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wtf is wrong w/ kids today??


Active Member
They can be kids all they want. Just as soon as their chores are done. Why should I pick up the toys off the living room floor or clean their rooms? I didn't make the mess. And I don't think I'm bribing them. More like teaching them they are responsible for cleaning up their own messes. I don't draft them into slave labor, but I am also not going to be their personal maid while they sit around playing video games. One of my Grandmother's favorite quotes is "Many hands make light work." she had 8 kids to my 4, but it still holds true.


King Tut
LOL! Sometimes the wisest words are those left unspoken. That's one of the reasons I like cannabis. It gives me that split second to think(and care) before I stick my foot in my mouth. Well, MOST of the time!


King Tut
I know how you feel r1. BUT, you can't let it get you down. It's the cycle of life and it will continue. For awhile anyways. Not resignation to all the crap in the world, but at peace because I know that when I die I can honestly say ""I have helped more than I have hurt in this world.". Kinda like retreating from an outright confrontation to be able to slowly and surely chip away at the enemies defenses. Life? It happens.


bud bootlegger
Ya man it's sad enough to sometimes I regret bringing my two daughters into this !@(*&@! up world today.
i don't have any kids r1, but i can identify with how your feeling for sure.. i look at my nephew, he's now only 13, and just the other month he called out of school, invited kids over to his house while my sister, a single mother, was at work, and had a lil party.. i know i did dumb shit when i was young, but fuck, 13 seems like such a young age to be doing some of that shit to me..
the thing is, my sister lives in the same town that i grew up in, and my nephew is now going to the same high school that i did, but it just seems like things have changed so much in my 20 years absence, i often think of how i would hate to be a kid today... trying to fit in, have friends, do good, and all of the other pressures that a kid goes through at that age, and add on top of that all of the drugs and violence in our world, and sometimes it makes me wonder how any kid comes out of all it so called normal, and intact... idk.. and its not like i live in some shit hole town.. not the best granted, but far from the worst.. its a white collar, working class town through and through.. the thing is, i know that even the upper class hoods are having a lot of the same problems as well as the towns that are out in the middle of nowhere.. the shits all over, it really is, and it frightens the shit out of me some days..


Active Member
...damn, let me first say that i feel like a crotchedy old man even saying this shit, but wtf is wrong with kids today??
i just chased some kid off of my front porch for about the 20th time this month.. knock and run, no big deal, everyone did that as a kid.. but i didn't chase him right away tonight, i gave him about ten minutes before i took cuju, errr, my dog, for a walk.. i got two houses down from mine, and i see what i think is the same kid writing on my neighbors fence with a sharpy..
now mind you, i don't live in the most upper class neighborhood that there is, nor do i live in the ghettos either.. i can see the knock and run, what ever, harmless, but when people start to destroy peoples property, that shit bugs me.. if you want to live like that, move to the fucking ghetto is what i say.. i work hard to keep my house looking nice, as do my neighbors, and for some young jerkoff to be out there painting ...fuck wesley ... or what ever intelligent thing the kid had to say on my neighbors fence, well, it rubs me the wrong way...
than, about ten or so minutes after i get back from my dog walk, my one sister calls.. she lives maybe two blocks away from where i do, and she was out for a walk too as it was scorching hot here today during the day.. well, she was almost home, when some group of kids on the other side of the street threw a soda at her, and when she stopped and said wtf, another kid in the crowd threw something else at her as well..
i mean, wtf is wrong with these kids?? is it that they just need their asses beat, or what?? i take my dog on my walk with me, and i would love to unleash him when i catch one of these fuckers, but i know that if i did do that, i would be the one getting arrested and being hauled off to jail and my dog being put down as a result of giving these kids a dose of their own medicine..
i know that i was a kid once too, mind you a long long time ago, lol.. but not really, for fucks sake, i'm only going to be 40 this year, but i don't think i ever acted like some of these kids i'm seeing around today, and to be honest, it really scares me as a member of society as to where our country is heading.. its a real disgrace honestly..
i just read on another forum this teen in the uk threw a brick through a van's window, and hit the five year old inside in the face and broke her nose and knocked out some of her teeth as well... and the kid never got caught.. and you know if the parent were to do what i would have liked to do, and run the lil fucker over with my van, he would have been in prison and the kid would have been off scott free.. it just makes me sick tbh, and makes me wonder wtf is going on in our world these days..
sorry about the rant, but i had to get it off of my chest... thanks for listening..
If any punk threw shit at either of my sisters, I would beat their ass senseless


Active Member
yah, well, i wasn't around at the time, and there are way too many groups of teens on the streets for me to guess which one of them were the quitly parties..
The most sustainable solution to this situation is to move. But i know its not that cut and dry, ie moving away from ur sis, etc.

Until then, I feel for ya bro


bud bootlegger
The most sustainable solution to this situation is to move. But i know its not that cut and dry, ie moving away from ur sis, etc.

Until then, I feel for ya bro
yah, well i don't really think that moving is going to answer anything as kids seem to be every where these days, lol.. but seriously though, like i said, i don't live in any sort of ghetto, just your average working class suburb, and i'm sure that there are much worse places to live than where i'm at now.. sometimes i prefer the devil i know if your picking up what i'm putting down..


bud bootlegger
I'm sticking by it you "Kid's" are fucking "Spoiled"....
i kinda agree with you.. when i was that age, i had a paper route, and had to go out and deliver peoples paper in the ice and snow and the rain and even on the nice days when all of my friends were all playing and what not.. it taught me to be responsible though and to know what it meant to be a good worker at a young age.. in my area, there is no such thing as paper boys anymore and these adults all drive around in their cars and throw the papers from the curb..
i really do think its a shame though as what other jobs can young teenagers get that can teach them to be responsible and have a chance to earn their own money instead of relying on mommy an daddy?? not many tbh..


Well-Known Member
i also blame the schools they treat kids like spoiled bratz making shit easy for them and crap i never got any slack at schools not that wanted any and kids treat school like its some sort of club or something and many go just to socialize i remember when i was in school id be the only one doing my work i think that's why i got away with alot i was a very notable pot head at school and all my teachers would be cool with it cuz the new i got shit done


bud bootlegger
idk about schools being a joke around here though.. i know that at my old hs, there is an unduty cop who is in there every day.. it kinda cracks me up though, they act like we live in the hood and what not.. idk, maybe he is needed, i'm not sure, i don't go there anymore, but i know that on the days that i go to pick up my nephew after school, it still looks like the same type of teenagers that went there when i did.. i mean, i don't see any really gang looking kids walking out the doors or anything, but who knows..

i was the same way in hs though verd, always sat and did my work, and never really caused much of a commotion.. i know that this is how i passed three years of french, and pretty much still only know how to say helo and goodbye, lol.. my teacher just knew that i wasn't a smartass or trouble maker, and let me slide by.. idk...

but could you imagine nuns in catholic schools being allowed to smack kids with rulers the way they did when i was a kid today?? omg, there would be lawsuits against the church every other day..
speaking of lawsuits, i think i just stumbled onto another reason why things are the way they are now... god damn lawyers and the frivilous lawsuits brought against anybody who happens to look at someone the wrong way.. i think that these have only hurt society in the long run as well.. you can no longer get into a simple fist fight today without being sued for bodily damages and hospital bills and crap like that.. its crazy..

Total Head

Well-Known Member
^^yup. lawsuits. you can't even bump into a kid that got in your way anymore. teachers can't break up fights. parents can't break up fights. the "right thing" now is to just let the melee continue until the police arrive for a fucking fistfight between a couple 9 year olds, because god forbid you "lay hands" on them. then at the same time you have these stupid "samaritan laws" that REQUIRE you to intervene when a crime is occuring. and we expect these kids to really understand what the right thing is? adults aren't even sure what the right thing is anymore. what the fuck kind of message are we sending?


bud bootlegger
yah, those good samaritan laws are pretty much a joke and a half to say the least.. say someone drops in front of you from a heart attack, you do the good samaritan shit and perform cpr on the dude... either a, the dude lives, but heaven forbid say you broke a rib or two while saving the dudes life.. holy shit, all hell would break loose on that one.. or b, the dude didn't make it, and then you end up getting sued by his family for not saving the dude.. its no wonder why people don't want to get involved...


Active Member
i kinda agree with you.. when i was that age, i had a paper route, and had to go out and deliver peoples paper in the ice and snow and the rain and even on the nice days when all of my friends were all playing and what not.. it taught me to be responsible though and to know what it meant to be a good worker at a young age.. in my area, there is no such thing as paper boys anymore and these adults all drive around in their cars and throw the papers from the curb..
i really do think its a shame though as what other jobs can young teenagers get that can teach them to be responsible and have a chance to earn their own money instead of relying on mommy an daddy?? not many tbh..
I had a paper route when I was a kid too. I remember they were dropped off outside in a stack and you had to roll each one and put it in a plastic bag. Toss bags into bike basket, and off you go.


bud bootlegger
I had a paper route when I was a kid too. I remember they were dropped off outside in a stack and you had to roll each one and put it in a plastic bag. Toss bags into bike basket, and off you go.
yah, i only put them in the plastic bags if it were rainy or snowy that day.. too much of a pain in the ass to put them in them everyday, and not only that, we had to pay for the bags ourselves..
i used to make a killing at xmas time though.. i remember making like $300 or so a year just in xmas tips.. good times back then.. i was living like a teen pimp, lol...