Why not round?

Haha, that is pretty funny... I've been "lurking" on the forums for quite a while myself, and I think I DO know my shit... I am certainly still learning, and there are plenty of people on here who know a TON more than I do... But hey, you gotta start somewhere.

I only called you a dumbass because you say "radii" and "circumference" as if they are foreign concepts that can't be related to rectangles... No one uses perimeters to measure a grow space either-- does that mean rectangles are "bad" too? And one who is so negative themselves with comments seems to have a hard time taking it...

Dude, I'm not talking about a vertical grow, I'm talking about a vertically oriented light. A light that hangs point down, with a circular hood above it. Soooo... you can keep on shooting down decent ideas if you want but there are some people out there who have really, really bad ideas which need your negativity much more.
exactly Tag. Something exactly like that. That is what this thread has EVOLVED to. It isn't what the OP was thinking when he posted.

I see Chitty, about 4 months maybe. For your information, circumference and radii AREN't related to rectangles or squares. A perimeter IS USED to measure a grow area. A perimeter is the distance around a polygon. In the case of a rectangle, you know to take the length and multiply by the width. In doing so, you have used values of a perimeter to establish square footage.

And with your vertical light and circular hood, how high are you going to have to raise your light to get the desired footprint to cover your circle? Probably high enough to the point your losing a lot of light.

I hardly consider this a decent idea and I will continue to shoot it down until you can explain how it is more efficient in either providing light or a higher yield. Ed Rosenthal is awaiting your answer too, so he can get it into his new book about circular grow rooms.....


Fucking amazing
Actually a vertical light utilizes MORE light because it emits it directly at the walls, bouncing it all around the grow room... This is the technique that dispensaries use to generate more side growth and yield up to a couple pounds per indoor plant...

Really? Perimeters are useful? Because if I tell you my grow space has a 20 ft perimeter, you can tell me how many plants I can put in? This is elementary school geometry, lol, you CANNOT determine the area of a space simply by knowing the perimeter... A 20 ft perimeter could be a 1 X 9 (9 square feet), 2 X 8 (16 square feet), or 5 X 5 (25 square feet)... So, how many plants, and how many lights? 9, 16 or 25? 400, 600 or 1KW? See, it is useless, just as a circumference is.

I'll tell you how it could be more efficient, though I already said it: Since there wouldn't be corners, the reflective material on the walls of the room would be closer to the light, thus reflecting more. This means better light penetration/intensity, which = more side growth and a better yield. I wanna see someone do this.
See, it is useless, just as a circumference is.

That is the point I've been trying to make all along... when talking about growing space, circumference and radius is useless. No one grows in circles. The corners aren't wasted because rectangular reflectors direct light accordingly. The only reason to grow in a circular space is for a vertical grow where growth is towards the center of the room, not up as is standard. There is no reason to grow in a circular space with conventional methods.

I wanna see someone do this.

Then by all means, do it! Post a thread and I'll sub and watch the results. I can't wait to see how much more efficient it is than my square grows today.

Good luck with that grow!
Just because "No one" grows in a circle doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. It's just a poor argument and it's more of a political statement than a scientific one... and isn't this all related to the science of botany?

As for corners... If anything they add an imbalance to the redirection of light compared to a circle. IMO a circle would give an even amount of redirected light thus refining the grow space.

Anyway, I would love to do a circular grow, but I don't have the space. Like it was said earlier it IS a waste of space and unless you have a nice room just for growing it wouldn't make sense to build a cylindrical grow room.

Maybe the next big thing will be trapazoidal pots, with the long end to the outside of the circle, so you can have more pot volume! they would fit like fuckin puzzle pieces in a circle

or they could be triangles so it'd be like a big weed pizza!
A 10'x10' square has 100 sq.ft. of floor space a 10' diameter circle has 79 sq.ft. of floor space - a loss of 21 sq.ft. of floor space.

Further a 10' diameter dome would have a ceiling height of 5' at the higest point, which would decreese as you move any direction from the center.

I can find no advantage to a dome.
I must say this "math" talk thats getting thrown around kind of gives me a chuckle.
Some people like to over think things, I think...
That would be a bad ass door to my grow closet.... What does it go for? 30k with a digital keypad?

If you mean to grow herb in, your whacked.... but that is just my own humble and personal opinion... I have another opinion to, but I'll keep that to myself. You are welcome.... ia

Probly about as much as you have spent on your worthless LED system LMAO Now that is a waste of time and just tells me how much of a newb you are...
Probly about as much as you have spent on your worthless LED system LMAO Now that is a waste of time and just tells me how much of a newb you are...

LOL... Go ahead and sub that thread my man and tell me that at harvest time. And no, I didn't spend anywhere near $30k on that set up in my sig. Go read High Times, LEDs are the next biggest thing in growing. Start saving your pennies so you can afford one.
That is my intention, exactly. Matter of fact I had that S.O.B half assembled in the middle of the aisle at Lowes the othr day before some assistant manager broke up the party.

I'd love to see a picture of that...... a half assembled circle out of slightly flexible pvc..... hmmm... Bamboo and twine I could believe....
A 10'x10' square has 100 sq.ft. of floor space a 10' diameter circle has 79 sq.ft. of floor space - a loss of 21 sq.ft. of floor space.

Further a 10' diameter dome would have a ceiling height of 5' at the higest point, which would decreese as you move any direction from the center.

I can find no advantage to a dome.

There is absolutely NONE, however some of these guys must smoke pretty heavy before coming to the forums..
LOL... Go ahead and sub that thread my man and tell me that at harvest time. And no, I didn't spend anywhere near $30k on that set up in my sig. Go read High Times, LEDs are the next biggest thing in growing. Start saving your pennies so you can afford one.

LEDs are still a good LOOOOOOOOOONG ways off from putting out what a HPS, MH or CMH can put out. and btw you can get a revolving dark room door for under 2k.. and no I dont read High Times newb garbage.
Despite my seemingly endless searching I have failed to find a round or dome shaped grow tent. Can anyone help me out here, or am I going to have to be the first again? :joint:

I'm quoting the OP for anyone that wants to jump me for dissing this "wonderful" idea. Half way through the thread, the original poster claimed he wasn't talking about a dome, yet here in his original post, he certainly DID write DOME..... And he implies he was the first at something already and was going to have to do it again.

That is the crazy shit I have been dissing. I have yet to hear how a fucking dome is beneficial, unless you also believe in crystals and healing stones.....

He can always go buy a dome tent....
You've been here what mate? one fucking month? You gonna tell me you have all this experience and just happened to get your first internet connection in June of 2010? High Times for newbs? You are indeed an idiot.

I was one of the original growers on overgrow and had thousands of post and grow logs.. just cause somone has joined recently or dose not have a high post count dose not mean they dont know anything newb.