Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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According to the FBI, 2,640,067 blacks people were arrested in 2012 versus 6,502,919 whites. That's right black people accounted for 28.1% of all arrests vs. 69.3% for whites. http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/uc...he-u.s.-2012/tables/43tabledatadecoverviewpdf

.....facts are simply facts.

But, what do the facts mean? It means to me a very simple formula. End up with a lower class and dye them all blue. Then the facts will show predominately Blue crime.

It has to do with socioeconomic dis-enfranchisement. It has nothing to do with race. BTW, there were white slaves, specifically Irish.

Also, if the Sunni were selling Blue slaves, we would have that. No one went to the ivory coast and said I'll take 200 blue ones, 400 white ones 300 yellow and no black. There was only black for sale.

So, get those blue slaves, oh damn, black slaves, then, whatever. Put them to work, the ones that lived. The ones that are defiant are not allowed to breed. (and they didn't just tell them not to)

Then fight a big war over color people. Then don't let them vote. And even today, shun those Blue black bastards, but high Yellow, is still OK.

So, it is a situation with our fellow Americans that puts them as big voting block and not really liking white people, in many many ways. Can you place a blame for all this? I can't. But, these are fellow citizens that got here, like we all did.
Why aren't there more minority hockey coaches?

And why does nobody seem to care?

No 10 year old black Ice Punks yet.

But, thanks to inner city sport program cut backs we have Olympic USA Fencing Team Americans. They were undoubtedly 10 year Black Foil Punks or something. :)


Me? I was just a punk or something.
What does cranial capacity have to do with eugenics?

cranial capacirty is one of the many canards used by eugenicists and their supporters to bolster the case for Paternalistic Colonization of Africa. read some eugenicis literature and cranial buckshot capacity will figure prominently.

The Theory:

Africans craniums are smaller, thus their brains are smaller, and therefore less developed. they are like children and need wise white hands to guide them out of the stone age and into a more useful life. plus all that good farmland, timber, gold, diamond mines etc is just going to waste in the hands of primitive savages dwelling in mud huts. they should be corralled, trained like animals to perform simple menial tasks and thus serve society in the only way they are fit to.
as labourers.

The Reality:

Eugenics was bullshit. it was a justification developed by assholes to rationalize their colonial ambitions and their greed. Eugenics was a strong component of the Progressive Movement, and found it's way into a great deal of leftist and Marxist thought.
thats probably the reason you are feigning ignorance on the nature of eugenics theory.
Eugenics was bullshit. it was a justification developed by assholes to rationalize their colonial ambitions and their greed. Eugenics was a strong component of the Progressive Movement, and found it's way into a great deal of leftist and Marxist thought.
thats probably the reason you are feigning ignorance on the nature of eugenics theory.

And that is why left wing Neo Nazis and white supremacists embrace it

Kynes you are such an assclown
because america is a melting pot . no on here says im canadian italian. or canadian african. they im african, im italian , im spanish,
Is that because a "real conservative" has a skull that can hold more buckshot?

no, thats because real conservatives dont pigeonhole people based on their ethnicity race colour or creed.

we also dont accuse everyone of racism for discussing REAL social ills found in several subcultures in america, like:

Black "Urban Culture"
Hip Hop Minstrelsy, Bigotry, Street Gangs, Illiteracy, Rampant Crime, Missing Fathers, Grandparents Raising Babies, Crackheads, Ebonics.

Chicano Barrio Culture
Street Gangs, Bigotry, Lack Of English Proficiency, Illiteracy, Elevated Crime Rates, Illegal Aliens.

White Redneck Culture
Illiteracy, Bigotry, Lack of English Proficiency, Meth Heads, Elevated Dumbass Stunt Rates, Honey Boo Boo.
because america is a melting pot . no on here says im canadian italian. or canadian african. they im african, im italian , im spanish,
What about French Canadians? Are they French or Canadian?

I also think that hockey should be banned for it's lack of minority coaches.
What about French Canadians? Are they French or Canadian?

I also think that hockey should be banned for it's lack of minority coaches.
very true they do say french canadian but i think thats the french canadians trying to differ from canada cause they hate us or some shit but they are the only group who says that
And that is why left wing Neo Nazis and white supremacists embrace it

Kynes you are such an assclown

yes. Left Wing Neo-Nazis do embrace Eugenics Theory, because it is ignorant Claptrap, and they are ignorant Dipshits

White Supremacists embrace it too, because they would embrace ANYTHING no matter how stupid if it made black people into the villain.

Fortunately for you, and your idiocy, which is RAMPANT, Black Supremacists also embrace Eugenics, but they flip the script and shout about melanin content being a sign of superiority, and white people dont have souls.

sometimes i worry about you.

your untreated Syphilis is eroding your brain.

get some penicillin before you go Full Idi Amin. .
no, thats because real conservatives dont pigeonhole people based on their ethnicity race colour or creed.

we also dont accuse everyone of racism for discussing REAL social ills found in several subcultures in america, like:

Black "Urban Culture"
Hip Hop Minstrelsy, Bigotry, Street Gangs, Illiteracy, Rampant Crime, Missing Fathers, Grandparents Raising Babies, Crackheads, Ebonics.

Chicano Barrio Culture
Street Gangs, Bigotry, Lack Of English Proficiency, Illiteracy, Elevated Crime Rates, Illegal Aliens.

White Redneck Culture
Illiteracy, Bigotry, Lack of English Proficiency, Meth Heads, Elevated Dumbass Stunt Rates, Honey Boo Boo.

What does that have to do with cranial capacity?
Then why do you love talking about it so much? Is it because your head is full of buckshot?

i love talking about eugenics?


this is just more Reverse-Correct Infospeak to Realign True-Fact with Good-Fact in support of current Libertarian Socialist policy.

Eugenics is a Joke, a footnote in history, and a crutch for weakminded fools who have to either believe it to support their racism, or, as you do, use it's racism as a club to attempt to beat down any discussion of REAL social problems.

grow up dingus.
The "..." signify a clause.. so don't get so uptightly racist yet..

Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture... as well as American Italians or American Irish, American English, American Spanish, etc..?

Why is it that African Americans seem to be the only exception? By exception I mean why are more African Americans in jail than their counterparts? Why the higher crime rate, the higher teen pregnancy rate, the higher fatherless households rate?

By no means is this thread meant to be against African Americans, rather, it's meant to be about the injustices they, as a race, face in America, and WHY?

IMO, it has a lot to do with the drug culture. Ever since the beginning, illegal drugs have been linked to minorities. I would like to examine this further, and I would like to hear any inputs from the board, any first hand accounts or personal experiences.

In your opinion, what do you think are the main factors holding assimilation into the culture back with African Americans?

Basically it is government propaganda, welfare programs, affirmative action, etc. The government separates them through programs and tells them they are victims. The government did the same thing to the indians and they are just as fucked.
absolutely nothing, and thats the point.

i realize that your grasp of the language is tenuous at best, but when somebody says Eugenics is BULLSHIT that does not indicate support for it's claims.

You're the one who brought it up and you're the one who keeps talking about it. I know you're slow, but you must be cognizant of the fact that I'm not really asserting anything other than pointing out how you made an argument based on pseudoscience (that quip about cranial capacity) and now you keep talking about eugenics.

Since you so badly want to talk about eugenics, and since you feel such a longing need to clarify your feelings for it, I'm dubious. I think you are only bringing it up to deflect from your claim that African-Americans don't assimilate into American culture because they have less cranial capacity.

Now I'm betting you will still talk about eugenics, since you have such a fucking boner for eugenics and just fucking love talking about it.
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