Why the surge will never work in Iraq!

Just because marines want to fight and kill some motherfuckers doesn't mean the war is worth fighting for America. In world war II troops literally were fighting to protect there country from aggressors, Are troops in Iraq are fighting just for sake of fighting

Take your pick oil, freedom, defense of the flock, ousting an asshole that should have been taken care of 17 years ago, etc. I personaly don't give a shit about the Iraqi people, if they all died in a ball of fire tomorrow...you get my point.
As far as fighting for the sake of fighting your going to tell me people would look at a war differently if it were in Sudan? Somalia (for the second time since the first time did a little less than Jack Shit good job slick Willy), Ethiopia (Hell we have pumped so much money into that damn country we should own it by now and that hasnt gotten anyone anywhere either). Point is people will protest no matter where we go and what we do. Mine as well get the oil because at least that is an objective. Secure resources. And even if we did go into Sudan and "liberate" that hole in the earth in the name of freedom. 5 years later it would be another warlord that would come along and start shit all over again. Same with Ethiopia. All for nothing.
Oil may be a shitty reason to fight a war but at least its something tangible and not a complete waste of time like Somalia or Sudan would be.
What pathetic defeatism.
Why even bother to give the Middle East a chance at some form of democracy?
Negativity is destructive to the human spirit.

Here is an excellent piece which, IMO nails it right down.

[FONT=times new roman,times]Why do so many Democrats cling so tenaciously to hopelessness, failure and despair in Iraq, even in the face of important recent successes? [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]The reason for this defeatism among Democrats lies beneath mere power politics, electioneering or disdain for President Bush. The real source of defeatism is rooted deep within the liberal mind. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Defeatist Democrats oppose the war in Iraq, not so much because they fear failure, but because they believe failure is inevitable. They believe the Bush Administration's goal of helping Iraq establish a democratic government is a fool's errand. They believe that the Western values on which democratic government is based -- and the Judeo-Christian truths from which those Western values are derived -- are not valid for Iraqis.[/FONT]


[FONT=times new roman,times]So things are worse than they seem. While our soldiers are fighting on the battlefield, the leadership of the Democratic Party is deconstructing the Western values for which they fight.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Listen closely to Osama bin Laden's recorded monologues, and you will detect at least some subtle similarities to the diatribes of the Democratic Congressional leadership. This is not a coincidence, for the core beliefs that Judeo-Christian truths and Western values are passé, and that Western civilization is therefore a sham, are to some degree shared by both camps. This leads to Democratic anti-war rhetoric that strikes many average Americans as unpatriotic.

But in fairness, the Democrats are not unpatriotic. They love America. They simply define America differently than most Americans. Their America is a very small place. They do not believe that America's greatness is found in the truth of its founding principles, but in their own enlightened leadership, and in a deconstructed brand of "freedom" that more and more resembles license.

[FONT=times new roman,times]They do not believe our founding truths are necessarily true at all. No wonder they want to cut and run.[/FONT]

Full article here:
American Thinker: Do Democrats Really Want Us to Fail in Iraq?

What pathetic defeatism.
Why even bother to give the Middle East a chance at some form of democracy?
Negativity is destructive to the human spirit.

Here is an excellent piece which, IMO nails it right down.

[FONT=times new roman,times]Why do so many Democrats cling so tenaciously to hopelessness, failure and despair in Iraq, even in the face of important recent successes? [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]The reason for this defeatism among Democrats lies beneath mere power politics, electioneering or disdain for President Bush. The real source of defeatism is rooted deep within the liberal mind. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Defeatist Democrats oppose the war in Iraq, not so much because they fear failure, but because they believe failure is inevitable. They believe the Bush Administration's goal of helping Iraq establish a democratic government is a fool's errand. They believe that the Western values on which democratic government is based -- and the Judeo-Christian truths from which those Western values are derived -- are not valid for Iraqis.[/FONT]


[FONT=times new roman,times]So things are worse than they seem. While our soldiers are fighting on the battlefield, the leadership of the Democratic Party is deconstructing the Western values for which they fight.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Listen closely to Osama bin Laden's recorded monologues, and you will detect at least some subtle similarities to the diatribes of the Democratic Congressional leadership. This is not a coincidence, for the core beliefs that Judeo-Christian truths and Western values are passé, and that Western civilization is therefore a sham, are to some degree shared by both camps. This leads to Democratic anti-war rhetoric that strikes many average Americans as unpatriotic. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]But in fairness, the Democrats are not unpatriotic. They love America. They simply define America differently than most Americans. Their America is a very small place. They do not believe that America's greatness is found in the truth of its founding principles, but in their own enlightened leadership, and in a deconstructed brand of "freedom" that more and more resembles license. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]They do not believe our founding truths are necessarily true at all. No wonder they want to cut and run.[/FONT]

Full article here:
American Thinker: Do Democrats Really Want Us to Fail in Iraq?

Actually what the Democrats believe is; Let the Iraqis decide what form of government they want. Democracy shoved down your throat at the point of a gun will never work in a 10,000 year old civilization that has it's own form of governance. Trying to shove a democracy down someones throat while eroding democracy in the base country (USA) is a fools paradise. It seems like you've been fooled again.
Actually what the Democrats believe is; Let the Iraqis decide what form of government they want. Democracy shoved down your throat at the point of a gun will never work in a 10,000 year old civilization that has it's own form of governance. Trying to shove a democracy down someones throat while eroding democracy in the base country (USA) is a fools paradise. It seems like you've been fooled again.

If they had no desire for democracy why do they vote?
A lot of these people risked certain death to vote...
Your negative defeatism saddens me:cry:
If they had no desire for democracy why do they vote?
A lot of these people risked certain death to vote...
Your negative defeatism saddens me:cry:
Well, your complete lack of common sense saddens me also. You must have a very thick skull. They still want women to have no rights. That show of "democracy" was definently put on for the Americans benefit. they were hoping we would leave as promised. I am not a defeatist, I am a practical man that sees the problems and knows that the path in Iraq is not Jeffersonian Democracy, How vane are we to presuppose we know what is best for the Iraqis. We want the rights to the oil fields, period, fuck the Iraqis.
Well, your complete lack of common sense saddens me also. You must have a very thick skull. I am not a defeatist, I am a practical man that sees the problems and knows that the path in Iraq is not Jeffersonian Democracy, How vane are we to presuppose we know what is best for the Iraqis. We want the rights to the oil fields, period, fuck the Iraqis.

How vane are you by presupposing you know what is best for the Iraqi's, and worse yet knowing what goes through their heads. This has to be your, one of your, worst attributes. How vane are we to presuppose we know what is best for the Iraqis. but then They still want women to have no rights. That show of "democracy" was definently put on for the Americans benefit. they were hoping we would leave as promised. Your ignorance knows no bounds!!!
Once again, using death statistics to support your arguments. It's old bub. I can count on my 1 finger how many times I heard you mention this great travesty, that you obviously care so much about, dedicating a whole 3 sentences to exposing this under discussed topic of paramount importance. High school drop outs actually.

Good point!! Except you don't know me, so 1 finger is plenty for now. But we all know and listen to G.W.. More than 3 sentences may confuse you seeing that everytime a point is made you refer to car accidents and what not. Im doing it for you buddy!
I know that there were some battles, but you really have to stretch your imagination for it to compare to the U.S. conflicts. What source you say? Something called the casualties rate, pretty accurate source don't ya think?
Coalition casualties- Britian 174, Italy 33, Poland 21, Ukraine 18, U.S.A. 3,904!

All it tells me is the obvious ... that there are more US troops ... nothing more ...
Good point!! Except you don't know me, so 1 finger is plenty for now. But we all know and listen to G.W.. More than 3 sentences may confuse you seeing that everytime a point is made you refer to car accidents and what not. Im doing it for you buddy!

And yet another idiot on the scene!!! I do know you, and thats why the "one finger" has to be the middle, in your face. Hearing and listening are 2 different things. I am positive, positive, you have never "listened" to Bush. You "hear" in order to attack, probably an argument your "friends" can make. Your type is all the same. You hear the words and form an argument. It is impossible for you to listen and reflect. All emotion and no rational thought. Oh, and I have not once, you listening, referred to car accidents. And you aren't benefiting me by being a moron, so you can stop doing it for me, bud.
how would i know? i'm not an iraqi...maybe we should ask them

I would wager that many arab men would like to see more freedom for their mothers, wives, and daughters. Pre WWII Japan held the same position regarding women. They were thought of as property and held no rights apart from their husbands. Look at them now. Democracy has a crazy way of making things better for minorities and the oppressed. Go figure.
i mean we should drop nukes on iraq so they stop fighting us and accept democracy and become one of the most technologically advanced societies of our time?
i mean we should drop nukes on iraq so they stop fighting us and accept democracy and become one of the most technologically advanced societies of our time?

No, but maybe we should have carpet bombed them, killed them all,you know. Then, we transplant a bunch of illegal aliens over there, mostly Mexicans I guess since they are good workers. Then, we make Iraqico a trading partner, trading more illegal aliens for oil. You know they are going to want more of their own kind for breeding purposes, you know? See, then we trade oil for illegal aliens instead of oil for blood. Bloody genius!
OR we could have just bombed all of their hospitals, then poisoned all of their water, leaving them to die with no way of surving cause we'd killed all their doctors. Then we could just take over their oilfields without trading any oil for blood. Just strategically stealing it....but i'm sure we'd have to fight with the iranians eventually.