Willy and the Jew,s Sog Kushberry,Whitewidow,White Rhino,Nemesis with Pics

It's about time your back man! I was starting to think you had gotten busted or something. Those clones in the single box are looking good. Im interested to see how they finish out
yeah me too gosh...just gotta wait now

so u gonna keep them 12 clones in the same box throughout the grow?
yeah they gonna go the whole way in that box. fingers crossed.

yeah its an interesting idea, are they still in bottles in the soil with the bottom cut off?
no i put them in the bottles when i was planting them just to keep them all in there own spaces, then i just slide all the bottles out.

so far everything is going good. but my main worry,s are mould and root rot. but the root rot should,nt be a problem because there is approx 150 7mm drainage holes to get rid of that excess water.



Looks nicemate
tis easy to do, just paste the image url into the box u get wen u hit the little yelloww box (insert img)
right then! i have,nt updated in a long time because i have been a bit busy with working and everything else so hers the late update.
first off i chopped all six white widow clones 2 1/2 oz off them. i chopped down my six nemesis clones this morning and not weighed em in, gonna do it when they are dry.
now the next clones of nemesis i did fucked up BIG STYLE i did,nt have enough drainage holes and got root rot on them so they now stand about 4" tall and one shitty bud on each lol they really look quite funny and shit at the same time, i could just throw them now but the space is,nt needed yet so i will leave them for now.
now if anyone remembers i was thinking about putting 12 clones in 1 plastic box so i could move and feed all of my clones in one go. well i did it 3 weeks and 4 days ago (approx) and again on saturday. here is the pics.
if anyone has any questions,concerns or tips then please fire away.

first pic is the 3 weekers and next is the 2 day ones.
will post pics of nemesis harvest later

The idea is a good one but I think your going to find they won't live up to their full potential with that many in there. If you veg them to long the root systems will tangle and fight for the nutes you give them plus they will be shading each others lower branches. If your taking them straight from a small container (2liter bottle) and they are filling it up with roots before you put them in the tub I think your going to have problems. If on the other hand if you are vegging them in 16oz cups til they get a good root system then you should be fine if you put them in flower a week after transplanting them into your tub. I was reading on one of fdd's threads that a plant outside that grows through it's cycle can have roots that extend 30' from the plant.

So to sumerize, If you don't veg to long and don't let the root system take over before you flower you should be able to get away with 6 in a tub that size but i wouldn't try much more than that if you don't want to hamper your yeild.....
i am very messy hahaha.
thanks for the input 5. i new i would sacrifice a little yeild by cramming them in but i am only hoping for 3 oz out of a tub, if i dont get the 3 i want i will cut the numbers down to 8 minimum. i put them in the tub as soon as they root and flower straight away, they usually grow to about 16". as i said its only a test but i,m hoping for good results and i will try anything once......or twice lol.
thanks again mate.
Oh and clean up your fucking room you slob..... Just kidding

hey five i cleaned my room.lol.

anyway i weighed the nemesis out today got just over 2 oz off the 6 clones, so thats 1 for me and 1 for the jew.
also had a tester..
the smell is real nice and the smoke is a really nice tasting one that gets you on the back of your tongue and the high is creeper that hits you just as you sit back and relax, its strong and long lasting.
the down side of this strain is the bag appeal is poor. not one for commercial growers but good too have in your head stash.
:joint::joint::joint::joint: 4 spliffs


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hey five i cleaned my room.lol.

anyway i weighed the nemesis out today got just over 2 oz off the 6 clones, so thats 1 for me and 1 for the jew.
also had a tester..
the smell is real nice and the smoke is a really nice tasting one that gets you on the back of your tongue and the high is creeper that hits you just as you sit back and relax, its strong and long lasting.
the down side of this strain is the bag appeal is poor. not one for commercial growers but good too have in your head stash.
:joint::joint::joint::joint: 4 spliffs

About time, now go talk to your mom about your allowence lol.....

Did the poor bag appeal come from it's lack of tric's or smell? It sounds like the clones were pretty small if you only got 2 oz from 6 plants. Do you think you would get better results if they vegged longer?
About time, now go talk to your mom about your allowence lol.....

Did the poor bag appeal come from it's lack of tric's or smell? It sounds like the clones were pretty small if you only got 2 oz from 6 plants. Do you think you would get better results if they vegged longer?

i only grow up to 16" clones with the main cola and just a few side buds. this is for my own convenience, it makes it easier to trim and hang and such. if i vegged longer i would have better results but would have bigger plants to deal with.

the bag appeal is a matter of what you like. its a bit loose and leafy for me but some people dont mind that, but for me its no good. but when you break open a bud it smells real good.

thought i would do a smoke report as not many people on here seem to have grown this strain