Why is it ok to Shower with other Guys and Sometimes not?

Hey Rawbudzski, can you please pass the Melonberry splash conditioner? These split ends are just making me super tiffed!
[video=youtube;yj4LnfkdJDM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&list=PLCE440EA6519 A2A0F&v=yj4LnfkdJDM[/video]
I know what you mean, there are so many double standards in our society.

For example, the gym. Sure, I can be naked in the shower room and no problem, but try and work out naked for freedom of movement, and suddenly its "restraining order" this and "sir please can you put clothing on and leave our establishment" that.


The trick here is to discover the boundaries of compliance. Wanna see a hasty convention of the rules committee? Show up in, oh, one of these.

I wish I could find a pic of an average-looking guy sporting one of these. My google searches only find all these quasi-alien specimens of magazine-cover masculinity. A separate species ... cn

But if my boys aren't slapping around my thighs, how do I know I am really getting a good treadmill workout?

Well, time to search, Ebay don't let me down!
As any woman can attest ... they make colossal PITAs of themselves ... can't believe this joke hasn't, uhm, raised itself yet ... cn

<edit> The correct plural is probably PsITA, but that would be splitting hairs, or something.
the only times i remember bathing with other people in one tub is:

1) when i was little with my siblings, cousins etc...

2) after fucking

3) while fucking..

so if you are not like 3-4 years old... or in there with another consenting adult having sex, or after sex.... there is no reason ever for there to be 2 adults in one shower....

that's what i think...
if my room mate crept into the shower whilst i was in there naked , id probally knock him the fuck out , then id be like WTF !!! and be totally freaked the fuck out .
Where does the one short dude showering look? should he maintain eye contact or look down lmfao, so many questions....
Do u guys share soap and shampoo? scrub each others back?