Would you rather?

Possibly already done, but...

Have $5,000/year that you've been alive?
Have your weight in amazing weed?

Answer the post above, then start a new one...
Definitely my weight in weed. It's worth a lot more.

Would you rather: Have great sex with a hot friend (and this might be embarrassing) and all your other friends would know it; or, have not so good sex with a not so hot stranger and none of your friends would know it?
The cash because i can grow amazing weed! I can't grow an amazing house for my family tho.
@. uncle buck could cum on her pic no worries.
Would you rather use leaves with tiny needles to wipe your ass or your left hand like 75% of india?
The cash because i can grow amazing weed! I can't grow an amazing house for my family tho.
@. uncle buck could cum on her pic no worries.
Would you rather use leaves with tiny needles to wipe your ass or your left hand like 75% of india?
My left hand. No sharp objects hear my asshole.

Would you rather live in a loveless marriage with domestic violence and be rich, or live on the streets poor as piss but with someone you love.
My left hand. No sharp objects hear my asshole.

Would you rather live in a loveless marriage with domestic violence and be rich, or live on the streets poor as piss but with someone you love.
The streets.

Would you rather go blind or lose the ability to orgasm?
Fuck those are both terrifying. Drown.

Jump out of a plane with no chute or go down with it?
Go down with plane

If u had to fight a tiger and u could pick witch one the cat didn't have witch would it b Claws Teeth
Jump without a chute, atleast it would be a fun way to go out.. but I'd do it like a boss with a squirrel Suit
Naw man I'm gonna ride it down and try an figure something out..lol maybe climb to the top or something try and hit last, like a sinking ship..lol

Didn't know I had a squirrel suit..lol
You would have to jump with more force than the plane diving..i mean..waiting until it gets closer to the ground makes sense..planes can only go so fast..im not sure the terminal velocity of a 185 lb person though so you may benefit jumping earlier actually. Fun.
Go down with plane

If u had to fight a tiger and u could pick witch one the cat didn't have witch would it b Claws Teeth
Claws. Because if you cant hold onto me..lol then they cant climb trees either..

You awake to the sound of a car driving..realizing youre in the trunk..do you jump out of a 70 mph trunk or wait until it opens hoping that you could fight them off somehow or get away?
You guys are horrible at this game. You are supposed to answer the last person's question, then respond with a question of your own. Example:

Claws. Because if you cant hold onto me..lol then they cant climb trees either..

You awake to the sound of a car driving..realizing youre in the trunk..do you jump out of a 70 mph trunk or wait until it opens hoping that you could fight them off somehow or get away?
I would jump out. Because fuck that.

What is your most embarrassing childhood memory?