190 will need a bleed valve in the res
You're not doing it right.Hey guys, came here trying to get some insight also. I'm just starting out with hydroponics and am building a RDWC with 6-5gal buckets + a 5gal reservoir. I have 1" fittings/tubing and a 75gph submersible pump. Hydro shop owner guy on youtube said that's as much GPH as you should use so the buckets don't have different water levels. I'm just wondering how much water movement is recommended for an RDWC. I started my girls DWC and quickly realized the need for the R. Any thoughts? Thanks for the help.
Man, I usually only hear that from my wife.... could you elaborate a little?You're not doing it right.
Man, I usually only hear that from my wife.... could you elaborate a little?
Thanks, my bad I guess. I do have an air stone in each bucket. Just finished putting it all together last night in time for week 2 of veg. feeding. I ended up using 5 -5gal buckets for plants and 1- 5gal for the res. with the pump in it. For the air I'm using 7.8 L/min dual outlet pumps that I've t'd the two outlets into one line going into 4"x2" cylinder stones with one stone/pump per bucket. The 75/gph water pump seems fine to me, I had to dial it back a little to even out the water levels a bit. The first bucket in the loop was an inch higher than the rest and now I've got it to only about a 1/2 inch higher.I think what he's saying is that your setup is not ideal due to at least a couple of factors. One is probably the 1" fittings, which can become quite problematic if they clog. The other is that your pump is too weak if you're not using air stones (which you didn't mention).
That's what I would do. I almost ditched the air stones and said fug it, I don't want to find out the hard way that I don't have enough o2.