Why is it ok to Shower with other Guys and Sometimes not?

I don't understand. Men seem so paranoid about everything coming off as gay. Is that how you express your insecurity instead of talking about how you look like women do? Because women seem to enjoy joking about being gay, or kiss their ladyfriends, get changed in front of them and such. My straight friend asked me to sing to her while she was in the bathtub once and we tried to stack bubble bath suds on her tits.

One moment men are screaming 'that's so gay!' or adding 'no homo' to the end of their sentence, the next minute they are casually comparing dicks.


Women can be admired for their beauty, even by other women. Everyone loves women, even average looking women. Men are gross though. It would be totally gay to stack bubble suds on another dude. It's gay to be in the bath with another man. In fact taking a bath instead of a shower is inherently gay. So many things wrong with your scenario.
The things we do for the right look. cn
Gay people don't bother me let them be who they are it's a new age no need to be hateful or ignorant.

But seriously op was trolling you guys so hard
Back in my football days running around in a locker room with a bunch of swinging dicks made me very uncomfortable not because of the gay thing but because a naked dude is gross. Showering with your roomates not gay unless on or more participants are sporting wood.
So, is it considered gay to have "swordfights" when you are peeing into the toilet with another guy with your urine streams? Or play Battleship by sinking ciggy butts in the toilet?
So, is it considered gay to have "swordfights" when you are peeing into the toilet with another guy with your urine streams? Or play Battleship by sinking ciggy butts in the toilet?

I think it is only gay when a penis goes into some sort of hole. Everything else is fine, showers, backrubs, cuddling if you're cold, shaving backs(but not bottoms), giving a quick kiss is ok if you are visiting europe, trying on clothes together, walking small cute dogs, roller blading.

These are all normal heterosexual things, but I guess homophobia gets the best of some :/
I think it is only gay when a penis goes into some sort of hole. Everything else is fine, showers, backrubs, cuddling if you're cold, shaving backs(but not bottoms), giving a quick kiss is ok if you are visiting europe, trying on clothes together, walking small cute dogs, roller blading.

These are all normal heterosexual things, but I guess homophobia gets the best of some :/
so what you are saying is your only into soft gay porn and not the hardcore stuff:lol: