why is it nature is destroyed so much


Well-Known Member
i never finished my report for a class that never counted and still got charged for. and yet its still appearant in society that it remains true. i was at thanks giving yesterday and the conversation that took place was about the tree's he had in his yard and how the alder from 40 feet away would put sprouts into peoples yards and how they are forever cutting them down. the same thing happened at a property i once rented.God gave me what are now 1-2 foot tall plants. I forever trying to give my plants to class mates and people i know. stillone person or another says they will take them and then they dont. one day were are going to be low on air

Why are people so determined to destroy everything?

The temperature in the rainforest rarely get above 93 or drops to below 68 degrees its rain fall is 50 to 260 inches and it rains 130 to 250 days out of the year. Its rainfall never drops below 6 inches in a month with humidity constantly at 80%. the rain is 1.4 billion acres of land. On a four square mile patch of land there are as many as 1500 flowering plants 750 species of trees 400 species of birds and 150 species of butterflies.

3-6 billion cut down each year
1 billion cut down in the USA ever year
the other 3 by russia,china, canada and brazil
4billion trees lost each year total.
1/3 burnt annually
LOST-43,495.9835 to
105,633.103 miles of forest is lost every year
135 square miles
9.375 mile each hour

current date 7-5-12

21 miles lost in colorado near pine national
87 miles lost in piney wyoming
130 sqaure miles burned in high park fire june the 9[SUP]th[/SUP]

33 squar miles in little sand fire
15 square miles in utah
9 sqaure miles west of provo

saved -
section 1-costa rica rainforest.14 Mar 2011
22,500 hectares (5325,000 miles
600,000 chicogo in 20 years
CEO of Cargill, Gregory Page harvests palm oil from the rainforest
milesPO Box 9300
Minneapolis, MN
United States

25900 acres 40.5407266 square miles destroyed by cargill

an area the size of brazil is left torn down and useless
[h=2]1.62819603 × 10[SUP]13[/SUP] m[SUP]3(2.5 mill acres)purchased in 1992[/SUP][/h] http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/25/us/western-wildfires/index.html

http://askville.amazon.com/average-rainfall-amazon-rainforest/AnswerViewwww.blueplanetbiomes.org/rainforest.htm er.do?requestId=79739761http://www.google.com/search?q=6000+acres+miles&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

For $37.50, individuals can purchase protection of an acre of forest land.

The Nature Conservancy
1815 N. Lynn Street
Arlington, VA 22209
Or call: (800) 628-6860

10,000 trees planted to help stop deforestation and as a buffer between logging and hospitable communities and rainforest protected area's

50% of the animal and plant species is in the rain

187.5 miles has been saved

2011 70,000 tree planted by PATT in doi pa ma in sri lanna


Guyana, South America for a year by a company “save your world” which infuses yerba mat and organic aloe vera with person care products, though hypocritical in doing so, with Gods help have saved a great portion of forest.
The goal is 312.50 miles per year protected



As for how many trees are cut down each year, the 2005 report concludes that primary forest area (as opposed to plantations)was reduced globally by 60,000 square kilometers per year (about the size of Ireland). Note that this data is incomplete due to a lack of available data from many countries who do not monitor such change. As to the “number of trees” this represents, it’s impossible to get an accurate count. Tree density in primary forests varies from 50,000-100,000 trees per square km, so the math would put this number at 3 billion to 6 billion trees per year.
As for what purpose this logging is for, pg. 129 of the 2007 report provides statistics on global production and consumption of woodfuel (charcoal and other energy uses) roundwood (paper and other non-lumber products) and sawnwood (lumber). It estimates global production at 1.7 billion (46 percent) , 1.6 billion (43 percent) and 421 million (11 percent) cubic meters respectively with comparable volumes consumed globally.

Revelation 8:7
The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

1/3 as the bible predicted

The Fontenelle Fire has burned nearly 90 square miles

Read more:
91-square-mile Oil Creek
17 square miles Squirrel Creek Fire

150-square-mile Arapaho


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Do you realize that you're generating a false dichotomy? Nature includes us; we do not stand separate. cn
Hold up Bear, "the nature" fucks us pretty hard too.

You know of what I speak.

I know what you mean, but it isn't two teams, "nature" v. "us". That polar bear is uncomfy due to a natural process. Our industry is a natural process since we are creatures of nature (this is where I do not share silas' Biblical cosmogony). It's imo anthropomorphic to consider artifice unnatural. The urge to set ourselves apart from wild nature, which is not tangibly aware, is intuitive but doesn't stand directed scrutiny. All jmo. cn
Do you live in a house? Wipe you ass with TP, or what were you writing your report on, paper? Until you give up these things I don't think you should be bitching because they all come from wood. I agree that we should minimize our footprint on mother earth and I practice what I preach as far as conserving, I just hate hypocritical attitudes. Look at Al Gore talking about global warming and all that bullshit telling people conserve etc. yet what it costs in electric for his home, heat, lights, & hot water etc. for 1 year, I could maintain my home for 10yrs.. What about the jets and convoys he rode around in? Look it up. Also global warming is a natural process of earth. Climate change has been around since the beginning. Where the fuck is the ice age now? It went away on its own before modern man was even around. Also there were 3 ice ages over the billions of years. Net time you go to the mall or your favorite restraint, just remember there used to be a forest there. Go live in the jungle for a year then come back with your thoughts.
im proud of heating my room with my grow light at half the cost of a space heater.
i used to make paper, the next step is coming

Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rainforest has dropped to its lowest level in 24 years, the government said Tuesday.Satellite imagery showed that 1,798 square miles (4,656 square kilometers) of the Amazon were deforested between August 2011 and July 2012, Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira said a news conference. That's 27 percent less than the 2,478 square miles (6,418 square kilometers) deforested a year earlier. The margin of error is 10 percentage points.
Brazil's National Institute for Space Research said the deforestation level is the lowest since it started measuring the destruction of the rainforest in 1988.
Sixty-three percent of the rainforest's 2.4 million square miles (6.1 million square kilometers) are in Brazil.
The space institute said that the latest figures show that Brazil is close to its 2020 target of reducing deforestation by 80 percent from 1990 levels. Through July 2012 deforestation dropped by 76.26 percent.
George Pinto a director of Ibama, Brazil's environmental protection agency, told reporters that better enforcement of environmental laws and improved surveillance technology are behind the drop in deforestation levels.
Pinto said that in the 12-month period a total of 2,000 square meters of illegally felled timber were seized by government agents. The impounded lumber is sold in auctions and the money obtained is invested in environmental preservation programs.
Environment Minister Teixeira said that starting next year Brazil will start using satellite monitoring technology to detect illegal logging and slash-and-burn activity and issue fines.

p.s. malls are places i dont go. im a dendro student what dont you get?
is this from your report that you didn't turn in?
didn't you make a trek to colorado to go to a college in a MJ friendly state that was pretty?
just checking :eyesmoke:

  • The temperature in the rainforest rarely get above 93 or drops to below 68 degrees its rain fall is 50 to 260 inches and it rains 130 to 250 days out of the year. Its rainfall never drops below 6 inches in a month with humidity constantly at 80%.

    if the rain is at least 6 inches a month how could that number be 50-260 inches...would have to be 72 inches atleast.....​

Do you live in a house? Wipe you ass with TP, or what were you writing your report on, paper? Until you give up these things I don't think you should be bitching because they all come from wood. I agree that we should minimize our footprint on mother earth and I practice what I preach as far as conserving, I just hate hypocritical attitudes. Look at Al Gore talking about global warming and all that bullshit telling people conserve etc. yet what it costs in electric for his home, heat, lights, & hot water etc. for 1 year, I could maintain my home for 10yrs.. What about the jets and convoys he rode around in? Look it up. Also global warming is a natural process of earth. Climate change has been around since the beginning. Where the fuck is the ice age now? It went away on its own before modern man was even around. Also there were 3 ice ages over the billions of years. Net time you go to the mall or your favorite restraint, just remember there used to be a forest there. Go live in the jungle for a year then come back with your thoughts.

Greed and over population are the answer.... No trees should be used for paper pulp ever in any part o the world, One acre of hemp can produce as much paper pulp as 4.1 acres of trees over a 20 year period.
Do you live in a house? Wipe you ass with TP, or what were you writing your report on, paper? Until you give up these things I don't think you should be bitching because they all come from wood. I agree that we should minimize our footprint on mother earth and I practice what I preach as far as conserving, I just hate hypocritical attitudes. Look at Al Gore talking about global warming and all that bullshit telling people conserve etc. yet what it costs in electric for his home, heat, lights, & hot water etc. for 1 year, I could maintain my home for 10yrs.. What about the jets and convoys he rode around in? Look it up. Also global warming is a natural process of earth. Climate change has been around since the beginning. Where the fuck is the ice age now? It went away on its own before modern man was even around. Also there were 3 ice ages over the billions of years. Net time you go to the mall or your favorite restraint, just remember there used to be a forest there. Go live in the jungle for a year then come back with your thoughts.

No need to say that, you took it way to literal lol. You know exactly what he means. You don't have to go all hippy vegan to help save the Earth. If everyone would just recycle and when we find a cleaner more reliable resource (which is soon), it would help tremendously.

As for the cutting down the trees, you can go tell him to go live in a jungle but guess what, people in Cambodia and other places are just as bad, and they cut down trees to make cocain and kill gorillas.

Here's a better tip instead of flaming the guy with stupid comments.

I think that grass / farmland actually produces more oxygen than forest.

Few hundred years and we'll probably be able to take animals DNA and use it to recreate their species if we accidentally kill the last few of them. Probably won't even get used that much, not like I ever find myself saying, "Damn, I could really use an elephant".
I think that grass / farmland actually produces more oxygen than forest.

Few hundred years and we'll probably be able to take animals DNA and use it to recreate their species if we accidentally kill the last few of them. Probably won't even get used that much, not like I ever find myself saying, "Damn, I could really use an elephant".

Well with the human population growing at nearly 150 people every minute, might be more of a problem than you'd think. I remember watching a Nova episode and they were saying about how they were working on these sheet type things that soak up extra c02. Not saying that's gonna help with out oxygen but it does say something.
Well with the human population growing at nearly 150 people every minute, might be more of a problem than you'd think. I remember watching a Nova episode and they were saying about how they were working on these sheet type things that soak up extra c02. Not saying that's gonna help with out oxygen but it does say something.

"leaves"? :mrgreen: cn
Not sure, I know more people are born every minute/year than that are dying every minute/every year.

I know there's a chart somewhere that shows everything, think it's like the world population is growing by like 50 a minute or so, plus look at the population growth thruout the decades.
I just took a course in demography. While population is growing, the rate at which it is growing is slowing down. And soon in developed, urban areas population will be dropping soon. Even in sub Saharan Africa, the amount of children per mother has gone down recently.
For example right now the population is growing by 76million/year. By 2050 the population will only be growing by 31million/year. Let's go deeper shall we.
In 2050 poor countries pop growth will be 32mill/year, while rich countries pop growth will be -1mill/year, netting world wide growth of 31mill.
We are making progress, slowly but surely.