Would you rather?

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Possibly already done, but...

Have $5,000/year that you've been alive?
Have your weight in amazing weed?

Answer the post above, then start a new one...
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Hmm I can see where this is going :shock:

The weed for sure..

Would you rather

A bad day out on the water fishing
A great day at work
I know what I'd rather :spew::bigjoint:
too long at least they have to stick it in to find out...
would you rather be a stripper or a bank robber??
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Id rather the 5k a yr i will grow my own weed while i fish smoking oil rubbing my abnormally long penis not caring about anyones wives.

Would you rather have your dream girl or your dream car.
Dream girl. Its muche easier to make do with a shitty car than a shitty woman.

Would you rather have unprotected sex with 10 hookers or share a needle with a homeless man once?