
I agree. It's a tall order to get a Democratic Party majority in the Senate, much less get a filibuster-proof one for Democrats in 2020. More than likely, regardless who controls the Senate, we are looking at at least two more years of gridlock if both parties are is unable to compromise.

I'm just curious what you think about using Trump's pardon as a means to get important legislation done.
It could happen, and I'd be OK with it, since there are still State charges against him and private lawsuits, but only because of those.
It doesn't look like he has much respect for "fake" media or the reporters, probably holds them in contempt and is playing them for the party.
Didn't you beat the shit out of people who look like him on the streets of Portland? Think he'd be out of place among that bunch? :D
No, I did not engage in the physical confrontation wrought by Proud Boys or Patriots Prayer. I was there to oppose but not fight. There were fights and Proud Boys gave better than they got, actually. Antifa were there to defend counter protesters such as myself, but they weren't fighters. Mostly they were skinny boys and girls in fashionable black clothes. It was never our intent to wreak havoc. We set out to get in their way and when they initiated violence, we bore witness, stood in their way and forced the police to declare an end to the demonstration/clear the streets.

That said, we numbered in the thousands, they in the hundreds. If we wanted to, we could have turned them into a greasy spot. But just look at the pictures from those demonstrations. We aren't fighters and weren't interested in hurting anybody.
The only person likely to pardon Trump would be Pence after Nov 3rd, Donald would blanket pardon him and resign, Pence would then Blanket Pardon Trump. Biden wouldn't go near pardoning Trump, there would be no benefit, his party would shred him and everybody would want Donald off the national stage, muzzled by court order and off twitter. A pence pardon is the only way out for Donald, but maybe not Pence and it's obvious they haven't "cut the deal" yet, if ever. Only a blanket pardon would work for Donald and that would be a black hole as his misdeeds and crimes emerged, very risky for anybody, including Pence. Donald is still subject to state charges and more lawsuits than anybody could imagine at this point. Besides a lot of people are gonna want the fucker dead!
The only person likely to pardon Trump would be Pence after Nov 3rd, Donald would blanket pardon him and resign, Pence would then Blanket Pardon Trump. Biden wouldn't go near pardoning Trump, there would be no benefit, his party would shred him and everybody would want Donald off the national stage, muzzled by court order and off twitter. A pence pardon is the only way out for Donald, but maybe not Pence and it's obvious they haven't "cut the deal" yet, if ever. Only a blanket pardon would work for Donald and that would be a black hole as his misdeeds and crimes emerged, very risky for anybody, including Pence. Donald is still subject to state charges and more lawsuits than anybody could imagine at this point. Besides a lot of people are gonna want the fucker dead!
Trump is not going to step down. Trump is not going to be impeached. So, Pence will never get the chance to pardon him. I agree he would if he could.

The ACA is severely weakened, Republicans seem intent on wrecking it. Climate change is not being addressed. We have a a social safety net that is full of holes. Our economy is in the throes of recession yet Republicans are talking about ending financial spending to prop it up.

I lean on the side of wanting Biden to stay out of the issue other than ensure well a well run DOJ investigation. But I don't know that Biden would turn down a good deal for the good of the people of this country. It would not be a deal breaker for me if he did. As Schy said, it would have to be a good deal. Unfortunately, we'd never really know if that's what happened, so a pardon for Trump would be controversial.
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i concern myself with myself. that's our responsibility. 'cult of sanders' is offensive phrase to me.
Sanders supporters and their Cult Leader, Bernie, talked about an imaginary wave of liberal heretofore non-voters were going to carry Sanders to victory and force him upon Democrats. Anybody who believes that is member of a cult. Just like the people who believed they would ascend into the heavens if they drank the Koolaid.

Sanders Says He’ll Attract a Wave of New Voters. It Hasn’t Happened.
Bernie Sanders has so far prevailed by expanding his appeal among traditional Democratic voters, not by driving record turnout.

CHARLESTON, S.C. — It is the most politically provocative part of Senator Bernie Sanders’s campaign pitch: that his progressive movement will bring millions of nonvoters into the November election, driving record turnout especially among disaffected working-class Americans and young people.

I lean on the side of wanting Biden to stay out of the issue other than ensure well a well run DOJ investigation. But I don't know that Biden would turn down a good deal for the good of the people of this country. It would not be a deal breaker for me if he did. As Schy said, it would have to be a good deal. Unfortunately, we'd never really know if that's what happened, so a pardon for Trump would be controversial.
Secretly nobody in the republican "establishment" wants Donald around if they figure he's a loser and if he fucks Mitch and the senate, they will be pissed too. The sheer magnitude of his crimes and misdeeds cry out for justice and anybody who gets in the way will pay for no benefit, except to get a pardon themselves (assuming they need one).

Biden will run a professional administration and let the DOJ handle Donald, trust me there will be many there eager to do Donald into the ground. The pardon process under Joe will be like it was under Obama and Donald meets none of the criteria. The base can cry in their beer and give money to the "Free Donald" campaign which will be a future con for the base.

Donald is divisive and disruptive and nobody will want him around, prison is the best place for him, no twitter there. Trumpism will evaporate eventually because there was nothing to it but hate and stupid, but the hate and stupid will remain dormant, awaiting a new leader and another day. Donald will control the republican party until he is put into prison, others want a turn.
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Secretly nobody in the republican "establishment" wants Donald around if the figure he's a loser and if he fucks Mitch and the senate they will be pissed too. The sheer magnatude of his crimes and misdeeds cry out for justice and anybody who gets in the way will pay for no benefit, except to get a pardon themselves (assuming they need one).

Biden will run a professional administration and let the DOJ handle Donald, trust me there will be many there eager to do Donald into the ground. The pardon process under Joe will be like it was under Obama and Donald meets none of the criteria. The base can cry in their beer and give money to the "Free Donald" campaign which will be a future con for the base.

Donald is divisive and disruptive and nobody will want him around, prison is the best place for him, no twitter there. Trumpism will evaporate eventually because there was nothing to it but hate and stupid, but the hate and stupid will remain dormant, awaiting a new leader and another day. Donald will control the republican party until he is put into prison, others want a turn.
Methinks your bias is showing. I'm not at all so certain of the things you say.

I'd be completely surprised if Trumpism will simply "evaporate" with a Biden win. Regarding my hypothetical question, you missed my intent. I wasn't asking "WILL Biden pardon", I asked "if he did how would you feel about it".
So it’s ok to pardon him because you can get him another way? Trump’s federal crimes are many.

Just looking at the Ukraine scandal, alone. Every reasonable person knows what he did was criminal. These crimes weren’t only harmful to the US but to another country as well. An ally.

An important question to ask is: what message would this send to the other countries of the world if these crimes were pardoned?

Because of Trump the US is diminishing it’s status of importance on the world stage. I think to give Trump a pardon of any kind would diminish it further.

i agree but it was thrown out there as a potential way to have him physically leave without bloodshed because he has no intention of leaving.
Why is Captain Underpants (Dershowitz) going on Fox and saying you have two choices on vaccines, take it or remain quarantined. Just doesn't seem like his sort of stance, are they prepping the public for having to submit to a tRUmp vaccine, I'll chose a internment camp over being injected with something that the psycho had a hand in creating, and I'm sure the vaccine company will be granted immunity from lawsuits. I'm not anti vaccine but I don't trust tRUmp.
Why is Captain Underpants (Dershowitz) going on Fox and saying you have two choices on vaccines, take it or remain quarantined. Just doesn't seem like his sort of stance, are they prepping the public for having to submit to a tRUmp vaccine, I'll chose a internment camp over being injected with something that the psycho had a hand in creating, and I'm sure the vaccine company will be granted immunity from lawsuits. I'm not anti vaccine but I don't trust tRUmp.

they're doing daily floating of new conspiracy and uncle rudy is all used up..what does he mean by one of two choices when it's something none of their supporters do anyway- quarantine.
The whole thing was weird, I'm not saying tRUmp is trying to kill us all but he's so deranged anything is possible with the wack job. I can however see tRUmp removing all safety protocols on development of a vaccine and promise the company immunity because he gets a kickback or has a piece of the company.
Why is Captain Underpants (Dershowitz) going on Fox and saying you have two choices on vaccines, take it or remain quarantined. Just doesn't seem like his sort of stance, are they prepping the public for having to submit to a tRUmp vaccine, I'll chose a internment camp over being injected with something that the psycho had a hand in creating, and I'm sure the vaccine company will be granted immunity from lawsuits. I'm not anti vaccine but I don't trust tRUmp.
Well Trump already paid for Dershowitz by having Epstein murder himself, so now Trump is just getting his moneys worth.
i agree but it was thrown out there as a potential way to have him physically leave without bloodshed because he has no intention of leaving.
Actually, I asked if President Biden were to pardon Trump in exchange for Republican lawmakers letting pass into law legislation that Democrats want enacted, how would people feel about it.

I do not think that Trump would be able to hold power past the end of his term if he lost the election.