
Why not dropping an hyperboloid into the toroid you two are envisioning?

Lets say thats the suberized part of your plant.
Then you paint a couple semiespheres to accomplish the picture of both apical merystems. Then the sun.

what do you think
OOOOhhhh you are so very close! I prefer 'counter-rotating bi-torroidal mobius surface' myself but lets not split hairs, yeah the 'field' appears to be torroidal and polarised, most probably nested in a single form under some circumstances, in others more like your wire mesh diagram ^^up there.
definetly plotable, at least the measurements of the aerial growth.
For a NadiaComaneci perfect run (A+) it looks you just need to do a topographic poligonal with a Total Station & let things happen.
Btw i dont know if nowadays you could simplify that moves with the correct software:confused:
definetly plotable, at least the measurements of the aerial growth.
For a NadiaComaneci perfect run (A+) it looks you just need to do a topographic poligonal with a Total Station & let things happen.
Btw i dont know if nowadays you could simplify that moves with the correct software:confused:
I have been looking for a computer graphics guy to map that structure, have you seen 'primer fields'? he gets damn close too but without torsion he is mapping nothing important;
I might have missed it, if so my apologies for any duplication but I see a lot of talk about worm castings as food, wormeries and how good these things are. Anybody else actually add live worms to their grows?? If I pull up a root-ball and its not got a worm wrigglin in it, I figure I bin doin summat wrong. Red Wriggler compost worms are cool but often fragile and choosy where they like to live, so I have been capturing wild earthworms and adding these too now I am happy most will survive. Earthworms will drag whole leaves underground and are quite incredible soil creation machines, dirt, dust and plant fibres go in one end, perfect ph balanced living soil comes out the back! Love your worms.
nuff sed.

I would add 50 worms per cubic foot if not in the soil already.

That is what healthy fertile soil should have about, if y'all still talkin about worms, that is. Cause damn, over my head now. I was gonna say Platt YOu crazy but looks like you should hire him as a programmer lol.

Ps worms are wicked. theyre exudate is loved by the plants, its good for binding humus, packed with benes, They also cause aeration tunnels which double as waterways and feeding zones. Feed your worms well! They will feed your plants well, back!
I would add 50 worms per cubic foot if not in the soil already.

That is what healthy fertile soil should have about, if y'all still talkin about worms, that is. Cause damn, over my head now. I was gonna say Platt YOu crazy but looks like you should hire him as a programmer lol.

Ps worms are wicked. theyre exudate is loved by the plants, its good for binding humus, packed with benes, They also cause aeration tunnels which double as waterways and feeding zones. Feed your worms well! They will feed your plants well, back!
Vermiculturalists- rise up and feed your oppressive leaders to your worms and BE FREE!!!! Just think how much great weed you could grow off a composted fat businessman or politician? YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE!!
That is what healthy fertile soil should have about, if y'all still talkin about worms, that is. Cause damn, over my head now. I was gonna say Platt YOu crazy but looks like you should hire him as a programmer lol.
a programmer isnt needed einstein. Right after pressing "export", with the gear proposed ,whoever (not you obviously) could have a 3d map in less than 3 seconds. The accomplishment of that perfect sketch its a necessary step ime if you wanna catch some attention.

Vermiculturalists- rise up and feed your oppressive leaders to your worms and BE FREE!!!! Just think how much great weed you could grow off a composted fat businessman or politician? YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE!!

The thing is ...knowledge its both helpful & painful whenever we are dealing with rednecks
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I would add 50 worms per cubic foot if not in the soil already.

That is what healthy fertile soil should have about, if y'all still talkin about worms, that is. Cause damn, over my head now. I was gonna say Platt YOu crazy but looks like you should hire him as a programmer lol.

Ps worms are wicked. theyre exudate is loved by the plants, its good for binding humus, packed with benes, They also cause aeration tunnels which double as waterways and feeding zones. Feed your worms well! They will feed your plants well, back!
I have never seen anyone talk badly about you! I have a theory that this Platt guy is just a jack ass!
not really... the omen isnt working. Anyways..just save me the nausea of watching your babbling plx,

Lmao, oh Platt. Look who's talking.. You should hand out gravol before you make comments online..
You don't even make sense half the time, mate. I get sea sick each time you talk, homie

I complimented you for the first time ever despite your nonsense, and you twisted it into some beef and tried to insult me, calling me Einstein sarcastically, saying anyone except me could program a gene tree in three seconds by clicking export, yet really, thats crazy talk.
platt are you alien, cause you help no one by being so damn controversial and confusing all the time. You over simplify tasks that are complex, and u over complicate basic sentences that could be said in plain English.
I could see u making a good monkey professor tho.. Perhaps even for NASA, you've learned your own language I'm sure you could do whatever you put your mind to!
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Drop the "fe" and you gotter brotha

DT is 100% male
The GF can verify ;)
Was gonna say, you gotta be one hairy armed chick to be sporting a user name like don tesla.
Might I ask you gentlemen to show a little decorum on the forum? I realise text is a terrible medium to express ourselves through but wtf? We is all stoners here, I ain't sayin we gotta always be nice but if you can't play nicely together you can both go play in the garden! I always find aggression hardens, humour softens, so lets keep on the jolly side of the street eh? :bigjoint:
Lmao, oh Platt. Look who's talking.. You should hand out gravol before you make comments online..
You don't even make sense half the time, mate. I get sea sick each time you talk, homie

I complimented you for the first time ever despite your nonsense, and you twisted it into some beef and tried to insult me, calling me Einstein sarcastically, saying anyone except me could program a gene tree in three seconds by clicking export, yet really, thats crazy talk.
platt are you alien, cause you help no one by being so damn controversial and confusing all the time. You over simplify tasks that are complex, and u over complicate basic sentences that could be said in plain English.
I could see u making a good monkey professor tho.. Perhaps even for NASA, you've learned your own language I'm sure you could do whatever you put your mind to!

yeah its pretty well know my syntactic skills could easily shut down a few data centers, i admit it & i'll assume the outcome...so what

Anyways its kinda funny finding you, an advocate of antropogenic substrates & shitty indoor practices mentioning nasa!! without even trying to understand that simple topographic [x,y,z] device i mentioned.... & I said him the proper routine to i.e. plotting a 3d map of each node of whatever tree/plant for the next 5 years. Btw while i cant recall exactly if this 3Dmap is doable using a voltimeter + plain math(cheap) or a weirdo scanner ($$) i just know the required equipment to perfumate his work and maybe catching more attention elswhere

...Well while idfk yet the true status of his already written work or findings.. as i said, its 3min for the medal [a true graph/map written on paper] ..doable in 1 evening.

And then you chimed in^ ..assuming i 've watched that youtube video. wrong!

Look it took me 10 years^ attempting to give some help to a electroculture guy mainly because in this forums their natural tendency is preaching around explosions-decimatio-piramids-ufology-hexagones-etc right after showing us their approach about how nature works. You should know that^

I'd hate to be mistaken with this guy in fact its my will he's succeeding soon

The rest of your post.:spew:.. idk the current status of your perfumated ego DORK.. but i do know the required height of the hurdle is keeping you away from the nasa security fence. Your knowledge of soil biology is low fi and you arent aware of that. It looks you are preaching for rockwool or coco fiber. A granulometry + decantation model.

Grab a book
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Lmao, oh Platt. Look who's talking.. You should hand out gravol before you make comments online..
You don't even make sense half the time, mate. I get sea sick each time you talk, homie

I complimented you for the first time ever despite your nonsense, and you twisted it into some beef and tried to insult me, calling me Einstein sarcastically, saying anyone except me could program a gene tree in three seconds by clicking export, yet really, thats crazy talk.
platt are you alien, cause you help no one by being so damn controversial and confusing all the time. You over simplify tasks that are complex, and u over complicate basic sentences that could be said in plain English.
I could see u making a good monkey professor tho.. Perhaps even for NASA, you've learned your own language I'm sure you could do whatever you put your mind to!
drop the mike.gif
well said.
and for the record I was gonna be shocked if you were a female
Fuck, sorry man.... Do you take pics of your GF's hands in your pics? I think that it was the bright red nail polish that threw me off? Am I wearing the Ass-Hat now???
No ass hats here, good bredgren. I do make it confusing, i guess, lol. Her hands end up in the shots sometimes as she's my model.. (I've broken my hands too many times for them to be cute, lol)

Cheers, Stang
yeah its pretty well know my syntactic skills could easily shut down a few data centers, i admit it & i'll assume the outcome...so what

Anyways its kinda funny finding you, an advocate of antropogenic substrates & shitty indoor practices mentioning nasa!! without even trying to understand that simple topographic [x,y,z] device i mentioned.... & I said him the proper routine to i.e. plotting a 3d map of each node of whatever tree/plant for the next 5 years. Btw while i cant recall exactly if this 3Dmap is doable using a voltimeter + plain math(cheap) or a weirdo scanner ($$) i just know the required equipment to perfumate his work and maybe catching more attention elswhere

...Well while idfk yet the true status of his already written work or findings.. as i said, its 3min for the medal [a true graph/map written on paper] ..doable in 1 evening.

And then you chimed in^ ..assuming i 've watched that youtube video. wrong!

Look it took me 10 years^ attempting to give some help to a electroculture guy mainly because in this forums their natural tendency is preaching around explosions-decimatio-piramids-ufology-hexagones-etc right after showing us their approach about how nature works. You should know that^

I'd hate to be mistaken with this guy in fact its my will he's succeeding soon

The rest of your post.:spew:.. idk the current status of your perfumated ego DORK.. but i do know the required height of the hurdle is keeping you away from the nasa security fence. Your knowledge of soil biology is low fi and you arent aware of that. It looks you are preaching for rockwool or coco fiber. A granulometry + decantation model.

Grab a book

wow guys im gonna cry my ass to sleep... im a DORK with a "perfumated ego" and inferior practices who should grab a book. I surely will, as i do daily. Great advice for yourself too, mate.

By the way, its anthropogenic with an "h" and I've been inside NASA compounds for the record, I might even start delivering rockets for them at $9k a trip. NASA clearances run in my family, silly goof. Hahahahaha
Til that door opens, I'm hiring smart computer literate ppl to help me launch this business, and that's why I brought up the 3D maps. All I gotta say is you had a chance to make $110 an hour which is what I pay for good communicators with pc skills, and you blew it before the candle was even lit, mang. Cause I know canine dogs who can communicate better than you.
You sound like this guy I i knocked out once who couldn't talk straight after he landed on the other side of the backlane
Speaking in tongue, straight babble is all I hear, lol
My indoor soil could produce bowls and joints that would make you shut up quick, son. Lets see how good your herb looks, chief? ;)

First person to declare my work as pathetic, thanks mate!

Aha shit me too, @greasemonkeymann wtf is this female talk. Too funny
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