Zimmerman sues NBC

We could argue (and have, for thousands of posts in the previous thread, lol) that Z's insistence to pursue despite the dispatcher's recommendation otherwise qualifies.
Of not that, I consider it more likely than not that Z cornered T and did something like grab him by the front of his jacket (hoodie). The bit of fight witnessed, and the nature and location of both men's injuries, is consistent with that scenario. Proven? no. But not disproven either, and it seems to "fit". Here I defer to the pros. cn

BS, bear. There is not a single witness that stated that Zimm ever touched Martin. You can speculate that Zimmerman grabbed Martin all you want but that means nothing, and it certainly is not enough to send a guy to prison.
from the text:
776.041 Use of force by aggressor.—

The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:

(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use of force against himself or herself, unless:

(a) Such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant;


(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use of force.

it does matter. in fact, if zimm's story is true, he has to prove he used every reasonable means of escape, and asked T to stop hitting him, and martin kept hitting him... hmmmmm

Exactly! If one concludes Zimmerman started the fight then Zimmerman's situation exactly fits exception 2. That is a HUGE "if" because there is nothing to indicate that Zimmerman started the fight.
but it is required for zimm to exercise every possible way out of the fight.

considering that he was able to gain full wrist control seemingly at will, he's not going to have that out.

Well, Buck, at least you are not spewing out "360 degrees of escape available" as you did in the marathon, "Trayvon" thread, so you are slowly coming to accept reality.
Zimmerman's whole story is bullshit that's why he's on trial. She said that Martin told her "someone was following him" She told him to run, He said "I'm just going to walk fast" She than says Zimmerman asked "what are you doing here?" Treyvon said "Why are you following me?" That's before she heard a his speech interrupted by what she thought was a push or an attack. She than heard "get off" a few seconds later. This testimony was given before details of the shooting reached her ears. I guess she's a clairvoyant liar.

So, she heard Martin punch Zimmerman and then heard Zimmerman ask Martin to "get off" after Martin mounted him. Nice of her to corroborate Zimmerman's account of the incident.
There are townhouses on either side. If you shoot a gun in a valley, you won't know where the shot was at. Wouldn't a fight in a man made valley be the same? Glass transmits sound differently than brick wall. If you stood with your back to a wall, and to the left of you 20 feet behind you someone yelled, can you tell which direction it is coming from accurately?


This is Zimmerman reenacting the night Martin died. Worth watching just to point out how close to the T Martin was shot and for Zimmerman's description of how they got there.

That pig didn't stop at the stop sign, fuck him

5:20 you can tell because the image in the rear view never stops changing for a second.
BS, bear. There is not a single witness that stated that Zimm ever touched Martin. You can speculate that Zimmerman grabbed Martin all you want but that means nothing, and it certainly is not enough to send a guy to prison.

I'm not saying it's enough to send him to prison. But I don't see how you could say it cannot have happened that way. And it certainly would have turned the tables of self-defense, if Z initiated the physical assault portion of that night's dance. "No witness saying it happened" is hardly something to hang one's hat on. "A witness who clearly saw otherwise" is still unsteady, and can be filleted by acourtroom lawyer who's awake. cn
now that sounds a little racist.

the story clearly did not happen as zimm described, the evidence shows it. credibility and good judgment are paramount in self defense cases, and zimm was lacking both in a big way.

How is that racist, Bucky? Police detained Zimmerman on the night of the shooting. Zimmerman cooperated fully and gave a full account of the incident. He passed a lie detector test administered the next morning. Based on the investigation, Zimmerman was released and not charged.

It wasn't until 45 days later and NBC playing a doctored audio recording of Zimmerman and extracting "fucking coons" from their doctored recordings, Al Sharpton marching in Tawana Brawley style, and the president lamenting the son he never had that Zimmerman was charged.

Sure sounds politically motivated to most rational people.

Conclusion: it is RACIST!!! to disagree with Unclebuck!!!!
I'm not saying it's enough to send him to prison. But I don't see how you could say it cannot have happened that way. And it certainly would have turned the tables of self-defense, if Z initiated the physical assault portion of that night's dance. "No witness saying it happened" is hardly something to hang one's hat on. "A witness who clearly saw otherwise" is still unsteady, and can be filleted by acourtroom lawyer who's awake. cn

I am not saying it cannot have happened that way. There is one way in which it actually did happen, and an infinite number of ways it did not happen. To seize on "maybe this happened..." without anything to support your supposition is a waste of time.

Like somebody else said, maybe aliens abducted Martin (or Zimmerman) and probed his anus. It could have happened. I would have been angry too if aliens (or even friends) probed my anus.
I am not saying it cannot have happened that way. There is one way in which it actually did happen, and an infinite number of ways it did not happen. To seize on "maybe this happened..." without anything to support your supposition is a waste of time.

Like somebody else said, maybe aliens abducted Martin (or Zimmerman) and probed his anus. It could have happened. I would have been angry too if aliens (or even friends) probed my anus.

Since we are speculating, it becomes a question of likelihood. The aliens scenario is vanishingly unlikely. The Z-grab-T's-shirtfront is not unlikely. Imo. cn
Present it to the jury, if the judge allows you, counselor.

I'm not sure what your point is with this. Since we both agree that we're idly speculating on a weed board no less ~
neither of us is held to a judicial standard of care. Let's not make this even less fun. cn
I'm not sure what your point is with this. Since we both agree that we're idly speculating on a weed board no less ~
neither of us is held to a judicial standard of care. Let's not make this even less fun. cn

In that case, I like the anal probing alien theory. I think Martin just did not want to give up the sphincter, so the aliens plunged a nine millimeter probe through his heart. It was all for science.
In that case, I like the anal probing alien theory. I think Martin just did not want to give up the sphincter, so the aliens plunged a nine millimeter probe through his heart. It was all for science.

Video or GTO. cn

Martin was presumably erroneously followed by Zimmerman. Zimmerman wasn't walking down the street with pistol in hand and Martin didn't know he had a gun. Zimmerman was being severely beaten by someone. Martin was shot by Zimmerman.

The important question is: If Zimmerman would not have had a gun then who would of went to jail?

If you think that Martin would of been arrested for assault if he had not been shot then you must come to the conclusion that Zimmerman was legally justified in shooting Martin. The fact that Martin died doesn't change whether it was self defense or whether Martin committed a crime by attacking Zimmerman.

There must of been blood on the concrete if Zimmerman's head was being bashed on it, I am sure the police checked that at some point. Martin's knuckles indicate that he most likely punched Zimmerman. There were no marks on Martin to indicate that he had been hit.

This is Zimmerman reenacting the night Martin died. Worth watching just to point out how close to the T Martin was shot and for Zimmerman's description of how they got there.

except that the reenactment that you see in no way fits with the actual facts of the case, the location of items, the location of martin's dead body, etc.

yet you suck the guy's dick like it were a fountain of truth.
Martin's phone could of been tossed aside before the assault or knocked a few feet during the fight or when Zimmerman pushed him off of him.

you're positing that martin took his phone and tossed it aside, yet held onto the bag of skittles and iced tea which was found further down the path?

yep, you're an idiot.
I don't think anyone who watched the interview felt that Zimmerman meant he had control of Martin's wrists. It would be a hell of a talent to hold his wrists with one hand and shoot him with the other. How do you shoot someone while holding their wrists?

serino asked zimm if he had wrist control over martin. zimm said he did.

again, this is not in dispute by anyone, it just doesn't fit your idiotic version of non-reality.