DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Low OR high ph can cause deficiencies, because your plant can't take up certain nutrients.
Cheers matey. Yeah, I'm getting me some of those next time I visit hydro shop. Really annoying using the drops I have...OHHH and Jimmy, I got that pic of the PH sticks in there for ya. Dip in solution for 15 secs ( I leave em in the water for 15, then let air dry for 15) and match with the colors on the back.
I would. They won't die. They will probably love it lol.Re-Bump for Semi important question.
Trim all def affected leaves at once and wait to see if new symptons show?
More pics brother!
I use my tap water.. but I know it's safe because I've already run that test. Conveniently, the ph sits around 6 any given day.Should I just top off with PH'd TAP water then, so they get very small amounts of whatever minerals are in the town water?