You know youre too high when....

pretending you're not at home when someone touches the doorbell and the car is blatantly in the driveway and the tv is on.
you've gone to bed and have left the tv on + the lounge/kitchen and toilet light on

the sofa is now your bed

ok ok i'll stop now
you load yourself a "doublay-doublay" (2 larger size bong hits back to back) & you sit there for 30-45 minutes with the 2nd hit loaded, bong in one hand, lighter in the other & forget to take that 2nd hit for a long while.

When Cannabineer smoked way too much master kush and went on a rampage in Vegas.


I warned him. Then I sat back and took a plethora of compromising/incriminating photographs. Thanks CN for funding my retirement. Oh, by the way, I called the zoo. The penguin is fine. The vet said penguin eggs are much larger so there shouldn't be any permanent harm. However, you will have to pay for the damage to the hotel room. Apparently the giraffe had stomach issues.
there's nowt in the kitchen yet you've managed to walk back into the lounge eating something sweet :D
When you go into the fucking kitchen for a glass of ice water. Get all the way back to the computer (opposite end of the house) and realize you forgot the ice water. Again. For the third time. I can't help it. I keep getting distracted by the hummingbirds.
Ill go to the kitchen to get a yoohoo and come back to my room with nachoes, icecream and and a homemade yoohoo. And id have to go back and get it cause that would make the moment perfect.
When it feels like you are rolling backwards when the other cars at a stop start moving before you do.
When you spend 20 minutes complaining about losing your lighter, and the whole time searching it is in your hand....