You know youre too high when....

When you start whistling and making your own tunes. Not sure if I'm on my own on this one.... but I like to make gnome sounding tunes. :bigjoint:
When you start whistling and making your own tunes. Not sure if I'm on my own on this one.... but I like to make gnome sounding tunes. :bigjoint:

lol i wasn't going to admit it but yea i found myself making 'vroom vroom' noises the other day watching F1. like when i stood up to get a drink and cornered the sofa at a tight angle 'Vroomm'.
I like when I'm smoking some strong indica with my friends and were all talking and shit when we first light up and then five minutes later everyone is dead quiet, slumped in place. Lol
When you laugh at someone and call them an idiot for doing something stupid, like spilling their water, only to realize 30 seconds later that they were just washing their cup out
when you make a username and password for an account and can't remember - FOR THE LIFE OF YOU - what the hell the name and password were..then randomly 4 days later you finally remember- while brushing your teethdamn.. I need some more of this shit!!
Alright check it, 2 friends of mine, a well as myself, are smoking in my car in my driveway. Hot Cali day and a cat walks under my car and lays down. Friend in the back seat says, ” that cat is crazy, its too hot to be laying on concrete under your car.” Friend in front seat said, ” heat rises and the car acts like a shade for the cat. Its cool down there.” Back seat friend said, ” na it has to be hot down there.” So I say, ” then get out the car and crawl under it and see it its cool, prove us wrong.” So dude gets out the car and crawls under the car and gets next to the cat. Then he says, ” hey your right, it is cool.” Thats when I turn to the front seat friend and say, ” thats when you know you are too high.”
When ur driving down the road in a daze and u forget where ur going and freak out and panic until u see your exit and cut someone off to ge there lol. Happened the other day to me.
When you can't find your cellphone and your talking on it.

Happened to me before, I was baked just got outta my car walking somewhere talking to my fiancé,
I patted my pockets to make sure I had everything, keys,money,phone... Wait no phone... My Phones
always in my pocket.. I yell out god damnit where's my fucken phone did I leave it in the car? My fiancé on the other line just says "wow your dumb sometimes" and I just burst out laughing once I realized.
When you get in a fight with a kid for cutting you in line at the ice cream truck.

When munchies strike, it can be serious business ......
DROPZILLA:7563403 said:
when your too high to put in eye drops / visine..
or you don't want to because it will "kill your high"
I swear I feel higher when I don't bother with eyedrops or shit like that...but a nigga gotta work
That's when I would consider you border line retarded ....

I am super smart, but terrible with directions, and have done this same basic thing a few times once drove past my turnoff by 7 cities before I realized...I saw a welcome to "wherever" sign that I had never heard of...