Your Stoner Lingo


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and also around here, to get smoke in your eye that burns while smoking a j is called a popeye and to smoke in a car with the windows up is called fish bowling, blunts are called bobs and joints are whiteboys.


Active Member
In my circle, we say "going to 5 cent deli" or cell txt version "5CD", so ppl know yer high somewhere and they prolly r not.
it came from a party we had and i was so stoned i couldnt understand what my friend was saying... i heard it as "5 cent deli"
but in rerality he was saying something like "if i sat down"...

i asked him to repeat it like 10 times and i couldnt understand whtf "5 cent deli" meant... LOL

to this day we say 5CD as code so GFs and family have no clue what we r about to do or did...

Its caught on and tons of ppl say it now!


Well-Known Member
I'm just chillin rolling a bleezy up here in wa state yee yee :)
you can't say yee yee if you're from wa sate. that's bay shit, just like bleezy. but it's ok, just letting you know that your area stole my area's slang.

we call weed weed or trees or grapes or bomb or rope or dank or fire. car rides while smoking blunts are burn cruises.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
local slang in my area
cannabis- herb or Ted Nugent, or nug, or brocolli or cabbage
an eighth- a skateboard
a quarter oz- a farmers daughter
half ounce- half onion
ounce - onion
quarter pound- qper
half pound- hound
1 pound - an elbow
a or bong or bong hit - binger
scale - bobby dig
a pipe- glass or a piece
need to score herb - need landscaping
getting stoned- commune with nature or lets see George Lucas
someone who smokes shit weed- a scraggler
round here (nottingham england) we calls joints and spliffs 'boons' or 'reefs'
we call weed 'ganj' or 'chron'
we call kief/crystals 'cryzzys'
and usually were baked, fucked, high, red.

Dick Bacco

doesn't take long to read all 31 pages after and during a bowl of hash.....

Stoner lingo.....among my friends and I, it differes to where I am, and who I'm talking to.

At school:
DO you have any cigaretts(weed)?
(get real cigarettes if I have them)

On the phone, from home, or in public:
I just got gas (weed) for the mower(pipe), I need to mow the grass soon.

Faded doesn't come up scale doesn't range from 1-10, it's from 0-burnt toast


Well-Known Member
smoking in a car - burn run
asking someone if they wanna smoke - "wanna burn one", "lets get safe", "lets have a safety meeting" "better safe than sorry" (if were skateboarding)
stoned - safe, baked, high,blazed, ect...(i use em all)
thats mainly it i say dude alot and when me n my friends are chilling and busting each others balls we call each other guy mainly because its really funny to call someone guy at the end of a sentence. Im stoned.


Active Member
Australia.. Budley, Ganja, lets go to Disney-land, lets go to our magical island, lets go for a boatride
lets get fuckin baked bra..

Shfifty-five = a 50$

Maryjayne, some of that green stuff


well... let get high /lets burn one want to do a bong an a kilo a pound an an oz a half an how about a lid . any body remember a lid


Well-Known Member
gettin blitzed, zooted, retarded, burnin, in a better place lol, said that in class once and had to lie to my teacher and tell him i was talking bout my grandma


Active Member
Let's get/I'm fuggin: Stoked,Lifted,Smashed,Blazed,Blitzed,feeling right now.

You need any: Herb,Trees,Smoke,Shama Lama Ding Dongggggg,Monkey.

insane 559 jc

Well-Known Member
loadie = smoker Fruit = s.d. herb fire = fresno high grade regular/stress = no exp needed :)

load = car loaf = pound/ounce , large amt. sack = small amount one time = fpd /fco sheriff/ chp