yeah its pretty well know my syntactic skills could easily shut down a few data centers, i admit it & i'll assume the what
Anyways its kinda funny finding you, an advocate of antropogenic substrates & shitty indoor practices mentioning nasa!! without even trying to understand that simple topographic [x,y,z] device i mentioned.... & I said him the proper routine to i.e. plotting a 3d map of each node of whatever tree/plant for the next 5 years. Btw while i cant recall exactly if this 3Dmap is doable using a voltimeter + plain math(cheap) or a weirdo scanner ($$) i just know the required equipment to perfumate his work and maybe catching more attention elswhere
...Well while idfk yet the true status of his already written work or findings.. as i said, its 3min for the medal [a true graph/map written on paper] ..doable in 1 evening.
And then you chimed in^ ..assuming i 've watched that youtube video. wrong!
Look it took me 10 years^ attempting to give some help to a electroculture guy mainly because in this forums their natural tendency is preaching around explosions-decimatio-piramids-ufology-hexagones-etc right after showing us their approach about how nature works. You should know that^
I'd hate to be mistaken with this guy in fact its my will he's succeeding soon
The rest of your post.

.. idk the current status of your perfumated ego DORK.. but i do know the required height of the hurdle is keeping you away from the nasa security fence. Your knowledge of soil biology is low fi and you arent aware of that. It looks you are preaching for rockwool or coco fiber. A granulometry + decantation model.
Grab a book