Your Stupid, Completely Irrational Fears

That's a vinegaroon, a sort of whipscorpion (chelicerate, related to arachnids). cn

Yep, we've got tons of those things out here. For some reason when I did an image search for "vinegaroon", a good 85% of the pics were of the lead singer from Queens of the Stone Age. :confused:
Yep, we've got tons of those things out here. For some reason when I did an image search for "vinegaroon", a good 85% of the pics were of the lead singer from Queens of the Stone Age. :confused:

I tried that and got nowt but bugs. I'm in Firefox; I wonder if that makes a diff. cn
I have this horrible fear that shadowy groups are plotting to take over the country and establish a police state which will then just constantly fuck with me in every possible way.

Oh, gay clowns too. The straight ones, not so scary.
I have this horrible fear that shadowy groups are plotting to take over the country and establish a police state which will then just constantly fuck with me in every possible way.

Oh, gay clowns too. The straight ones, not so scary.

All clowns skeez me out. Always did. cn
They sure are a quadrifecta of queasymaking dry-country crawlers.

Not slimy at all ... dry and hard. But they're like the Diesel version of the cave cricket. And I've also heard folks calling them "potato bugs". cn

Funny how different regions have different names for things. This is what I've always been told is a potato bug (rollie-pollie):

Bees kind of freak me the fuck out. They, as do wasps, seem to show signs of higher intelligence sometimes, more than your average housefly. You swat them away and they come back with a vengeance!

Cancer, that fucks with my head occasionally, though I attribute it mostly to genetics, and even though it's not prevalent in my family, still, I'd hate to get something as scary as that! I can only imagine what it would be like, taking some random blood test or something and having the doc call me at like 9pm (immediate red flag!), "uhh, we got your blood results back and we need you to come in for further testing.." "Really? Is everything OK?" "...well, not exactly, we're showing signs of stage 4 terminal cancer in your liver, you need to come down immediately.." "(omfg!!) I'll be there asap!"...

That would terrify me, people actually go through that shit, awful! I just read about a doctor who spent his whole live treating people only to be diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer as a middle aged man.. heart breaking.

We should throw billions of dollars at stuff like that, not wars.. Cancer, AIDS, Hepatitis, TB, Emphysema, STD's.. why don't we spend money helping people instead of hurting people...? Feeding people instead of causing droughts and starvation in regions... :sigh..:

Fundies.. maybe it's just me, but these silly fucks scare me. Especially their absolute certainty! To have a fundie fucktard in the White House like GW again is terrifying. Especially at this time. So glad Romney didn't get the win..

My balls being hurt. Haven't been kicked in the nuts since gradeschool, but the shit STILL resonates with me! Kicking a guy in the nuts is tantamount to a man punching a woman, full force, square in the jaw. That shit is off limits, and if you attack me there you better be ready to meet your maker. Man, woman, my nuts know no discrimination. You'll meet Mr. left hook and he'll introduce you to Mr. right cross if you decide to got there!

Sharks! I spend probably 0.00002% of my life ever even risking coming into contact with a shark, but fuck those things! Jaws with the ability to breath, no thanks!

On that same note, crocodiles! No explanation needed! I just saw a clip of a gazelle trying to cross a river being intercepted by a HUGE crocodile, must have been 15 feet! Thing just bit it right in half, then, while it was still fucking screaming in gazelle speak, devouring the still alive upper half, not while first crunching it's multiple thousand pound jaws down on it's face first! Didn't chew it, didn't kill it, just fuckin' ATE IT! Thing must have been alive for a few seconds as it was being swallowed, goddamn ancient dinosaurs!!! They're so efficient at killing they haven't needed to change in millions of years!
Funny how different regions have different names for things. This is what I've always been told is a potato bug (rollie-pollie):


Woodlice have some wonderful regional names. I grew up calling them pillbugs in English ... and a made-up term in German I shared with my sisters. But two of the cutest regionalisms for the woodlouse that I've encountered are "chucky pigs" and cheese logs". They sound like something from a holiday-gift catalog. Go figure. cn
I have a fear the powerlines are going to snap right as I walk underneath them. My mind can't comprehend how they can stretch across miles of space without completely snapping, the tension must be insane! There's these lines on one of my runs that go from the side of a mountain, all the way down the valley probably 2 miles away and connect to another tower, I'd imagine the lbs of pressure must be in the millions, if it snapped, I'd be dead, no doubt!

What are your irrational fears?

Another one is e coli! I wash everyfuckin' thing that comes into my house!

E. coli is not an irrational fear! Keep washing. Use the antiseptic wipes on grocery carts. Get your flu shot every year. wash your hands often!!!!!!

We should throw billions of dollars at stuff like that, not wars.. Cancer, AIDS, Hepatitis, TB, Emphysema, STD's.. why don't we spend money helping people instead of hurting people...? Feeding people instead of causing droughts and starvation in regions... :sigh..:

Because we know how. cn
ummm...thanks robert. I will have wonderful dreams of that bear spider tonight. ugh.

Pad...what is a fundie? Also glad Romney didn't win. That 'man' makes my skin crawl.

I always ran from bees and wasps too until last year out in the garden. I noticed how they helped to control the bugs and such. *sigh* still scared of them though - and allergic.

Hotrod...yes WASH YOUR HANDS...that is the first thing I do when I get home from Walfart. OMG! Now that place scares me.
ummm...thanks robert. I will have wonderful dreams of that bear spider tonight. ugh.

Pad...what is a fundie? Also glad Romney didn't win. That 'man' makes my skin crawl.

I always ran from bees and wasps too until last year out in the garden. I noticed how they helped to control the bugs and such. *sigh* still scared of them though - and allergic.

Hotrod...yes WASH YOUR HANDS...that is the first thing I do when I get home from Walfart. OMG! Now that place scares me.

A religious fundamentalist. In this country, that almost always means a dominionist Protestant. cn