
Actually, I asked if President Biden were to pardon Trump in exchange for Republican lawmakers letting pass into law legislation that Democrats want enacted, how would people feel about it.

I do not think that Trump would be able to hold power past the end of his term if he lost the election.
I think more it might be that Mitch and the rest of the Russian backed politicians (via NRA/Evangelical/Racists/etc) will want to get off, so if anything I would bet that a lot of them get sweet plea deals for 'flipping' and a whole lot of ultra wealthy people get dragged into Trump's upcoming RICO trial.

Because one thing I would put money on, Trump won't go down alone, he will burn everyone he can kicking and screaming the entire time. Or he flees to Saudi Arabia/Russia.
Why is Captain Underpants (Dershowitz) going on Fox and saying you have two choices on vaccines, take it or remain quarantined. Just doesn't seem like his sort of stance, are they prepping the public for having to submit to a tRUmp vaccine, I'll chose a internment camp over being injected with something that the psycho had a hand in creating, and I'm sure the vaccine company will be granted immunity from lawsuits. I'm not anti vaccine but I don't trust tRUmp.
Yes, it seems that what Captain Underpants said is more likely to create a backlash against any vaccine. Personally, I don't think a vaccine will successfully make it through the necessary testing. If one does, I'll look at what they did to qualify it. I'm skeptical about anything like that if it's fast-tracked but willing to listen to arguments for and against.

Pres. Ford threw his backing behind a vaccine that ended up doing more harm than good. I's probably the worst thing to ever happen in the US to erode confidence in this kind of tech. We don't need another fiasco like that.
I think more it might be that Mitch and the rest of the Russian backed politicians (via NRA/Evangelical/Racists/etc) will want to get off, so if anything I would bet that a lot of them get sweet plea deals for 'flipping' and a whole lot of ultra wealthy people get dragged into Trump's upcoming RICO trial.

Because one thing I would put money on, Trump won't go down alone, he will burn everyone he can kicking and screaming the entire time. Or he flees to Saudi Arabia/Russia.
Either of those options would be sweet.
Methinks your bias is showing. I'm not at all so certain of the things you say.

I'd be completely surprised if Trumpism will simply "evaporate" with a Biden win. Regarding my hypothetical question, you missed my intent. I wasn't asking "WILL Biden pardon", I asked "if he did how would you feel about it".
I'd feel not too good, but I don't count.

These people need a strong leader coalesce around and Donald will control the republican party until he goes to prison and even then... He will be more dangerous to republicans and the country if he is allowed to roam and tweet freely, nobody is above law and there is a first for everything, another precedent broken. Trumpism has no core or underlying ideology, the wise would fragment the organisation after Trump is gone, only hate and resentment hold it together at this point, that won't go away, but much of it's organising impetus and leadership will be gone. The lunatic base will continue to throw up unelectable idiots, who in some cases will win, the party has been fatally poisoned. These people won't go away, but we become strong socially when we organise, chaos will reign among them when Donald is gone and much big money will follow power. Those guys from the Lincoln project might wanna ride the elephant again too, or form a separate conservative party (big bucks required and state laws to be changed) the GOP going the way of the whigs eventually.
I think more it might be that Mitch and the rest of the Russian backed politicians (via NRA/Evangelical/Racists/etc) will want to get off, so if anything I would bet that a lot of them get sweet plea deals for 'flipping' and a whole lot of ultra wealthy people get dragged into Trump's upcoming RICO trial.

Because one thing I would put money on, Trump won't go down alone, he will burn everyone he can kicking and screaming the entire time. Or he flees to Saudi Arabia/Russia.
The national commision into this shit will be breathtaking in its scope and depth and there will be several, along with countless investigations. There are lessons to be learned here that are essential for the continued survival of the republic. It will further bury the republicans and keep them from power and ruin their "brand", except among the deplorables who delight in their own shame. Remember what happened in California when they got rid of the republicans there, it went from ungovernable to on top of the world seemingly overnight, I hope the same for America.
Oh crap I forgot, he might pull a Kato Calin with his buddy Bannan and go full cult leader.

Here's a thought hanimmal that might appeal to you as an exercise. Do a search of the thread titles for Obama and birth certificate and focus on the threads from around 2013. Trump. the republican and the Russians were running a pretty heavy disinformation campaign on this around then. Troll through the posts with the perspective of history and see what effect it had on members and if any have changed their tune from way back then. With the perspective of history and subsequent information, you might see something interesting as kind of a case study on the effects of disinformation. I figure it just feeds the narrative that people either want to believe or reifies one they already hold. Though the naive are easily swayed and we tend to believe the first thing we hear, and are not easily swayed by subsequent contrary information, some more so than others.
he's on right now going nuts over requests for vote-by-mail..yup! that's right! you can't 'fix' it can you Trumpy*..?:lol:

imo somehow the plan is to change the numbers and he's upset because there will be a hard copy with vote-by-mail- can't cheat.

maybe there can be an 'accident' at the Ford plant?
WTF??? Has the States lost it’s collective mind? I’m watching all of these pro mushroom dicks tout the virtues of the retard in chief and either their reactionary seeking trolls or retards. What has he done that is in anyway good for the country? I’m willing to listen and debate anything, maybe I’m missing something. Yes this question has been asked over and over again and I’ll keep asking because there has not been an honest answer. Every time I watch/listen to the guy speak I ask the same question ........ WTF!!!

I have several supporters who work for me and I have tried to nail them down to just one fcking reason they like him and they can't intelligently voice one. They are all racists but don't realize it about themselves. They will go on about illegal immigrants this and that, swamp this and that, tell it like it is this and that. End of the day they just like that he is as fcking stupid as they are.
I'd feel not too good, but I don't count.

These people need a strong leader coalesce around and Donald will control the republican party until he goes to prison and even then... He will be more dangerous to republicans and the country if he is allowed to roam and tweet freely, nobody is above law and there is a first for everything, another precedent broken. Trumpism has no core or underlying ideology, the wise would fragment the organisation after Trump is gone, only hate and resentment hold it together at this point, that won't go away, but much of it's organising impetus and leadership will be gone. The lunatic base will continue to throw up unelectable idiots, who in some cases will win, the party has been fatally poisoned. These people won't go away, but we become strong socially when we organise, chaos will reign among them when Donald is gone and much big money will follow power. Those guys from the Lincoln project might wanna ride the elephant again too, or form a separate conservative party (big bucks required and state laws to be changed) the GOP going the way of the whigs eventually.
Personally, I thing once he's out of power, Trump's supporters will just move on to another fascist leader, maybe even worse than Trump.
Personally, I thing once he's out of power, Trump's supporters will just move on to another fascist leader, maybe even worse than Trump.
I believe as long as Trump can tweet his lemmings will follow him. And he’s not going to be quiet if he loses. Not until the jailer takes his phone anyway.

I think it’s Trumps stupidly that appeals to them. He won’t be president forever but that piece of shit will always be a stupid mother fucker.
Personally, I thing once he's out of power, Trump's supporters will just move on to another fascist leader, maybe even worse than Trump.
Some will still pine for Donald and the "good old days", but the next Donald won't be long coming, now that they've seen how its done and how easy it is to get control of these morons.
Easy? If you think it was easy you are not paying attention. America has spent more money than any other country on the planet when it comes to education. It takes a lot of money and effort to produce a population that is so stupid.
Easy? If you think it was easy you are not paying attention. America has spent more money than any other country on the planet when it comes to education. It takes a lot of money and effort to produce a population that is so stupid.
Money spent on education is one thing, results are another, most of these people are neither stupid or uneducated, education and intelligence aren't the core issues here, racism, bigotry, tribalism and fear are. Racism and hate make people stupid as does all strong emotion, we make our worst moves when under the control of hatred, fear, lust and even greed that drive our thinking and filter our reality. There are so many things for people to pay attention to these days that politics has lost its central role in most citizens attention, corruption and a sense of disempowerment only makes this worse.

An IQ of 100 is average, that means half the population falls below this score on testing, while it would be comforting to think this is the exclusive domain of Trumpers, it is not. Feelings and emotions drive such things more than rational thought, if it didn't there would be no Trumpers or GOP.
I always tell people do you really believe that the country they put man on the moon are failing at education or are they getting exactly what they’re planning on getting
I always tell people do you really believe that the country they put man on the moon are failing at education or are they getting exactly what they’re planning on getting
Not just trump, love the uneducated, the GOP loves them too, they are easier to misinform with a false narrative of reality, because they have such a narrow and in many cases limited view of it. But uneducated doesn't necessarily mean stupid and more so in today's world where any kid with brains and drive can learn what they want at any level they can handle, though most just play games on their computers. Formal education is useful and desirable for personal development and employment, HR departments cover their asses in the degrees of the people they hire.
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