
Well, Donald is getting desperate early, I wonder what will be the fate of those churches that open and pack em in, will the Lord smite them down in a month! The Lord helps those who help themselves, but I imagine he has killed a few fools too. Those that follow Cheeto Jesus, don't follow Jesus and might meet him soon, or so it is said, I mean people are saying...

Divide the country, divide the medical community and now divide the religious one too, well one thing I guess Cheeto Jesus will do, he'll separate the sheep from the goats as they say.

Trump Is Desperately Trying To Escalate The Culture Wars By Demanding Churches Open
The president, despite not appearing to have such authority, threatened to override governors’ coronavirus measures—as his press secretary suggested journalists want houses of worship to stay closed. “Hideous and inappropriate,” one shot back.

President Donald Trump, deeming houses of worship “essential places that provide essential services,” called Friday for governors to allow them to reopen immediately—regardless of whether he actually has the authority to impose such an order. In an impromptu press briefing Friday afternoon, Trump criticized governors who deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics essential while “leaving out churches and other houses of worship,” something the president called “an injustice” that he is “correcting” by identifying them as essential. As the New York Times reports, Trump called upon governors to allow places of faith “to open right now for this weekend,” threatening that “if they don’t do it, I will override the governors.”

Legal experts questioned the constitutional merits of Trump’s order. “The president does not have the unilateral authority to override a governor’s decision temporarily to prohibit the assembly of church congregants because of Covid-19,” J. Michael Luttig, a former Republican administration official and circuit appeals court judge, told the Times. Former Obama administration official Harold Hongju Koh said that “there is no legal compulsion of the state governors to comply” with a statement Trump makes—even when he calls it an “order.” The ACLU’s Anthony Romero dismissed Trump’s statement as “more like political grandstanding than any actual enforcement of laws protecting religious freedom,” according to Politico.

But beyond the lack of constitutional authority, the Times’s Peter Baker writes that the president is speaking out “on an issue important to a critical part of his electoral base at a time when his support has been eroding” and embracing the “political priorities” of evangelicals and conservative religious voters, the turnout of which Trump will rely on in this year’s election. Never mind, he notes, that Trump himself “rarely goes to church, displays only a passing familiarity with the Bible, previously supported abortion rights, has been married three times and paid hush money to a pornographic film actress.”
WTF??? Has the States lost it’s collective mind? I’m watching all of these pro mushroom dicks tout the virtues of the retard in chief and either their reactionary seeking trolls or retards. What has he done that is in anyway good for the country? I’m willing to listen and debate anything, maybe I’m missing something. Yes this question has been asked over and over again and I’ll keep asking because there has not been an honest answer. Every time I watch/listen to the guy speak I ask the same question ........ WTF!!!
I don't know where else to put this, but WTF sums it up. More murder under color of authority, this time in Minneapolis. Damn, my breakfast is coming up.
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I don't know where else to put this, but WTF sums it up. More murder under color of authority, this time in Minneapolis. Damn, my breakfast is coming up.
I am actually happy that the Feds are jumping in. Even if I am very afraid of Trump trying to use this as a official way to drum up support. A doing the right thing for the wrong reason problems.
I don't know where else to put this, but WTF sums it up. More murder under color of authority, this time in Minneapolis. Damn, my breakfast is coming up.

Yep, the pigs murdered another man! Then after he's dead, all of us have to listen to the pigs lie about it, and give their bullshit justification for killing someone. Then 6-8 months later, the fucking lying DA says that there was nothing else the murdering pigs could do.

This happens every day, but we rarely hear about it.
Yep, the pigs murdered another man! Then after he's dead, all of us have to listen to the pigs lie about it, and give their bullshit justification for killing someone. Then 6-8 months later, the fucking lying DA says that there was nothing else the murdering pigs could do.

This happens every day, but we rarely hear about it.
That's one good thing about technology, almost everybody* has a video camera and access to upload to the interweb. *not me
The problem here is, we can let go of it.

go figure.
I won't. Sorry, it doesn't figure. This is going to be a very hot summer. I'm thinking of the Watts riots, when I was a kid. We used to keep our doors unlocked, as well as our cars. After that, everything changed. We are in for some ugly times.
I noticed on some of the drone video they were trying to maintain social distancing and were wearing masks, tells ya something compared to the white privilege crowd. How come they weren't allowed to storm the state legislature with assault rifles too and scream in the face of cops from a foot away?
JFC, let it go, dude.
I won't. Sorry, it doesn't figure. This is going to be a very hot summer. I'm thinking of the Watts riots, when I was a kid. We used to keep our doors unlocked, as well as our cars. After that, everything changed. We are in for some ugly times.
People are pissed alright, this time though black people have a powerful voice in the party about to take power in America, Joe owes minority voters too. It's so much easier when ya wait a spell before ya grab the fuckers by the nuts and twist real hard, after the election will be fine. Folks won't have to do much, the losers will do an echo of the Klan after the first civil war, if the dems win big and cause enough change. They won't go away, but will be largely toothless as far as policy goes.