Your Stupid, Completely Irrational Fears

I used to stay in a basement type apartment that would have these fuckers. Defintely have an irrational fear of them as they don't do shit. But, ugh those fuckin' legs man, wtf are you doing?!?!?!

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The worse part would be getting high with my friends and deciding we want to go "silver fish hunting", when we would feel brave. That's not the bad part, the bad part was whenever we wanted to find them, we would. They were always chilling in the shadows waiting for the lights to go off.

And then there was the time I got binged out on coke, paranoia plus those fuckers... not cool.

Those actually are not silverfish. They are a house centipede and nasty as fuck.. They get monstously large too.. Believe it or not they are beneficial if you don't like spiders, that is what they eat..
Back east where I grew up, I'd sometimes find a Cave Cricket in the basement. Those things liquefied my intestines. I still feel a panicky yuurrggh when looking at the pics. i always felt them to be mutants, the cricket version of the bad guys from the original Omega Man. Needles to say, I went Charlton on their humped asses. cn


I think you're related to my wife. I don't know how they get in the house, but my wife freaks when they do. I have to snatch them up and toss them outside before she tears the house down around us trying to get away.
I think you're related to my wife. I don't know how they get in the house, but my wife freaks when they do. I have to snatch them up and toss them outside before she tears the house down around us trying to get away.

I feel for her. Those cave crickets are pretty much the only life form that gives me the irrational panics. I'm the guy who catches and rescues spiders from all corners of the house. Earwigs gross me out, but I can just frown and catch them with a glass and a piece of junk mail. I am so glad i haven't seen a cave cricket out here. cn
I had a few cave crickets that got into my dart frog vivs... freaked me the fuck out. I had eggs that kept coming up missing. Damn thing was like 5 times bigger than my frogs.
I feel for her. Those cave crickets are pretty much the only life form that gives me the irrational panics. I'm the guy who catches and rescues spiders from all corners of the house. Earwigs gross me out, but I can just frown and catch them with a glass and a piece of junk mail. I am so glad i haven't seen a cave cricket out here. cn

But they're so cool! I caught one in Trinidad and fed it to the chameleon I found. They get HUGE!!
I am afraid of flying......I am only willing to fly if it is very important 2 me. It is a phobia. Even tho I know that the stats for commercial jetliners are on my side....When I am up in the air, I am struck with the idea that a couple failures on the plane or an explosion could send the plane out of control...with the result being 100% dead passengers- including me and the person I'm with

My fear started BEFORE 9/11.....I was glad I wasn't flying when that went down like it did! : RIP!
I feel for her. Those cave crickets are pretty much the only life form that gives me the irrational panics. I'm the guy who catches and rescues spiders from all corners of the house. Earwigs gross me out, but I can just frown and catch them with a glass and a piece of junk mail. I am so glad i haven't seen a cave cricket out here. cn

We are plagued by these little monsters:


They're not poisonous or in any way dangerous. They just like to hide underneath your blankets or pillows.. And they tend to grasp anything that pokes at them.. like a finger.. or a toe... and my most favorite:


And the most dreaded animal on my GOD HELP ME!!! list:


I would handle a bark scorpion with my bare hands before I would allow a desert centipede anywhere near my tender flesh. Evil little bastards.

i have a few irrational fears ,the most troubling one for me at the moment, is the fear of being out somewhere with my young daughter. and something happening to me , like drop down dead, it sends me into a panic just thinking about where she would go what she would do , would she just sit there next to my body would she go wandering off and get hurt , what would happen if we were in the middle of nowhere and no one was about like out walking in a Forrest , how scared would she be , how would anyone find her .
i even get the same thoughts when she comes around to stay at my house , i all ways think what if im cooking or something and drop down dead , how will she get out , what happens if she cant get out and the place sets on fire , but this fear is getting less as she gets older because she knows my address off by heart now , and she knows to diall 999 if anything ever happens , still makes me panic though because i start thinking what happens if she cant work the phone for some reason lol
i also fear dogs attacking my daughter too, in fact i hate people owning vicious dogs , the amount of terrier type dogs that have snarled and snapped at me or my daughter in the street is unbelievable ,i dont always blame the dog though its usually lazy ass owners who have them as a status symbol.
that first one I haven't seen since I was a kid, is it called a potato bug? Whatever it is...ewwwwww on allll of them lol. Desert living is NOT for me.

We are plagued by these little monsters:


They're not poisonous or in any way dangerous. They just like to hide underneath your blankets or pillows.. And they tend to grasp anything that pokes at them.. like a finger.. or a toe... and my most favorite:


And the most dreaded animal on my GOD HELP ME!!! list:


I would handle a bark scorpion with my bare hands before I would allow a desert centipede anywhere near my tender flesh. Evil little bastards.

the thing is with a lot of my fears they actualy come true and happen , in the summer all the family was gatherd at my mums house,for a get together there was 5 or 6 kids , mine , my sisters etc, all running through the house screaming playing and doing what kids do , i go off out side to sneak in a quick joint , go back in the house nicely stoned and sit down , the kids are all running past, back and to, back and to, and it started getting to me , i knew something was going to happen , my mum says to me whats up with you , i said 'someones gonna hurt themselves if they dont stop this running about' she and everyone else tells me to stop being so over protective and stop being a nervous wreck coz it wasnt fare on the kids , so i just think , fuck you lot , no one seems to care , so fuck it i wont , i sit there listening to all the screaming laughing etc , just knowing something was about to happen and .......bang , my sisters 4 year old is sent flying across the room by one of the older kids and he smacks his eye socket really fucking hard on the corner of a table , the noise it made was fucking sick .blood pouring from his eyes and 24 hrs in hospital .
i was so pissed off how come no one else sees these dangers like i do ,why are parents so chilled out , i thought i was supposed to be the chilled out stoner who dosent care about anything ,i was the only stoner at the house that day and i was the only one who could see any danger in what the kids were doing, everyone else was busy chatting boring sober bullshit lol i believe the weed opens your mind , like you can see things clearer without being blinded by the everyday shit non smokers deal with.
that first one I haven't seen since I was a kid, is it called a potato bug? Whatever it is...ewwwwww on allll of them lol. Desert living is NOT for me.

Around here it's called a Child-of-the-earth. In your neck of the woods it's known as a Jerusalem Cricket. :p
Encountered a toilet spider as a kid and needless to say I didn't use that downstairs toilet for a couple years lol.

I can think of one irrational fear that has crossed my mind; I fear that when I'm driving through a residential neighborhood, someone's kid is going to be crawling across the street and I won't see them and run them over.:confused:

However, on deeper thought, probably has something to do with the fact I was hit by a carpet van while riding my snowmobile as a kid.
(I was uninjured but flew about 20 feet through the air)
that first one I haven't seen since I was a kid, is it called a potato bug? Whatever it is...ewwwwww on allll of them lol. Desert living is NOT for me.
They sure are a quadrifecta of queasymaking dry-country crawlers.
Still...ewww lol...are they as slimy as they look?

Not slimy at all ... dry and hard. But they're like the Diesel version of the cave cricket. And I've also heard folks calling them "potato bugs". cn
Then they are what I remember as I child and not slimy at all. I must admit to finding big white larvae and um...mixing them up? Potions I guess.
that first one I haven't seen since I was a kid, is it called a potato bug? Whatever it is...ewwwwww on allll of them lol. Desert living is NOT for me.

But look how cute it is, and they get pretty big too. They even hiss and if you smush them they stink like vinegar.
