Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Well-Known Member
Less than 3,000 died in the tragic 9/11 and we commentate it annually.

650k so far have died from Covid, much of which is and was preventable, many of those deaths come from domestic terrorists (those who refuse to take measures to prevent themselves and others from getting sick and/or dying) and they say the government is fucking with their freedoms….


if only we could finger a foreign nation as the culprit, eh?


Well-Known Member
Less than 3,000 died in the tragic 9/11 and we commentate it annually.

650k so far have died from Covid, much of which is and was preventable, many of those deaths come from domestic terrorists (those who refuse to take measures to prevent themselves and others from getting sick and/or dying) and they say the government is fucking with their freedoms….


if only we could finger a foreign nation as the culprit, eh?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I have roughly 3000 citations from the most prestigious scientific/medical journals in the world surrounding Covid, Nanotechnology, Biochemistry etc etc. I guess a "Magneto Machine" wasn't built in 2016 either which can control the brain remotely? I guess "The Devil is in the details" isn't how RNA technology is referred to over the last decade? I guess Human Augmentation with a 20 year plan wasn't available in 2002 also?

Laugh all you want but Iin the end I can verify EVERYTHING I SAY Jokey fucking smurf
why wait till the end? back it up now and we might take you slightly more seriously than the bad cartoon caricature we take you for now
500,000 dead due to covid or dealing with long haul. All were preventable
Hospitals in states with low vaccination rates are filling up with new cases of covid and I regret I don't have stock in the sector that includes mobile, refrigerated morgues.

These are facts you have not accounted for. Reminds me of the time Trump said we should not believe what we see, read or hear. Just believe the con man. Makes me ask: What con are you running?
No the fact of the matter is you're now IGNORING THE SCIENTIFIC FACTS pal & I'm sure you're one of those parrots who like to say "Trust the science" at the same fucking time. You can't ignore what has already been proven & that's the PCR test isn't & was never a diagnostic test. In other words it can't diagnose anything. It can amplify all kinds of shit yeah but will never give you a definitive result just the same as in 2007 when it played a role in a false Whooping Cough epidemic at a US hospital as was reported in the New York Times.

The testing process can't differentiate between a common cold, a non related pathogen exhibiting similar traits to coronavirus & this Covid19. I guess the below are just misinformation also?


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Did you know that Sars-cov-2 has never been purified/isolated? Tell me something, how the fuck can you obtain a spike protein from something you've never even visualised in a lab? Even the Chinese admit they never isolated the virus. Your genetic sequence used comes from China. Seems you people are all for the Chinese. Sort of makes sense as to why Communism is coming to the West also.

so you're wrong....AGAIN....dumbass
why wait till the end? back it up now and we might take you slightly more seriously than the bad cartoon caricature we take you for now
I don't care how you take me in the end. When it comes down to it I've studied eschatology for the last 13 years (Memorizing), have documented 2000 years of history by year/date across many different subjects along with what has been said above. Half the reason I say is because unlike you people I don't even need to pull up citation. Go & refute it yourself & I might actually take you with a grain of credibility but going off of the child like mindsets here or just plain stupidity from other I don't expect that to happen anytime soon.. In the end if you want to dance with fire & believe humans were sent here with a syringe in their hand to stay alive roll that sleeve up & get that love liquid inside you.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I know of a person with CIRS syndrome which is pretty much hypersensitivity to toxins & poisons. Anyhow this person has noticed that she is falling sick around the vaccinated, can smell the toxins on their breath & from approx 10ft away. Can you tell me why that would be happening? I find it pretty interesting but don't know why the vaccinated would be toxic to her.
you seem to "know" of a lot of stupid shit, and never provide one link to fuckall.....i don't think you know shit...even stupid shit...
you seem to "know" of a lot of stupid shit, and never provide one link to fuckall.....i don't think you know shit...even stupid shit...
lol and your link was a Reuters Factcheck who are most likely invested in the pharma companies just like many of your Universities and other corporations are. Next time send me one of the facebook fact checkers, about as fucking credible.

If the virus is spreading like wildfire in public why hasn't someone just swabbed something & proven it that way? It would be easy wouldn't it? Oh that's right, no virus has ever been proven to circulate outside of a living organism & just a little secret from the past guess how a virus was proven? By drilling holes into the skulls of cows, infecting bacteria with a poison & then inserting the infected bacteria into the skull of that cow. That's where "Germ Theories" big breakthrough comes from.

Here's another, Remember Edward Jenner the man who was experimenting on a young boy before his work was praised & regarded as a success in 1798? Know what happened to that young boy at the age of 20 & years after Jenners work was accredited? He died of Tuberculosis, you know the first case documented... Oh look TB came straight from inoculation but hey thankfully in 1923 we created another fucking vaccine for that vaccine adverse event hey?

But hey when you can see how a killer lymphocyte (Of which 80%+ reside in your Lymph nodes at all times) functions under an electron microscope cleaning up dead cellular debris in the bloodstream & literally carpet bombing tumours to break them down for removal after sending signals to bring more Lymphocytes (T cells) to clean that tumour up let me know.. I've seen & read shit you don't even know exists you muppet. Again get the fuck outta here with your bullshit.

I bet you believe the Spanish Flu also started in Spain yeah? lol Wrong again. It started on a US military base in Kansas you know after mandated vaccines & soldiers being whacked up with between 14-25 different viruses within days & prior to leaving for WW1. Again experiments couldn't prove the Spanish Flu was even a contagion. I got all bases covered over here... Don't you worry about that.
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
lol and your link was a Reuters Factcheck who are most likely invested in the pharma companies just like many of your Universities and other corporations are. Next time send me one of the facebook fact checkers, about as fucking credible.

If the virus is spreading like wildfire in public why hasn't someone just swabbed something & proven it that way? It would be easy wouldn't it? Oh that's right, no virus has ever been proven to circulate outside of a living organism & just a little secret from the past guess how a virus was proven? By drilling holes into the skulls of cows, infecting bacteria with a poison & then inserting the infected bacteria into the skull of that cow. That's where "Germ Theories" big breakthrough comes from.

Here's another, Remember Edward Jenner the man who was experimenting on a young boy before his work was praised & regarded as a success in 1798? Know what happened to that young boy at the age of 20 & years after Jenners work was accredited? He died of Tuberculosis, you know the first case documented... Oh look TB came straight from inoculation but hey thankfully in 1923 we created another fucking vaccine for that vaccine adverse event hey?

But hey when you can see how a killer lymphocyte (Of which 80%+ reside in your Lymph nodes at all times) functions under an electron microscope cleaning up dead cellular debris in the bloodstream & literally carpet bombing tumours to break them down for removal after sending signals to bring more Lymphocytes (T cells) to clean that tumour up let me know.. I've seen & read shit you don't even know exists you muppet. Again get the fuck outta here with your bullshit.

I bet you believe the Spanish Flu also started in Spain yeah? lol Wrong again. It started on a US military base in Kansas you know after mandated vaccines & soldiers being whacked up with between 14-25 different viruses within days & prior to leaving for WW1. Again experiments couldn't prove the Spanish Flu was even a contagion. I got all bases covered over here... Don't you worry about that.
omfg you are such a fucking tool....i'm going to ignore you now, you're entertainment value plummeted when i was informed you actually believe in the feces spewing out of your head...