i'm a moron, so please explain to me how one who fails out of college would result in them becoming wealthy from it..?? mind you, i only have a few brain cells left, so please speak slowly...
Seeing as how your thinking is completely ass backwards, I will speak slowly. Listen here young feller, its the contrary. They will fail out of that degree program because they aren't smart enough, due to grade point restrictions as you mentioned. Furthermore, the part you keep missing because you are a moron, is that THEY WOULD HAVE NEVER TRIED IF THEY WOULD HAVE HAD TO PAY FOR THE ATTEMPT. Due to the fact THEY ARE GIVEN A FREE SHOT AT A DEGREE, are they not going to attempt to take FULL ADVANTAGE of that FREE MONEY and try to get THE MOST EXPENSIVE DEGREE WHICH RESULTS IN THE MOST WEALTH? I never said that would result in dumber doctors, I said it would result IN WASTED $$$$. You are illiterate though, so you missed that point and attempted to interject it irrelevantly.
In laymans terms:
1. You either lose money by letting everyone try get whatever degree they want for free (most will fail, hence the loss of money)
2. You get dumbed down society by letting everyone through the system with a "pass", resulting in no "wasted" money.
Get it yet? Pretty fucking simple dude.
When you tell someone their schooling, for whatever degree, at whatever school, is COMPLETELY free, they ARE NOT going to choose underwater basket weaving at the shittiest school in their hometown. Rather, everyone and their grandma is going to want a engineering degree from MIT and CalTech, or a dr degree from John Hopkins..
The caps is slowly. Read it twice little one
Do you apply for the FAFSA and other sources of grants for school?
No. I've already paid for my bachelors and masters OUT OF POCKET. I didn't even have a scholarship due to the fact I moved my junior year from NY to AZ and the testing standards are 100% different.
I'm against paying peoples tuition, and not because I didn't receive any, but because I went to school as an MSE and watched Asians fresh off the boat from India come over on FULLY PAID school visas and get our education, and then go RIGHT back to India. I talk to many of them, and they all say the same thing, and that is that they are there for schooling and then are bringing their education back home.
Should YOU and I pay for that? Fuck no. Moreover, it is a major reason why our science is SO shitty; because we allocate our funding to individuals who are OUT OF COUNTRY... instead of investing IN HOUSE