Why is it ok to Shower with other Guys and Sometimes not?

So after most sports it accepted that men can all get naked and pile into a shower together and maybe some of them dont even know each other(one of them could be a rapist)

But, I try to save hot water and slip into the shower with my room mate and somehow he has a problem with that? It's not like I'm going to fuck him or anything.

I know it sounds dumb, but really think about it. Oh and I'm not gay, though there is nothing wrong with someone being gay. But culture can be really weird sometimes.
I have nothing to say about to which degree of gayness this silly idea to save water has brought upon you and your roommate living arrangement. Having said that, why don't you guys just piss in the fucking sink? Comeon!!!!!!!! WAKEUP!!! The biggest motherfucking water waster is the TOILET! Don't share the shower again LMAO... I garantee Pissing In The Sink will save you 30 percent on your water bill ;)
oh, and go ahead and take dumps inside of a waste basket inside of a room that has a lot of ventilation and then deposit your grocery bag of #2 very far away from you or people you know. That should save you atleast another 10 percent.
Yeah I dont flush piss. Thats silly business.

if you pee, let it be.
if it's brown, flush it down.

i learned that from some lady with a weird toilet. i don't flush my piss unless it's old and i'm about to take a dump. i will not splash old pee water on myself. fresh pee water splashes are unavoidable.

back to the op.
HAHAHAAHHAHAHA man im picturing this right now, like your roommate just sitting there totally in the zone as he's bathing himself and suddenly you pull open the shower curtain with absolutely no permission and start scrubbing as if it was some unspoken agreement AHAHAHAHAHAHAHH you're hilarious
Water and natural gas are cheap. So cheap that the only reason left to shower with your roommate is gay. That's so gay. You are gay.
Hey OP i hear they got homo web sites,they probably shower with each other & play grab ass on these sites.
This is mj growers site.No dick kissin on this site.
The OP's original question is up there with the age old query "If I let a guy suck me off but don't cum, am I still gay?"
I don't understand. Men seem so paranoid about everything coming off as gay. Is that how you express your insecurity instead of talking about how you look like women do? Because women seem to enjoy joking about being gay, or kiss their ladyfriends, get changed in front of them and such. My straight friend asked me to sing to her while she was in the bathtub once and we tried to stack bubble bath suds on her tits.

One moment men are screaming 'that's so gay!' or adding 'no homo' to the end of their sentence, the next minute they are casually comparing dicks.

The OP's original question is up there with the age old query "If I let a guy suck me off but don't cum, am I still gay?"

Not if you deny him your essence ... cn
I don't understand. Men seem so paranoid about everything coming off as gay. Is that how you express your insecurity instead of talking about how you look like women do? Because women seem to enjoy joking about being gay, or kiss their ladyfriends, get changed in front of them and such. My straight friend asked me to sing to her while she was in the bathtub once and we tried to stack bubble bath suds on her tits.

One moment men are screaming 'that's so gay!' or adding 'no homo' to the end of their sentence, the next minute they are casually comparing dicks.


The straight man world is fraught with gay peril.
male or female.......ya don't hop in the shower with your roommate, without permission. rude. that's how people get hurt, and how ya lose friends. can we prune this thread now?