Willy and the Jew,s Sog Kushberry,Whitewidow,White Rhino,Nemesis with Pics


Well-Known Member
When i get a new strain i try and wait for it to be cured so when i try it its as good as it can be. It was pretty easy when i first grew livers coz i couldn't smoke for the month after i chopped my first one, i had to have my yearly medical/drug test at work ffs. i've got a new job now so i can get mashed in June now lmao


Well-Known Member
HAha yeah man fuck the man and his oppressive drug tests pffft. Lol stone haha. How you doing Oscar my good man. Had some livers gifted from a friend and was everything I expected..... Fuckin beautiful smoke can't wait to get mine going now.......


Well-Known Member
All's good cheers mate, fuckin knackered mind. I've been staying up all night since The Ashes started.
How far along with your livers are you now? Got any pics? I like seeing how they grow in other folks hands

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i know mate, ill probably have to pop in to check post n pay some cheques in etc, but that will be all ill be home most of next week if its still like this.


Well-Known Member
Still in the cloner mate. 2 of 3 cuts have rooted but last one is struggling. Fuckin cold is messing with everything in the worst way possible. My flower cab is only 17 degrees with the lights on. My yield are dropping and the clones I potted on are getting yellow and don't seem to be drinking like they should be.the Jew has some sort of deficiency in the veg cab (gonna post a pic and see if anyone can identify it) To top it off I got 4 weeks till anything comes out and just over an oz to last me till then. Well tell a lie I also got 30g of blue cheese curing but I don't wanna touch it till it's had a good 3-4 months cure. I'm in a bit of a pickle really. On the upside I got 4 very healthy looking cc x livers seedlings.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you got a link D? i was lookin at these: http://www.screwfix.com/prods/92239/Heating-Cooling/Electric-Heating/7Fin-Oil-Filled-Radiator

im feelin ya pain willy am having the exact same issues. it sucks balls. im considering turning off the fans for the night time or running the lights through the night. bit more risky but might be worth it. my temps are about the same lights on too :(

kool on the seedlings man, am hoping for some good pheno's hopefully livers dom. my pal i gave a chunk of the cherry cheese said at first in the bong he couldnt tell much in the way of either cheese or cherry, but when he rolled a jakey he could really taste the cherry flavour come through so hopefully a good mix of both will come out...


Well-Known Member
All's good cheers mate, fuckin knackered mind. I've been staying up all night since The Ashes started.
How far along with your livers are you now? Got any pics? I like seeing how they grow in other folks hands
I must have missed this mate sorry about that. I just potted three up last night. 2 week or so to veg then into the flower room. Should be chugging it in 11 weeks from now. Not too bothered about tue wait because I have already tried it.... I'll throw up some pics when I can mate.


Well-Known Member
true dat! just hope it takes more from the livers side, the pheno's were all over the shop in the cherry side
The bud was really nice tho mate so either way it will be something good. Oh and my blue cheese is dead and buried..... I am gutted. So I have decided that some time next year I will get hold of the exodus cheese and grow out some blueberry till I find a male and make my own blue cheese.