
@firstnamelast yeah the pee can get really rich if the rabbit gets dehydrated or eats too much alfalfa. less calcium and more water will help that.

2000 worms on way, very nice, congrats, you're now a worm farmer cheers to that

As for the size of screen, 1/4 inch will be good enough although you can go a bit smaller.

I like 1/4 myself though cause it lets a little wetter fresher castings through bit faster, just the way I like em.

Lol thank you. So the pee can soak too much into the rabbits pellets too right, is that why you separate it? I've been spreading the word of your method like gospel my friend I'm telling everyone I know how easy it is :o
Lol thank you. So the pee can soak too much into the rabbits pellets too right, is that why you separate it? I've been spreading the word of your method like gospel my friend I'm telling everyone I know how easy it is :o

Nice, way to spread the word! Yeah, you're 100% right about the soakage being a bit much.. bunnies can be trained to use kitty litter bins etc too, but another trick would be put absorbant (like news paper/ flyers) on an angled shelf, allowing poops to roll in to bin as to avoid soaking. That is, if you have a bad bunny that doesn't like to pee in one spot, but they usually pick a fav spot.
Nice, way to spread the word! Yeah, you're 100% right about the soakage being a bit much.. bunnies can be trained to use kitty litter bins etc too, but another trick would be put absorbant (like news paper/ flyers) on an angled shelf, allowing poops to roll in to bin as to avoid soaking. That is, if you have a bad bunny that doesn't like to pee in one spot, but they usually pick a fav spot.

My rabbit does use a litter box I'm wonder how to train him to poop and pee in separate containers hmmmm
Lol oh I don't have to do much for that, just move a bit sometimes and they scramble. Most skittish animals I've ever seen. My first one was even worse, you could hardly ever catch the thing or pet him he's always running away for no reason. Plus he's tiny and hides under everything. I let him roam free for a long time and he just did whatever he pleased and never let up. He is a monster haha
Lol oh I don't have to do much for that, just move a bit sometimes and they scramble. Most skittish animals I've ever seen. My first one was even worse, you could hardly ever catch the thing or pet him he's always running away for no reason. Plus he's tiny and hides under everything. I let him roam free for a long time and he just did whatever he pleased and never let up. He is a monster haha
aha yeah the more freedom they get the more freedom they like!! Our little one was fun to catch.. we had to use bananas to lure her in! lol her fav.. made her back twitch like crazy