You know your too stoned when.......

When your in line for a gas pump and space out. but meanwhile your ipod converter cuts out and goes to radio and it takes you 3 minutes to realize your blasting kelly clarkson and everyone is looking at you like your... well... stoned.
You know you're stoned when:

4. All you can do is think about food and everything reminds you of food. Even things that shouldn't. Like tires.
i saw this and thought do-nuts. then i wanted some

it takes 5 mins just to get past Kodank's adavatar's bouncing titties.

you watch something fall and see it happening in time to save it but just watch, like your bong:cry: damn that White Rhino also know when you're to stoned when you attempt to make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and it ends up as a peanut butter and tomatoe sauce sandwich...
you know your too stoned when your holding a silica gel packet (the "do not eat!" stuff) in one hand and a chip in the other then you fuck with your friends and act like your gonna eat the packet then you don't but less than a minute later you accidently end up throwing the packet in your mouth! hahah oh thc.
you know you're stoned when you completely space out and miss a whole green light, thus holding up at least 40-50 pissed of rednecks.
well aren't you the popular one then? the rednecks 'round here are the methy gun totin' wal-mart lovers. they always in a hurry in thar' fancy trucks.
well aren't you the popular one then? the rednecks 'round here are the methy gun totin' wal-mart lovers. they always in a hurry in thar' fancy trucks.
yea same here. they got "Oil Field Trash" or some shit on there Dodge Dually. i figure they do what they want i can too.

you go to wal-mart and all the rednecks turn heads as you go by smellin you then get angry their missin out
you know your too stoned when you get a bang on your door from your downstairs neighbor at 12:30 saying there is a bunch of red water coming from her ceiling because you forgot to put the lid back on your dwc container correctly. Good thing shes a dumb blonde, I told her my fish tank seal broke and all the water leaked out. WHEW.