Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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For me, the annoyance is in the totality of it. As we see here, people arguing every possible angle; masks don't work, I've never heard of side effects before so obviously everyone is going to die, it's mutating mah denim jeans, you're all just sheep and I'm at the blue man level, oh and you're not the boss of me.

I just wish people would show a hint of consideration for others. Not one single person that doesn't want the vaccine has come in here and said, "I sympathize with everyone's desire for herd immunity, but I have some worries about it, so I'm going to hold off for now and do my very best to mask up and wash my hands to help keep everyone safe".
The reason they spew their bullshit through sock accounts is because they know how stupid they look and what assholes they are.
Funny how the guy who joined the thread with all the questions now has all the answers.
You noticed that too, they always seem to start out the same, frightened of a needle. I'm not sure how many are socks of socks, but it's fun to shit on each and every one! :lol: Bad for a fellows character though, but I'll indulge myself for a good cause! :lol:
I already had covid. It was like having a really bad cold. I’ve had worse flu infections.

Dosage of infection plays a big role, like how you could take a nibble of rotten meat and not get sick, but eat a whole steak and you're going to have a bad time. It's possible you received a low dosage of infection due to someone else taking preventive measures. Wouldn't that be ironic, to come on here talking about how masks don't do anything while simultaneously receiving the benefit of someone wearing a mask. Of course we'll never know.
No. That’s not how that works. If you want to that is totally fine. You don’t get to tell me to get an experimental gene therapy or vaccine because it makes you feel safer. That’s what you’re not gonna do.
So it is ok for you daughter to have an abortion if she desires?
Dosage of infection plays a big role, like how you could take a nibble of rotten meat and not get sick, but eat a whole steak and you're going to have a bad time. It's possible you received a low dosage of infection due to someone else taking preventive measures. Wouldn't that be ironic, to come on here talking about how masks don't do anything while simultaneously receiving the benefit of someone wearing a mask. Of course we'll never know.
Taking preventive measures? My son was coughing in my face. That’s how I got sick. But ok Mr. Whatif
The reason they spew their bullshit through sock accounts is because they know how stupid they look and what assholes they are.

And all because the current right leaning ideology is just to be the party of liberal tears. Trading things they claimed to hold sacred for the gratification received from making others unhappy. God would be proud.
Dosage of infection plays a big role, like how you could take a nibble of rotten meat and not get sick, but eat a whole steak and you're going to have a bad time. It's possible you received a low dosage of infection due to someone else taking preventive measures. Wouldn't that be ironic, to come on here talking about how masks don't do anything while simultaneously receiving the benefit of someone wearing a mask. Of course we'll never know.
You are arguing with someone with malicious intent, don't waste your time, go for the throat.


They can say I have to get it. Nobody is going to make me get it.

Article 6 – Consent

1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice
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