Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Yep it's getting time to FUCK the unvaccinated! :lol: They are fucking themselves, but we can also help!

Half witted personal autonomy about sums them up!
Shun the unvaccinated: Require COVID-19 vaccine to resume normal life (usatoday.com)

It's time to start shunning the 'vaccine hesitant.' They're blocking COVID herd immunity.
Enough analysis of these human petri dishes. Everyone who wants a vaccine will soon have one, and proof should be required to work, play and travel.

Has-been rock star Ted Nugent told the world last week that he has COVID-19. Nugent’s announcement was an oddity because he previously called the viral pandemic a “leftist scam to destroy” former president Donald Trump. As I watched Nugent’s Facebook Live post, in which he repeatedly hocked up wads of phlegm and spit them to the ground, I got emotional when he described being so sick he thought he “was dying.” But when he trashed the COVID-19 vaccine and warned people against taking it, I realized that the emotion I was feeling was not empathy, it was anger.
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You are a supporter of concentration camps eh? Interesting, but somehow not surprising.
If your pastor controlled/influenced you to the point where you were forbidden to to seek medical attention for your own mother, to the degree that the rotting flesh of her breast cancer overwhelmed your gag reflexes, would you change your mind?
The carrot and stick must be used in equal measure on the half witted autonomous! :lol: Whatever works... They can think how "clever" they were to get cash for doing the right thing.
Cash and prizes for vaccines could help the country reach herd immunity
WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) — With 30% of U.S. adults now fully vaccinated against COVID-19, public health officials are starting to see a decline in uptake. The average number of daily shots has fallen by 20% from its peak of 3.4 million earlier this month and states are struggling to give away all their doses.

Now that many of the people who were most eager have gotten at least one shot, the focus is shifting to figure out how to drum up demand.

Free doughnuts, free beer, discount tickets to baseball games and even cold hard cash are just some of the incentives being offered to people who get the shot. There are perks up and down the vaccination food chain, from the federal government to local stores, that public health officials hope will help the country reach herd immunity.

At the federal level, President Joe Biden announced a tax credit to reimburse companies who give employees time off to get vaccinated or recover from side effects. Medicare boosted its incentives last month, offering providers $40 for every shot administered, up from $28 earlier this year.

In West Virginia, Gov. Jim Justice announced plans to give a $100 savings bond to everyone between the ages of 16 and 35 who gets vaccinated. The payout is aimed at boosting uptake among that group and stemming the growing tide of infections in young people.

Some states are setting vaccination benchmarks for when life could return to normal. In Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer told residents that the state would start lifting capacity restrictions on sporting events, bars, gyms and other venues once 60% of the state has had at least one shot. When they reach 70%, Whitmer promised to lift all restrictions on mass gatherings and the state's mask order.

Gov. Andy Beshear made a similar appeal to Kentucky residents this week, saying that once 2.5 million Kentuckians receive their first shot, the state would lift restrictions at restaurants, festivals, music venues, museums, public pools, wedding venues and funeral homes.

"This ought to be exciting," Beshear said at a press conference, where he called on businesses to provide incentives, like customer discounts, to meet the goal. "We have to try everything to reach this point as quickly as possible."

More businesses around the country are offering giveaways and literally sweetening the pot for people who are fully vaccinated. Krispy Kreme continues to offer daily free doughnuts for vaccine cardholders and White Castle is giving away desserts. Meanwhile, marijuana dispensaries in Arizona, Michigan and Washington D.C. are offering "Pot for Shots" and "Joints for Jabs" promotions.

Experts say these perks will help put the country on track to controlling the virus, but the tactics won't work on everyone.

"I think these incentives are critical to get us to herd immunity," said Stacy Wood, executive director of the Consumer Innovation Collaborate at North Carolina State University's Poole College of Management. "But will a free doughnut convince someone who thinks the vaccine is dangerous to get one? No, absolutely not."

According to recent polls, around a quarter of Americans do not want to get the shot. Public health officials believe some vaccine hesitancy can be overcome with information and evidence. But for people concerned about safety and health risks, a family physician or loved one is a better messenger than Budweiser.

The people who are most likely to be influenced by perks either want to get the shot but haven't made it a priority or they just don't think it's important, Wood said. "For those people, the right incentives can make all the difference."

For example, someone interested in the shot but can't find transportation could be convinced by a free ride from Lyft or a local mass transit system. Someone who is already at the pharmacy could be motivated by a cup of coffee or a cookie. A college student might get a shot for the chance to win free housing, free meal plans or free textbook. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro thinks it could help.

Getting people fully vaccinated is also a place where incentives could positively influence behavior, according to Dr. Mark Fendrick, director of the Value-Based Insurance Design Center at the University of Michigan.

Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate around 10% of people have gotten a first dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines but never returned for their second shot. That number will likely increase in the near future as people who are less motivated get the shot and possibly choose to skip their second dose.

"I'm all for removing barriers and providing incentives to make sure people complete the recommended process," said Fendrick, who was an early advocate of offering cash to people who complete the two-dose regimen. "All we're really doing is making sure you take that second step."
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Wonder why people are so hesitant. Hmm.

60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries

MIKE WALLACE: The flu season is upon us.Which type will we worry about this year, and what kind of shots will we be told to take? Remember the swine flu scare of 1976? That was the year the U.S. government told us all that swine flu could turn out to be a killer that could spread across the nation, and Washington decided that every man, woman and child in the nation should get a shot to prevent a nation-wide outbreak, a pandemic.

Well 46 million of us obediently took the shot, and now 4,000 Americans are claiming damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars because of what happened when they took that shot. By far the greatest number of the claims - two thirds of them are for neurological damage, or even death, allegedly triggered by the flu shot.

We pick up the story back in 1976, when the threat posed by the swine flu virus seemed very real indeed.

PRESIDENT GERALD FORD; This virus was the cause of a pandemic in 1918 and 1919 that resulted in over half a million deaths in the United States, as well as 20 million deaths around the world.

WALLACE: Thus the U.S. government's publicity machine was cranked into action to urge all America to protect itself against the swine flu menace. (Excerpt from TV commercial urging everyone to get a swine flu shot.) One of those who did roll up her sleeve was Judy Roberts. She was perfectly healthy, an active woman, when, in November of 1976, she took her shot. Two weeks later, she says, she began to feel a numbness starting up her legs.
JUDY ROBERTS: And I joked about it at that time. I said I'll be numb to the knees by Friday if this keeps up. By the following week, I was totally paralyzed.

WALLACE: So completely paralyzed, in fact, that they had to operate on her to enable her to breathe. And for six months, Judy Roberts was a quadriplegic. The diagnosis: A neurological disorder called "Guillain-Barre Syndrome" - GBS for short. These neurological diseases are little understood. They affect people in different ways.

As you can see in these home movies taken by a friend, Judy Roberts' paralysis confined her mostly to a wheelchair for over a year. But this disease can even kill. Indeed, there are 300 claims now pending from the families of GBS victims who died, allegedly as a result of the swine flu shot. In other GBS victims, the crippling effects diminish and all but disappear.But for Judy Roberts, progress back to good health has been painful and partial.
Now, I notice that your smile, Judy, is a little bit constricted.

ROBERTS: Yes, it is.

WALLACE: Is it different from what it used to be?

ROBERTS: Very different, I have a – a greatly decreased mobility in my lips. And I can't drink through a straw on the right-band side. I can't blow out birthday candles. I don't whistle any more, for which my husband is grateful.
WALLACE: It may be a little difficult for you to answer this question, but have you recovered as much as you are going to recover?

ROBERTS: Yes. This - this is it.

WALLACE: So you will now have a legacy of braces on your legs for the rest of your life?

ROBERTS: Yes. The weakness in my hands will stay and the leg braces will stay....

DR DAVID SENCER: The rationale for our recommendation was not on the basis of the death of a - a single individual, but it was on the basis that when we do see a change in the characteristics of the influenza virus, it is a massive public-health problem in the country.

WALLACE: Dr David Sencer, then head of the CDS - the Center of Disease Control in Atlanta - is now in private industry. He devised the swine flu program and he pushed it.

WALLACE: You began to give flu shots to the American people in October of '76?

DR SENCER: October 1st.

WALLACE: By that time, how many cases of swine flu around the world had been reported?

DR SENCER: There had been several reported, but none confirmed. There had been cases in Australia that were reported by the press, by the news media. There were cases in -
WALLACE: None confirmed? Did you ever uncover any other outbreaks of swine flu anywhere in the world?


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Wonder why people don’t blindly trust the government. Hmm.

Army Conducted 239 Secret, Open-Air Germ Warfare Tests

By George C. Wilson
March 9, 1977
The Army disclosed yesterday that it secretly conducted 239 germ warfare tests in open air between 1949 and 1969, some tests releasing live but supposedly harmless microscope "bugs" at Washington's Greyhound bus terminal and National Airport as part of the experiment.
THe idea, according to a two-volume report the Army gave to the senate health subcommittee yesterday, was to learn how to wage biological warfare and defend against it.
THe washington tests started in 1949 at an undisclosed location and were conducted again in may, 1965, at the bus terminal and airport.
Washingtin was one of five cities where the Army released simulated lethal germs i public places. Other cities where the public served as unknowing guinea pigs were New York, San Francisco, Key West and panama City, Fla.

A11 told, the Army listed 27 times that it tested simulated toxins on public property, including releasing spores in two tunnels on a stretch of pennsylavia Turnpike.
In addition to those experiments in public places, the Army secretary used military personnel and their families for open air experiments by spraying simulated germs into the air at a number of bases, including Fort Detrick, Md.; Fort Belvoir, Va.; and the Marine training school at Quantico, Va.
The Army said in ite report that the tests were "essential" to "substantiate theories and fill knowledge gaps and to determine vulnerability to attack." The live bacteria the Army employed were deemed harmless at the time, the report said.

But Sen. Richard S. Scheweiker (R-Pa.) told Army witnesses at the Senate subcommittee hearing yesterday that "it is very risky indeed to assume that any living organism, rediced to germ warfare size and released in a populated area, is ever safe."
In the 1950 San Francisco tests, the bacteria Seriatta Marcescens was used. Medical searchers suspect it may have caused 11 cases pneumonia in the bay area, including one [WORD ILLEGIBLE]
The Army report acknowledges that the [WORD ILLEGIBLE] ice recognised in 1969 that the germ should be used in experiments because large does [WORD ILLEGIBLE] could produce disease.
Besides the suspicions of illness causes [WORD ILLEGIBLE] experiments outside Army laboratories Army listed yesterday the casualties [WORD ILLEGIBLE] those who worked directly with the [WORD ILLEGIBLE] ganisms. The Army said three laboratorers at Fort Detrick died from diseases contracted in the 1950s and 1960s, as had been reported previously.

Another 504 workers connected with biological warfare activities at Ft. Detrick, Dugway proving Ground and the Deseret test Center in Utah and the Pine Bluff Arsenal in Arkansas suffered infections, according to the Army's count.
THe Army released its censored report, believed the miost complete official version of this nation's biological warfare effort, as Chairman Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) of the Senate health subcommittee convened a hearing on the subject.
Kennedy released a summary of a separate Central Intelligency Agency report which showed that the Office of Strategic Services, predecessor of the CIA used germ warfare against the head of Nazi Germany's Reichbank during World War 11 to prevent him from attending an economic meeting.

IN what is believed the first official acknowledgement that the United States engaged in germ warfare, OSS agents managed to give Hjalmar Schact, Nazi Germany's leading banker, food poisoning. The CIA summary did not supply the date or how the poison was administered.
The Army, in its two-volume report, traced the history of the U.S. biological warfare program from 1942 when President Nixon renounced the use of biology weapons. The military's effort since then, according to the Army, had been confined to studying defensive measures against biology warfare.
The Army report eaid testing of biological warfare agents rose sharply after May, 1961 when then Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara ordered the Joint Chiefs of Staff to "evaluate the potentialities" of both biological and chemical warfare, "considering all possible applications."

The Joint Chiefs, the report said estimated it would cost $4 billion to obtain "McNamara's complete spcctrum" of biological and chemical warfare capability.
THe Pentagon's research the director at the time, Harold Brown, who is now Secretary od Defense, "strongly concurred in the JCS view that these weapons had great potential," according to the report which mentioned Brown by position but not by name.
McNamara accepted the Joint Chief's recommendations as modified by Brown'n office, the report said, and a detailed chemical and biological warfare program was laid down. "Overall," the report continued. "The project resulted in large increases in U.S. Army BW [biology warfare] programs."

in releasing the two-volume report, Army Secretary Clifford L. Alexander said that the Army's biological warefare program from its inception was characterized by continuing in depth reviewq and participation by the most eminent scientists, medical consultants, industrial experts and government officails."
Brig. Gen. William S. Augerson, Army assistant surgeon general, told the senate subcommittee that the Army sometimes used human volunteers for biological experiments but projected them to a degree which "equalled or exceeded" civilian safeguards. "We know of no death of permanent injury in any volunteer in this program," Augersin said.
Wonder why people don’t blindly trust the government. Hmm.

Army Conducted 239 Secret, Open-Air Germ Warfare Tests

By George C. Wilson
March 9, 1977
The Army disclosed yesterday that it secretly conducted 239 germ warfare tests in open air between 1949 and 1969, some tests releasing live but supposedly harmless microscope "bugs" at Washington's Greyhound bus terminal and National Airport as part of the experiment.
THe idea, according to a two-volume report the Army gave to the senate health subcommittee yesterday, was to learn how to wage biological warfare and defend against it.
THe washington tests started in 1949 at an undisclosed location and were conducted again in may, 1965, at the bus terminal and airport.
Washingtin was one of five cities where the Army released simulated lethal germs i public places. Other cities where the public served as unknowing guinea pigs were New York, San Francisco, Key West and panama City, Fla.

A11 told, the Army listed 27 times that it tested simulated toxins on public property, including releasing spores in two tunnels on a stretch of pennsylavia Turnpike.
In addition to those experiments in public places, the Army secretary used military personnel and their families for open air experiments by spraying simulated germs into the air at a number of bases, including Fort Detrick, Md.; Fort Belvoir, Va.; and the Marine training school at Quantico, Va.
The Army said in ite report that the tests were "essential" to "substantiate theories and fill knowledge gaps and to determine vulnerability to attack." The live bacteria the Army employed were deemed harmless at the time, the report said.

But Sen. Richard S. Scheweiker (R-Pa.) told Army witnesses at the Senate subcommittee hearing yesterday that "it is very risky indeed to assume that any living organism, rediced to germ warfare size and released in a populated area, is ever safe."
In the 1950 San Francisco tests, the bacteria Seriatta Marcescens was used. Medical searchers suspect it may have caused 11 cases pneumonia in the bay area, including one [WORD ILLEGIBLE]
The Army report acknowledges that the [WORD ILLEGIBLE] ice recognised in 1969 that the germ should be used in experiments because large does [WORD ILLEGIBLE] could produce disease.
Besides the suspicions of illness causes [WORD ILLEGIBLE] experiments outside Army laboratories Army listed yesterday the casualties [WORD ILLEGIBLE] those who worked directly with the [WORD ILLEGIBLE] ganisms. The Army said three laboratorers at Fort Detrick died from diseases contracted in the 1950s and 1960s, as had been reported previously.

Another 504 workers connected with biological warfare activities at Ft. Detrick, Dugway proving Ground and the Deseret test Center in Utah and the Pine Bluff Arsenal in Arkansas suffered infections, according to the Army's count.
THe Army released its censored report, believed the miost complete official version of this nation's biological warfare effort, as Chairman Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) of the Senate health subcommittee convened a hearing on the subject.
Kennedy released a summary of a separate Central Intelligency Agency report which showed that the Office of Strategic Services, predecessor of the CIA used germ warfare against the head of Nazi Germany's Reichbank during World War 11 to prevent him from attending an economic meeting.

IN what is believed the first official acknowledgement that the United States engaged in germ warfare, OSS agents managed to give Hjalmar Schact, Nazi Germany's leading banker, food poisoning. The CIA summary did not supply the date or how the poison was administered.
The Army, in its two-volume report, traced the history of the U.S. biological warfare program from 1942 when President Nixon renounced the use of biology weapons. The military's effort since then, according to the Army, had been confined to studying defensive measures against biology warfare.
The Army report eaid testing of biological warfare agents rose sharply after May, 1961 when then Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara ordered the Joint Chiefs of Staff to "evaluate the potentialities" of both biological and chemical warfare, "considering all possible applications."

The Joint Chiefs, the report said estimated it would cost $4 billion to obtain "McNamara's complete spcctrum" of biological and chemical warfare capability.
THe Pentagon's research the director at the time, Harold Brown, who is now Secretary od Defense, "strongly concurred in the JCS view that these weapons had great potential," according to the report which mentioned Brown by position but not by name.
McNamara accepted the Joint Chief's recommendations as modified by Brown'n office, the report said, and a detailed chemical and biological warfare program was laid down. "Overall," the report continued. "The project resulted in large increases in U.S. Army BW [biology warfare] programs."

in releasing the two-volume report, Army Secretary Clifford L. Alexander said that the Army's biological warefare program from its inception was characterized by continuing in depth reviewq and participation by the most eminent scientists, medical consultants, industrial experts and government officails."
Brig. Gen. William S. Augerson, Army assistant surgeon general, told the senate subcommittee that the Army sometimes used human volunteers for biological experiments but projected them to a degree which "equalled or exceeded" civilian safeguards. "We know of no death of permanent injury in any volunteer in this program," Augersin said.
Didn't you say you would take the vaccine but are covered in boils? It certainly looks like you have an agenda, other than your personal health. Your personal health is a private matter between you and your doctor, not a matter for these threads.

This is referencing stuff that is 80 years old FFS and the article was written 44 years ago. Science progresses and so does society, to the extent morons and cowards will let it.

You have an agenda:
So what does success look like?
What point are you trying to make?
Who are you trying to convince?
What are you trying to convince them off and why?
Wonder why people are so hesitant. Hmm.

60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries

Do you think medical science has gotten better or worse since the computer age?

Wonder why people don’t blindly trust the government. Hmm.

Army Conducted 239 Secret, Open-Air Germ Warfare Tests

By George C. Wilson
March 9, 1977
The Army disclosed yesterday that it secretly conducted 239 germ warfare tests in open air between 1949 and 1969, some tests releasing live but supposedly harmless microscope "bugs" at Washington's Greyhound bus terminal and National Airport as part of the experiment.
THe idea, according to a two-volume report the Army gave to the senate health subcommittee yesterday, was to learn how to wage biological warfare and defend against it.
THe washington tests started in 1949 at an undisclosed location and were conducted again in may, 1965, at the bus terminal and airport.
Washingtin was one of five cities where the Army released simulated lethal germs i public places. Other cities where the public served as unknowing guinea pigs were New York, San Francisco, Key West and panama City, Fla.

A11 told, the Army listed 27 times that it tested simulated toxins on public property, including releasing spores in two tunnels on a stretch of pennsylavia Turnpike.
In addition to those experiments in public places, the Army secretary used military personnel and their families for open air experiments by spraying simulated germs into the air at a number of bases, including Fort Detrick, Md.; Fort Belvoir, Va.; and the Marine training school at Quantico, Va.
The Army said in ite report that the tests were "essential" to "substantiate theories and fill knowledge gaps and to determine vulnerability to attack." The live bacteria the Army employed were deemed harmless at the time, the report said.

But Sen. Richard S. Scheweiker (R-Pa.) told Army witnesses at the Senate subcommittee hearing yesterday that "it is very risky indeed to assume that any living organism, rediced to germ warfare size and released in a populated area, is ever safe."
In the 1950 San Francisco tests, the bacteria Seriatta Marcescens was used. Medical searchers suspect it may have caused 11 cases pneumonia in the bay area, including one [WORD ILLEGIBLE]
The Army report acknowledges that the [WORD ILLEGIBLE] ice recognised in 1969 that the germ should be used in experiments because large does [WORD ILLEGIBLE] could produce disease.
Besides the suspicions of illness causes [WORD ILLEGIBLE] experiments outside Army laboratories Army listed yesterday the casualties [WORD ILLEGIBLE] those who worked directly with the [WORD ILLEGIBLE] ganisms. The Army said three laboratorers at Fort Detrick died from diseases contracted in the 1950s and 1960s, as had been reported previously.

Another 504 workers connected with biological warfare activities at Ft. Detrick, Dugway proving Ground and the Deseret test Center in Utah and the Pine Bluff Arsenal in Arkansas suffered infections, according to the Army's count.
THe Army released its censored report, believed the miost complete official version of this nation's biological warfare effort, as Chairman Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) of the Senate health subcommittee convened a hearing on the subject.
Kennedy released a summary of a separate Central Intelligency Agency report which showed that the Office of Strategic Services, predecessor of the CIA used germ warfare against the head of Nazi Germany's Reichbank during World War 11 to prevent him from attending an economic meeting.

IN what is believed the first official acknowledgement that the United States engaged in germ warfare, OSS agents managed to give Hjalmar Schact, Nazi Germany's leading banker, food poisoning. The CIA summary did not supply the date or how the poison was administered.
The Army, in its two-volume report, traced the history of the U.S. biological warfare program from 1942 when President Nixon renounced the use of biology weapons. The military's effort since then, according to the Army, had been confined to studying defensive measures against biology warfare.
The Army report eaid testing of biological warfare agents rose sharply after May, 1961 when then Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara ordered the Joint Chiefs of Staff to "evaluate the potentialities" of both biological and chemical warfare, "considering all possible applications."

The Joint Chiefs, the report said estimated it would cost $4 billion to obtain "McNamara's complete spcctrum" of biological and chemical warfare capability.
THe Pentagon's research the director at the time, Harold Brown, who is now Secretary od Defense, "strongly concurred in the JCS view that these weapons had great potential," according to the report which mentioned Brown by position but not by name.
McNamara accepted the Joint Chief's recommendations as modified by Brown'n office, the report said, and a detailed chemical and biological warfare program was laid down. "Overall," the report continued. "The project resulted in large increases in U.S. Army BW [biology warfare] programs."

in releasing the two-volume report, Army Secretary Clifford L. Alexander said that the Army's biological warefare program from its inception was characterized by continuing in depth reviewq and participation by the most eminent scientists, medical consultants, industrial experts and government officails."
Brig. Gen. William S. Augerson, Army assistant surgeon general, told the senate subcommittee that the Army sometimes used human volunteers for biological experiments but projected them to a degree which "equalled or exceeded" civilian safeguards. "We know of no death of permanent injury in any volunteer in this program," Augersin said.
Im trusting the scientists. I am pretty sure virtually none of the politicians know shit about vaccine science to know enough to have anything to do with their production.
Didn't you say you would take the vaccine but are covered in boils? It certainly looks like you have an agenda, other than your personal health. Your personal health is a private matter between you and your doctor, not a matter for these threads.

This is referencing stuff that is 80 years old FFS and the article was written 44 years ago. Science progresses and so does society, to the extent morons and cowards will let it.

You have an agenda:
So what does success look like?
What point are you trying to make?
Who are you trying to convince?
What are you trying to convince them off and why?
Nope. Never said I was covered in boils.
Success looks like extensive, not rushed, studies and testing prior to release to the public. Ensuring the public’s safety.
Not trying to convince anybody. Can’t have my own opinion? Cancel culture has consumed you too?
Cancel culture
Thats why I

Do you think medical science has gotten better or worse since the computer age?

Im trusting the scientists. I am pretty sure virtually none of the politicians know shit about vaccine science to know enough to have anything to do with their production.
Medical science has most definitely advanced. Certain science is being ignored and suppressed at the moment though. Scientists and doctors even being censored for their opinion because it goes against the current narrative. You trusting all scientists?
The covid-19 vaccine has been politicized.
Medical science has most definitely advanced. Certain science is being ignored and suppressed at the moment though. Scientists and doctors even being censored for their opinion because it goes against the current narrative. You trusting all scientists?
The covid-19 vaccine has been politicized.
Everything has been politicized, that is how the attack on our society works.

My money is on all the scientists who are not trolls and double checking everyones work to make sure that they do the best they can for our health.

As for the ones that are being 'censored' I call bullshit. Unless you are not talking about American doctors because I don't know shit about what other nations are doing tbh.