Willy and the Jew,s Sog Kushberry,Whitewidow,White Rhino,Nemesis with Pics


Well-Known Member
Its all going good doc and I may have some bid porn for you peeps now that I have my uploader sorted.

Well Amber I like weed and you could probably incorporate my user name in there aswell. Anything you draw would be great I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
Its all going good doc and I may have some bid porn for you peeps now that I have my uploader sorted.

Well Amber I like weed and you could probably incorporate my user name in there aswell. Anything you draw would be great I'm sure.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hahaha, ok, so your going to make me look like a pervert i guess. or do i just have a dirty mind?.. i will have to ponder these thoughts.hahahha i do reeally dig your present avitar though, i love the intense erased look. it looks like someone went psyco with that picture.hahah AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


Well-Known Member
willie, will you tell me all about the kushberry pineapple punch please. is it totally deliousous and fruity? thanks ambs
Too be honest I haven't grown any yet. They where something I did ages ago then I made loads of diff cross,s and was gifted some amazing beans so I kinda forgot about um. They are in my next run of seeds tho along with a few others that I was gifted. The kushberry was the female and she was dripping with trics and a heavy hitter. The pineapple punch was the male that I also used to make my rhinopunch ( white rhino X pineapple punch). Hopefully it will be be a nice fruity kush

Hope three ramblings that I call sentences make sense to you doc......very baked lol

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
i likey your stoneyness ole one eyes.. i cant wait to grow this very elite select strain that you have brewed up.. i cant believe that its your wonderful ingenuity that created what i now have busting in my phototron. I dont know where you live but its cool that i somehow got it.. hahahahah.. now we are sooo CONNECTED willy. can u feeeeelll the cooonneecctttioooon ...... i have started a couple sketches for you but not sure if i like them. Im confused . I think i need to keep trying . shit i am sooo super excited about these kushberry pineapples... fuck.. you know i think i have the other seed too!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHHA yeah, i have the rhino punch but didnt throw her in the batch...fuck fuck fuck.. next time for sure.. Thanks willie!!!!!!! your fuckin awesome dude!!!!!! have a killer nite
peace out

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
shit, i do too!!!!!!! is there something i should know? this performace issue dosent sound very optimistic..?? or am i jumping to conclusions..hmmmmmm

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
awesome ambs, you should do illustration if you aren't already. the sketch of willy looks like he has the third eye hahaha one keeping toot eh ;)

are your avatars part of a series ? a third would make a cracking set of prints.

laters doc

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
awesome ambs, you should do illustration if you aren't already. the sketch of willy looks like he has the third eye hahaha one keeping toot eh ;)

are your avatars part of a series ? a third would make a cracking set of prints.

laters doc
hey don, thanks for the compliment, also to you MR. WESTY!
i took the images of my avitars and the one of Willie's drawing ...from one of my favorite cartoon artists. an old schooler, Basil Wolverton. His cartoons are in my book called Wolvertoons. I steal images all the time and just work them up my style a little.
take it easy
Dr. Trichs


Well-Known Member
The second pic is class, the artist has even managed to get 5 fingers on the hand, now that is a difficult thing to do! Respect! Seriously, nice pics Doc and other due Weigh....watsit.

PEace, DST


Well-Known Member
That's exaclty what I imagined you to look like as well....even with 5 fingers!!!