino racists are all failed black people. They didn't even make the cut.

(Oh, and I'm white, so this isn't racist ... lmao)
is kynes really citing phrenology and using "europeans" as the gold standard now?

this guy is really too much.

Phrenology is the discredited "science" of reading people's mental condition based on the bumps on their head and irregularities on the OUTSIDE of the skull based on an arbitrarily selected series of "locii" within the brain to control various emotions and thoughts.

i was referring to the discredited "science" of EUGENICS which holds that various minor physiological differences represents Better or more evolved people while other differences prove less evolution and a more primitive branch of humanity.

both "sciences are little more than 19th century hogwash, but only eugenics has any basis whatsoever in actual science, thin though that relationship may be.

your (and AC's) inability to comprehend clear and unambiguous statements, even SHORT ONES like:

well their skulls dont hold as much buckshot as europeans...

but then eugenics is discredited, until it serves lefty purposes, then it's totally relevant.

blacks commit more crimes because their social norm allows it.
even among the poorest whites asians and chicanos, blacks of a similar "socio-economic satus" commit far more crimes and as a result are arrested for far more crimes.

curiously this ONLY applies to "African-Americans" and does not hold true for actual Africans in America.

actual Africans in America commit crimes on a par with Asians, which is to say, less often than even Honkeys.

but thats totally racist.

is just more evidence of leftism's corroding influence on the mental faculties.

those of us with fully functional brains easily understood that i said eugenics is DISCREDITED, and is now considered "Racist" by lefties, until it fits their narrative, and then it's "Science" again.

a real conservative rejects Eugenics and the entirely unrelated "field" of Phrenology, much in the way we reject astrology and voodoo.

but then, you really dont need any reason to swing you "That's Racist" club around. you think it is effective at stifling rational discussion, but really it's a joke. a tired worn out pathetic joke.

kinda like you.
Why aren't there more minority hockey coaches?

And why does nobody seem to care?

cuz only Canadians care about hockey, and we dont cotton to Snowbacks 'round here...

wtf are you talking about?

Are you saying that whites breath out more co2 or that white countries produce more co2 from factories/cars?

Hey, sorry Pie. It is high sarcasm about bad science and specious connections that do not really exist.
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