zimmerman news

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Exactly, Everyone is presumed to be innocent until PROVEN GUILTY in a court of law? Was GZ found guilty? No? then he is presumed to be innocent.

What was that about ignorance?

catrapist or carport or whatever his name is clarified that he is not talking about the legal definition, but the colloquial.

zimm is far from blameless in this, he was pretty lucky to get off the hook.
not even close.

you and i are completely innocent in the death of martin, zimmerman is simply not guilty.

just like OJ was "not guilty" :lol:

You are just as guilty as anyone
Do you pay for the department of education that failed Trayvon and Zimmerman?
You contributed to this tragedy
You watch TV you Listen to music you encourage that nonsense that polluted their minds
catrapist or carport or whatever his name is clarified that he is not talking about the legal definition, but the colloquial.

zimm is far from blameless in this, he was pretty lucky to get off the hook.

It should have never gone to trial in the first place, it was a cut and dried self defense case from the beginning. Some of the best legal minds in the USA said so from the start. This was all political to keep the masses from storming the gates. A racial divide has been entrenched in this country since the times of Lincoln.
not even close.

you and i are completely innocent in the death of martin, zimmerman is simply not guilty.

just like OJ was "not guilty" :lol:

Innocent per the courts. The jury doesn't address morality, only legality based on evidence. Not guilty and innocent are the same thing. Time to put on your big boy pants and admit that Zimmerman was falsely tried for a crime there was never evidence of.
martin thought he had lost zimm but zimm kept on looking, you been asleep, child?

The prosecution failed to prove that...

The jury is smarter than you are obviously.

A 6 woman jury, 5 of them mothers... They acquitted him of murder. That means they found him not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

I accept the apology you will never be man enough to make UB....

Accept the verdict or go steal yourself a TV while blaming the case... I dont really care at this point.
i can't recall ever firing as gun that didn't have a safety that i didn't have to manipulate manually. not sure if that's the definition of an external safety or not.

hell, my friend who sold weed with me (it was a partnership, he got the schwag, i got the chronic) actually did own a gun at the time and still owns one to this day. he's a bank manager and makes about $90k a year.

so much for guns and weed making you automatically "hood", looks like red is letting his dark side paint his conclusions.

late to the party, but Yes. cn
It should have never gone to trial in the first place, it was a cut and dried self defense case from the beginning.

there was plenty of reason to bring this in front of a jury from the start, even serino was noting all the lies from zimmerman from the start.

innocent people don't need to lie.

Innocent per the courts.

actually, they said "not guilty". so not guilty per the courts.

*Not guilty and innocent are the same thing. Time to put on your big boy pants and admit that Zimmerman was falsely tried for a crime there was never evidence of.

lol, colloquially they are not. and there was plenty of evidence of a crime, why else would zimm have lied so much?
The prosecution failed to prove that...

not exactly. they failed to prove their overall case but not every aspect of it.

I don't think we are talking about the same case here then, and i think the jurors would concur with me on this one.

you don't know what the jurors think about that specific aspect until we (possibly) hear from them later.

generally, the person that runs away is more likely to be the defender than the person who follows with a gun.*

but i know you don't generally like to occupy the same reality as the rest of us.
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