Why not round?

Wow that other guy is a hater.... i think it has great potential. The shape of the reflectors are not necessarily square i.e. those octagonal ones or even round ones. Also, the tent itself might even act as one very large oversized reflector. When you think about a reflector, they all have some sort of concave/rounded structure comparable to a satellite. So you might have a great idea here.

Another idea to think about: For those of you that are all about the floor space being a square how about a square tent with a dome lid?? Perhaps that would be better for light distribution than a square and flat ceiling? I dont know. I'm interested in where this could go. And don't listen to the haters.
The reflectors that are used for vertical lights are cones, why is flat better?

To allow the plants height to grow???????? Ever see the sides on a dome and how they are actually part of the ceiling? The problem with a dome is the highest point is exact center, as you move away from the center, the ceiling height drops. Once it drops to about 3' or lower, there is no room to grow plants and all the remaining radii is wasted. It is simple geometry.

If we were talking a vertical grow with a light tower in the center, than a round room would be ideal, but again, for the same purpose, the roof needs to be flat.
.... And don't listen to the haters.

Thank you, BlazaBlaze. That's some good advice.

Again, about the ceiling, caution seems prudent. A concaved parabolic shape can focus light, (i.e. heat), to extreme concentrations.

One more point. About the haters. Hatred of others is an outward manifestation of self loathing. The best approach is compassion.
Squares don't have diameters.

You know what he is referring to. Take half the distance of a length of a square and use that same length as the radius of a circle. Place the circle on top of the square, they both have the same distance from center to sides, however the square has additional space on each corner. That space is useless in a vertical grow, but not if you are hanging lights overhead.
you could LST the plants around the base? so it makes one huge turn around the tent? around the light geting light from top to bottem ? i think he is onto a good idea less room yess and a hard shape to work with but i think this will make a much larger yeald then a normal Sq tent, Sq tents only have light pointing down on the plants normaly now if you where to make teh plant go around the ligth much more light will be used up by the plants instead of being waisted
you could LST the plants around the base? so it makes one huge turn around the tent? around the light geting light from top to bottem ? i think he is onto a good idea less room yess and a hard shape to work with but i think this will make a much larger yeald then a normal Sq tent, Sq tents only have light pointing down on the plants normaly now if you where to make teh plant go around the ligth much more light will be used up by the plants instead of being waisted

Yeah, coolesrat. Now we're gettin' somewhere. How can we do this, make the plants go around the light? If we can do that maybe we can rotate the plants as well?
also, 1 point for you guys to consider...

You say that a round tent would reflect the light more evenly. But in reality, wouldn't a ceiling like the one pictured above FOCUS the light, and create hot spots? Just saying...

why not place a clear tube down the middle ? with the light inside it with a fan blowing threw ,intake and ex..
will lower the heat in the tent alot sence the ligth would pretty much not be part of it ?
No problem mate. :mrgreen:

By the way, loving this post:
G.J. Stoner said:
One more point. About the haters. Hatred of others is an outward manifestation of self loathing. The best approach is compassion.
+Rep for this. :peace: