Zimmerman sues NBC

Martin was presumably erroneously followed by Zimmerman. Zimmerman wasn't walking down the street with pistol in hand and Martin didn't know he had a gun. Zimmerman was being severely beaten by someone. Martin was shot by Zimmerman.

The important question is: If Zimmerman would not have had a gun then who would of went to jail?

If you think that Martin would of been arrested for assault if he had not been shot then you must come to the conclusion that Zimmerman was legally justified in shooting Martin. The fact that Martin died doesn't change whether it was self defense or whether Martin committed a crime by attacking Zimmerman.

There must of been blood on the concrete if Zimmerman's head was being bashed on it, I am sure the police checked that at some point. Martin's knuckles indicate that he most likely punched Zimmerman. There were no marks on Martin to indicate that he had been hit.

You are suggesting that "arrested for assault" equals "guilty of assault".
And we do not know who touched whom first. cn
Sounds like you are ok with the prosecution having a case of nothing more but conjecture and what ifs, and also that you feel Zimmerman should be convicted based on them. Thank goodness everyone isn't as biased as you.

lol @ you calling me biased.

at least i'm dealing in reality.

the reality is that a mentally unstable, meth addled, cop wannabe vigilante with a long history of temper and violence and getting too involved was tired of those assholes always getting away, so he played out his little fantasy on an innocent kid with no history of violence who was guilty of such crimes as talking on the phone while black, buying skittles for his cousin, and not fleeing the douchebag with the gun fast enough.

i'm sure you would make an excellent litigator even though you don't even know basic english grammar such as "would have" versus "would of". not to mention your demonstrably racist worldviews.
Exactly! If one concludes Zimmerman started the fight then Zimmerman's situation exactly fits exception 2. That is a HUGE "if" because there is nothing to indicate that Zimmerman started the fight.

except for the fact that martin was the innocent kid who was running away and zimm was the mentally unstable, violent guy chasing him down with a gun.
How is that racist, Bucky? Police detained Zimmerman on the night of the shooting. Zimmerman cooperated fully and gave a full account of the incident. He passed a lie detector test administered the next morning. Based on the investigation, Zimmerman was released and not charged.

It wasn't until 45 days later and NBC playing a doctored audio recording of Zimmerman and extracting "fucking coons" from their doctored recordings, Al Sharpton marching in Tawana Brawley style, and the president lamenting the son he never had that Zimmerman was charged.

Sure sounds politically motivated to most rational people.

Conclusion: it is RACIST!!! to disagree with Unclebuck!!!!

it wasn't until a through examination of the evidence that the charges stuck.

serino was ready to write it up as manslaughter much earlier.

but nice race baiting.
Martin was presumably erroneously followed by Zimmerman. Zimmerman wasn't walking down the street with pistol in hand and Martin didn't know he had a gun. Zimmerman was being severely beaten by someone. Martin was shot by Zimmerman.

The important question is: If Zimmerman would not have had a gun then who would of went to jail?

If you think that Martin would of been arrested for assault if he had not been shot then you must come to the conclusion that Zimmerman was legally justified in shooting Martin. The fact that Martin died doesn't change whether it was self defense or whether Martin committed a crime by attacking Zimmerman.

There must of been blood on the concrete if Zimmerman's head was being bashed on it, I am sure the police checked that at some point. Martin's knuckles indicate that he most likely punched Zimmerman. There were no marks on Martin to indicate that he had been hit.

martin was defending himself from a mentally unstable, cop wannabe vigilante who was high on meth and trying to fulfill his fantasy of detaining one of those assholes who was always getting away.

wanna know how i know?

he RAN THE FUCK AWAY and zimm pursued. that makes one of them an aggressor, and it wasn't martin.
serino asked zimm if he had wrist control over martin. zimm said he did.

again, this is not in dispute by anyone, it just doesn't fit your idiotic version of non-reality.

I have actually interrogated someone before. I have done unemployment hearings (dozens of times) and had to figure out what happened when situations happened. (hundreds of times.) I have given hundreds of police statements and been called to court more than a few times. This kind of question is bullshit, and you know it.

Serino: Compact? And you were able to overpower him as far as holding his wrist, you gained wrist…we call it wrist control…you gained wrist control on him basically, and you were able to basically liberate both hands…

Zimmerman: Yes, sir.

What I see there is the investigator making a series of statements about things Z may or may not have been knowledgeable about and then making a single statement at the end which Zimmerman responded to which was: You were basically able to liberate both hands.

Let's try it here. You like to suck dicks, you are a cock sucker who shits himself. I like the rain, it is wet. Tell me about yourself. Welfare is a good social program, and Obama is a good president and the country will get better under his control.

You start out with one statement (controlling the other persons wrists) and then make a couple other statements and then call it something else at the end and get the person to agree with your statement.(Did you basically liberate both your own hands?) People do this all the time when asking questions, and no one seriously believes that Zimmerman was saying "I had control of both his hands."
I have actually interrogated someone before. I have done unemployment hearings (dozens of times) and had to figure out what happened when situations happened. (hundreds of times.) I have given hundreds of police statements and been called to court more than a few times. This kind of question is bullshit, and you know it.

Serino: Compact? And you were able to overpower him as far as holding his wrist, you gained wrist…we call it wrist control…you gained wrist control on him basically, and you were able to basically liberate both hands…

Zimmerman: Yes, sir.

What I see there is the investigator making a series of statements about things Z may or may not have been knowledgeable about and then making a single statement at the end which Zimmerman responded to which was: You were basically able to liberate both hands.

Let's try it here. You like to suck dicks, you are a cock sucker who shits himself. I like the rain, it is wet. Tell me about yourself. Welfare is a good social program, and Obama is a good president and the country will get better under his control.

You start out with one statement (controlling the other persons wrists) and then make a couple other statements and then call it something else at the end and get the person to agree with your statement.(Did you basically liberate both your own hands?) People do this all the time when asking questions, and no one seriously believes that Zimmerman was saying "I had control of both his hands."

your vagina is all irritated, we get it mrs. UI detective.
martin was defending himself from a mentally unstable, cop wannabe vigilante who was high on meth and trying to fulfill his fantasy of detaining one of those assholes who was always getting away.

wanna know how i know?

he RAN THE FUCK AWAY and zimm pursued. that makes one of them an aggressor, and it wasn't martin.

Following isn't the same thing as chasing or stalking. I can follow a bug around in my yard and look at it without stalking or chasing it. He was watching where he went, not actively running him down. If he was so far ahead of Zimmerman and running, why didn't he just keep running home? Don't try that "all niggers don't have to go home racist" bullshit. Just answer the question:

Why did Martin not go home when he had a clear and open opportunity to retreat to a safe place and avoid the confrontation all together?
Following isn't the same thing as chasing or stalking. I can follow a bug around in my yard and look at it without stalking or chasing it. He was watching where he went, not actively running him down. If he was so far ahead of Zimmerman and running, why didn't he just keep running home? Don't try that "all niggers don't have to go home racist" bullshit. Just answer the question:

Why did Martin not go home when he had a clear and open opportunity to retreat to a safe place and avoid the confrontation all together?

why did zimmerman follow martin if he was in fear, as he claimed?

why didn't zimmerman wait for the real police, as he was told to?

it's not racist to ask the questions you do, but when YOU ask those questions over and over given YOUR history of blatant racism and never question why zimm didn't behave differently, it's a clear display of your racism.
And unless we rely on a magic 8 ball to tell us then we never will.

Since we agree about that much ... can we be less positive with our scenarios? I've gotten a strong vibe (tell me if I'm wrong) from you that you've made up your mind how it went down. cn
why did zimmerman follow martin if he was in fear, as he claimed?

why didn't zimmerman wait for the real police, as he was told to?

it's not racist to ask the questions you do, but when YOU ask those questions over and over given YOUR history of blatant racism and never question why zimm didn't behave differently, it's a clear display of your racism.

So your answer is: I don't have an answer, but your racist.
So your answer is: I don't have an answer, but your racist.


pretty slow on the uptake to boot.

any reason why you're focusing so hard on the kid with no history of violence who ran away and giving a pass to the mentally unstable, meth addled, cop wannabe vigilante with a long history of violence, temper, and getting too involved that chased the kid?

edit: also, i've already answered your questions over and over again. he didn't have to go home. he lost zimm and kept talking on the phone. not the actions of an aggressor.
Since we agree about that much ... can we be less positive with our scenarios? I've gotten a strong vibe (tell me if I'm wrong) from you that you've made up your mind how it went down. cn

What I can say with 100% surety given the evidence is that 1) Zimmerman wasn't breaking the law by following Martin. 2) Martin made no attempt to go home. 3) I don't know who started the fight or who jumped who first but that Martin wasn't beaten up and Zimmerman was.

I don't know how it went down and unless there is some sort of smoking gun(irony that the smoking gun isn't the smoking gun haha) evidence against Zimmerman then I fail to see why they bothered to bring charges aside from a racially and politically motivated smear campaign. The government isn't supposed to be all emotional about things. Without any real evidence that proves Zimmerman was not acting in self defense(not just that he is lying, inconsistent, or stupid) the trial is a joke. If he had been following me, I would of turned around and asked him what the fuck his problem was from the get go. Maybe he would of shot me too.
What I can say with 100% surety given the evidence is that 1) Zimmerman wasn't breaking the law by following Martin. 2) Martin made no attempt to go home. 3) I don't know who started the fight or who jumped who first but that Martin wasn't beaten up and Zimmerman was.

I don't know how it went down and unless there is some sort of smoking gun(irony that the smoking gun isn't the smoking gun haha) evidence against Zimmerman then I fail to see why they bothered to bring charges aside from a racially and politically motivated smear campaign. The government isn't supposed to be all emotional about things. Without any real evidence that proves Zimmerman was not acting in self defense(not just that he is lying, inconsistent, or stupid) the trial is a joke. If he had been following me, I would of turned around and asked him what the fuck his problem was from the get go. Maybe he would of shot me too.

"i got out of my car and followed him in fear and then i went searching for him, in self defense"

that should fly really well!

maybe he should try a different line of defense: "he should have bought some land somewhere that he didn't have to worry about mentally unstable, meth addled vigilantes like me stalking him around"
What I can say with 100% surety given the evidence is that 1) Zimmerman wasn't breaking the law by following Martin. 2) Martin made no attempt to go home. 3) I don't know who started the fight or who jumped who first but that Martin wasn't beaten up and Zimmerman was.

I don't know how it went down and unless there is some sort of smoking gun(irony that the smoking gun isn't the smoking gun haha) evidence against Zimmerman then I fail to see why they bothered to bring charges aside from a racially and politically motivated smear campaign. The government isn't supposed to be all emotional about things. Without any real evidence that proves Zimmerman was not acting in self defense(not just that he is lying, inconsistent, or stupid) the trial is a joke. If he had been following me, I would of turned around and asked him what the fuck his problem was from the get go. Maybe he would of shot me too.

I don't think point 2 is certain.
And I rebut point 3 by saying "shot dead" trumps "beaten up".

As for real evidence, on this site we're like three dozen starved vultures reduced to squabbling over scraps of leather. I'm guessing the people involved in the case have much more physical and testimonial evidence that they're not sharing. Obviously I do not know which story that evidence supports. cn
serino asked zimm if he had wrist control over martin. zimm said he did.

again, this is not in dispute by anyone, it just doesn't fit your idiotic version of non-reality.

What do you want to bet Zimmerman had never heard the term, "wrist control" before Serino framed the statement in its entirety, and Zimmerman replied, "yeah, I guess so"?

Zimmerman should do life in prison for being dumb enough to talk to the cops, and he just might.