Well-Known Member
Now comes the Chomsky, wage slave, Malthusian, privilege is tyranny and the rest of your other bullshit.
You love me.
You're such a whiny liberal.
Now comes the Chomsky, wage slave, Malthusian, privilege is tyranny and the rest of your other bullshit.
I feel like this is highly simplistic as not everyone who fails is stupid and not everyone who succeeds is smart. There are many more variables to succeeding in life than intelligence, like opportunity, economic or social status, location, etc.
Most successful people have failed many times before they succeeded.
think those who "aren't given a chance" should be.
No. See, we don't want govt meddling in our lives. That's what an anarchist is.
You are the opposite.
You think they should not be given a chance to escape wage slavery, usury and the rat race. You think all human beings belong in a rat race. Our corporate masters are your chosen leaders now. I remember when you used to talk about technocratic socialism, now you've got Ayn Rand's cock in your mouth.
You're the whiniest liberal here. You're even whinier and more liberal than Mr Neutered.
You only have a problem with gov't when it concerns itself with the interests of the poor.
Gov't exists to protect private property (wealth redistribution upward). You're cool with that.
Once gov't starts redistributing wealth in the other direction, you whine about it.
Okay, good, I just wanted to make sure that you weren't one of those who bitched about a service they were receiving. I wasn't meaning to imply that just because you didn't pay for school, you would oppose free school; that would be a misdirection on my part. Regarding your statement about opposing educations that we pay for that immediately leave the country; I agree. The fact that some people abuse the system seems to be more of a call for refinement than a call for dismissal, though. I'm sure we can all agree that not everyone in America has truly equal opportunities; and you stated that not everyone is equally qualified. If we could create a means wherein people without the ability to pay for their own education could pay for their education, provided it was a needed occupation, would you be opposed to helping them out? Assuming placement testing to ensure that the people were, at least, academically qualified.No. I've already paid for my bachelors and masters OUT OF POCKET. I didn't even have a scholarship due to the fact I moved my junior year from NY to AZ and the testing standards are 100% different.
I'm against paying peoples tuition, and not because I didn't receive any, but because I went to school as an MSE and watched Asians fresh off the boat from India come over on FULLY PAID school visas and get our education, and then go RIGHT back to India. I talk to many of them, and they all say the same thing, and that is that they are there for schooling and then are bringing their education back home.
Should YOU and I pay for that? Fuck no. Moreover, it is a major reason why our science is SO shitty; because we allocate our funding to individuals who are OUT OF COUNTRY... instead of investing IN HOUSE
That's even more moronic...
So you get to go to college free, but are in debt in terms of community service to the govt. What happens when retards become surgeons? Yeah, makes total sense. Or, get this, you could pay for YOUR education, and use it to have success in YOUR life!
I did 4 years of community service, in the form of active military service, and got free schooling and paid the whole time. The GI bill is an exchange of school for military service. All the medical professionals I encountered were there because the military pays their medical professionals' way through school. We have had examples of the "community service for free tuition." concept for some time now. http://nhsc.hrsa.gov/loanrepayment/ The only way you get dumber surgeons, realistically, is by lowering academic requirements. More students overall=dumber grads in a specific field; is not a supportable statement.
Okay, good, I just wanted to make sure that you weren't one of those who bitched about a service they were receiving. I wasn't meaning to imply that just because you didn't pay for school, you would oppose free school; that would be a misdirection on my part. Regarding your statement about opposing educations that we pay for that immediately leave the country; I agree. The fact that some people abuse the system seems to be more of a call for refinement than a call for dismissal, though. I'm sure we can all agree that not everyone in America has truly equal opportunities; and you stated that not everyone is equally qualified. If we could create a means wherein people without the ability to pay for their own education could pay for their education, provided it was a needed occupation, would you be opposed to helping them out? Assuming placement testing to ensure that the people were, at least, academically qualified.
Were borrowing 50 cents on the dollar now and there
are actually people stupid enough to want to spend more. '
Its truly amazing natural selection didn't faze
out the ancestors of these idiots a long time ago.
Involving money makes for unnatural selection. cn
I thought you didn't believe in the supernatural world?
Stop blowing places up and spend it on education instead.Were borrowing 50 cents on the dollar now and there
are actually people stupid enough to want to spend more. '
Its truly amazing natural selection didn't faze
out the ancestors of these idiots a long time ago.