
Its funny how bad the democrats hate. Its been this way since your beloved Hilary was crushed. And it will get worse when stuttering jimmy aka Biden gets the same treatment.
oh, hi

So, you voted for Trump because you believed he was going to build that wall and Mexico would pay for it. Also you believed he was going to make america great again by restoring manufacturing jobs in the US. Right?
Its funny how bad the democrats hate. Its been this way since your beloved Hilary was crushed. And it will get worse when stuttering jimmy aka Biden gets the same treatment.
Did the mean Democrats steal from your playbook of hate? Sad.
oh, hi

So, you voted for Trump because you believed he was going to build that wall and Mexico would pay for it. Also you believed he was going to make america great again by restoring manufacturing jobs in the US. Right?
Those coal mining jobs are coming back in a very short period of time, believe me, everyone knows it, you know what I'm talking about, show us the e-mails, we want to know about the son. Hunter. We want to know about the son. Three million illegal aliens voted in 2016, they vote, then go out to their car, change clothes, sometimes they wear a disguise, they wear a disguise and come in and vote again. I lost hundreds of friends on 9/11, the World Trade Center was known as the tallest and now 40 Wall Street is the tallest again.
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Its funny how bad the democrats hate. Its been this way since your beloved Hilary was crushed. And it will get worse when stuttering jimmy aka Biden gets the same treatment.
Jimmy is doing fine from his basement bunker, camagning was never so relaxing or cheap. Donald is in a hole and is furiously digging the bedrock of his base with a pick axe. Looks like Donald is gonna Jim Jones ya with Kooaid, its a good to mix an little Clorox in the Koolaid to whiten the teeth and freshen the breath. Try it, what have you got to lose? BTW Donald is down by 20 with seniors in FL and imagine is spending money on ads in NW florida, redneck country in may! He is in deep shit Cletus
The concept of putting any country first is nonsense in a global economy, get over it
In the global economy I think it is important to put your country first when ever possible. Mushroom dick does not do that, he puts his ego first, it’s never been about country. And there lies one of my many WTF’s, some people think he is for country.
Here's a thought hanimmal that might appeal to you as an exercise. Do a search of the thread titles for Obama and birth certificate and focus on the threads from around 2013. Trump. the republican and the Russians were running a pretty heavy disinformation campaign on this around then. Troll through the posts with the perspective of history and see what effect it had on members and if any have changed their tune from way back then. With the perspective of history and subsequent information, you might see something interesting as kind of a case study on the effects of disinformation. I figure it just feeds the narrative that people either want to believe or reifies one they already hold. Though the naive are easily swayed and we tend to believe the first thing we hear, and are not easily swayed by subsequent contrary information, some more so than others.
Palin enters the race against Obama who got a big boost after Edwards was caught up in a scandal that was pushed by Trump's buddies at the National Enquirer and trolling Clinton hard. The RNC got Palin as the VP who drummed up a lot of the right wing hate/Evangelicals that has been dominating the Republicans ever since politically. Also around this time the online trolling started up heavily.

Trump then started the Birth Certificate thing in 2010. Almost ran in 2012 but oddly enough dropped out just before Bernie Sanders decided not to challenge Obama with a 3rd party run. This is the real reason I think Trump hates Obama so much, he knew he would still lose to a black man in 2012 even with a 3rd party challenger and pussed out.

In 2013 Snowden smuggled the NSA files to Russia and they immediately sent spies to America to canvas our cities and figure out what divided us most as a society. They then started their online attack against us.

I think it makes more sense that Trump was always a 2-bit crook and after washing money for so many dictators and got sucked into working with the Saudi's (and/or) Netanyahu as a branding/conspiracy exercise and decided to run for President around 2010. His daughter married Kushner in 2009 and he was too close to this. And Trump while doing this original scam was dirty enough to jump into bed with the Russians to cash in on the run, not realizing they had been setting the ground work like the Russians/Stupid criminals Trump had around him had been and they burned him by not keeping their mouths shut about their scams.

I do agree, it is interesting looking back at the threads/posts from these times with a historical understanding of the trolling taking place.

Spent a few minutes with a publicly educated American and you’ll see it, unless perhaps you’re a publicly educated american
What a shitty and stupid thing to say. I would suggest thinking about the fact that we churn out far more highly intelligent people at all levels of education than any other country in the world. Do we also have a large number of morons? Of course, but at least their kids will have a shot to do better and not every job needs to have a genius doing it.

Lmao classic kike response stick to your own shit country. Nobody will like you more just cause your on the do nothing dem train
Wow a horrifically racist shit post from someone that says 'dem'. If you are an American you should brush up on how our country has actually been under attack by the very garbage you spout now for years at the benefit of the Republicans and Trump.
You’re a racist asshole.I hope you die a slow agonizing death in a fiery crash.

It’s because of pieces of shit like you and your buddy Trump your country is the shit country.

I’ll take Canada any day you piece of shit.

We have a few mentally ill tards here that create sock after sock and just troll people, it's a waste of time arguing with them, that's what they want, they're like spoiled children.
We have a few mentally ill tards here that create sock after sock and just troll people, it's a waste of time arguing with them, that's what they want, they're like spoiled children.
They're only use is as a toilet, used to shit on, for some it's like playing call of duty, ya get to wound and kill the fuckers guilt free, don't forget to flush! Different sock, same asshole ego behind it and it often feels the pain, besides Donald ain't around so a feller might as well slaughter and sheer a few of his sheep. :D

I tend to look for the positive aspects of things Captain...:D
Spent a few minutes with a publicly educated American and you’ll see it, unless perhaps you’re a publicly educated american
Even the slackers of this generation got a better education than previous generations. I have much respect for the teachers of today.

Your posts are filled with ignorance as well. Why should anybody listen to your opinion on today's educational system?

You hold some soft degree, am I right? A BS in business management perhaps? Lulz, those guys were INCEL chumps at my college.