
Im not saying they are uneducated, opposite, they are educated with the programming the government wants.
That's the republicans want, and since they were mostly racist and bigots all Donald had to do was blow the dog whistle into a bullhorn and it was love at first sight, they swooned into his arms like teenage girl Elvis fans, who I'm sure many were. Nobody is programing anybody, but a lot of people are spewing bullshit and fools are listening.
Spent a few minutes with a publicly educated American and you’ll see it, unless perhaps you’re a publicly educated american
I'm a publicly educated Canadian with some college who worked as a skilled tradesman and later in an office doing other related work like inspection, quality control documentations and other technical functions until I retired.
I always tell people do you really believe that the country they put man on the moon are failing at education or are they getting exactly what they’re planning on getting
It’s ironic you used that example. A lot of Trumpers (and the idiot himself) are conspiracy nuts and probably think the moon landing is fake.
One of my high school teachers worked for NASA during the Apollo missions. He frequently told the story of how NASA spent millions of dollars designing a pen that would write in zero gravity.

He would then ask: do you know what the Soviets did? Used a pencil. I don’t know if it’s true but it’s a funny story anyway.
Im not saying they are uneducated, opposite, they are educated with the programming the government wants.
The states control education and there is a wide difference in quality, furthermore school quality is neighborhood by neighborhood and varies a lot too depending on the level of affluence. Greed and an unwillingness to form a community with and share with minorities is at play here, its also why the richest country in the world does not have public healthcare, brown folks might get some and they would rather die than that. Cut yer nose off to spite yer face thinking, burn it down rather than let the brown folks take over.
I'm a publicly educated Canadian with some college who worked as a skilled tradesman and later in an office doing other related work like inspection, quality control documentations and other technical functions until I retired.
some rape victims are just fine too, what’s your point?
One of my high school teachers worked for NASA during the Apollo missions. He frequently told the story of how NASA spent millions of dollars designing a pen that would write in zero gravity.

He would then ask: do you know what the Soviets did? Used a pencil. I don’t know if it’s true but it’s a funny story anyway.
It's true to an extent, I think some anti space senator named Proxmire held it up in congress as an example of waste. A bit of common fucking sense would have been in order too, but you were dealing with engineers! :D
Haha. I’m clearly gonna be the token conservative here. I want the country open and back to normal and Trump to keep us going the right direction. He was right on China. He’s the only one who puts our country first. That’s what I want. We can be caring and compassionate and still put our country first.
Your not a conservative, conservatives don't support Trump and know he is an unfit fool and traitor, only suckers and traitors support Trump.
Here is what real conservatives are doing, Brad has a house in Florida too, maybe he used some of your bucks to do it, I hear he's also getting government money for his small business. Have a peek at what conservatives do.

Haha. I’m clearly gonna be the token conservative here. I want the country open and back to normal and Trump to keep us going the right direction. He was right on China. He’s the only one who puts our country first. That’s what I want. We can be caring and compassionate and still put our country first.
But this is my favorite conservative ad

Haha. I’m clearly gonna be the token conservative here. I want the country open and back to normal and Trump to keep us going the right direction. He was right on China. He’s the only one who puts our country first. That’s what I want. We can be caring and compassionate and still put our country first.

Trump is not putting your country first. He is alienating it so it's all alone. There's a significant difference there.