You know your too stoned when.......

You know you are too stoned when you feel your phone vibrate so you reach into your pocket to answer it, except your phone isn't in your pocket.

Sometimes I pull my phone out and theres no one there, and no message, and I think to myself "is my brain fucking with me? or did my phone actually vibrate?!". But when it's sitting on my dresser I know I was just too stoned.

Dude I do this one too. I even sometimes hear my ringtone when its not really going off
Last night I smoked half a joint and sat on the couch for a bit. I was also pretty drunk... After about 15 minutes I remembered I still had half a joint so I got up to look for it. I came back into the living room as my dog ate it off the floor in front of where I was sitting... It must have been in my lap. doh!
You know you're too stoned when you stop in the middle of a busy intersection because you forgot how to drive and don't know what is going on. RESET!
Man I can relate to a bunch of these, I guess I'm too stoned all the time.

You know you're too stoned when you waste away your night looking at stupid youtube videos.

"You do it again, I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron!"

Too stoned? No such thing, there is sober, stoned, and asleep...Guess which one I try to be as little as possible.
You kow your too stoned when someone asks you what time it is and you spill your bong water on your lap and your not wearing a watch
you know you're too stoned when you forget what bottle contains the drink. and what contains the bong water... Nice big swig of about 20 filtered cones worth. yummy!