Zimmerman sues NBC

Aside from my belief that a barely-broken nose, black eyes and a pair of small scalp wounds don't really make it as a "busted head" ...

why not extend Trayvon the same courtesy you extended Zimmerman? Trayvon was under no compulsion to go home. He was under no requirement to give Z the time of day. He was just as free as Zimmerman ... rather freer, since he did not assume the higher standard of care that is a package deal with a carried gun. The onus of adult behavior was a) in pursuit and b) packing a weapon.

And we do not know that, running or walking, Z wasn't hunting T. I certainly cannot excuse Z of that at this time. And I cannot blame T for <cough!> standing his ground, if Z was indeed after a confrontation. cn

He definitely had the right to just ignore Zimmerman, and if he had done so then everything would of been fine. Instead, it appears to me that he confronted him based on the timelines. It isn't definite, but it is likely that neither side is guilt free in this, and since we don't know who confronted who, it is a wash.
Please quote the times I said racist things that weren't in jest or sardonic.

how about the time you said if blacks didn't like being forced to the back of the bus on the montgomery PUBLIC transportation system, they could just go buy land elsewhere?

I apply it to private segregation. Public segregation hurt people. Just because you don't understand simple concepts doesn't make me racist.

private segregation hurt people too. being charged more to stay at the same hotel, given a shittier room, being charged twice as much for gas, less selection among private businesses who claimed to be 'open to the public'...this caused harm you fucking dolt.

tell me why else this would exist, and why they stopped making them after civil rights was passed:

how about the time you said if blacks didn't like being forced to the back of the bus on the montgomery PUBLIC transportation system, they could just go buy land elsewhere?

private segregation hurt people too. being charged more to stay at the same hotel, given a shittier room, being charged twice as much for gas, less selection among private businesses who claimed to be 'open to the public'...this caused harm you fucking dolt.

tell me why else this would exist, and why they stopped making them after civil rights was passed:


Hurting and not helping are not the same thing.
He definitely had the right to just ignore Zimmerman, and if he had done so then everything would of been fine. Instead, it appears to me that he confronted him based on the timelines. It isn't definite, but it is likely that neither side is guilt free in this, and since we don't know who confronted who, it is a wash.

yes, martin ran away in order to confront zimmerman and martin should have tried harder to ignore zimmerman besides simply running away, which he did.

what fucking racist planet do you hail from?
segregation and denial of service, both public and private, caused demonstrable harm.

try harder to ignore history you ignorant, racist bag of shit.

If you can harm people by not giving them your stuff or dealing with them, then sure, private DoS and segregation caused harm.

That is like me suing a wholesaler for not selling me items at the price Wal-Mart gets them or not at all. They are causing me harm afterall by not helping me. Supermodels are hurting nerds by not blowing them. Lock em up.
I would like to introduce my new law.. the supermodels must blow internet trolls act of 2012. Given that not blowing nerdy trolls is not hurting them and thereby it must be hurting them, we have drafted a law that all supermodels must blow every troll in existence whenever they want even if they shit themselves.
yes, clawfoot's inability to get some head is akin to segregation and denial of service at public businesses.

and he wonders why i question his integrity by labeling him a racist.

segregation and denial of service never harmed anyone, it just didn't help them on a persistent and widespread scale. unlike those white, christian folks.

and if they didn't like that widespread treatment as second class citizens, they could have (of) just gone and bought some land somewhere else.

it's simple folks.

did i mention that i'm black? i totally am.
Aside from my belief that a barely-broken nose, black eyes and a pair of small scalp wounds don't really make it as a "busted head" ...

why not extend Trayvon the same courtesy you extended Zimmerman? Trayvon was under no compulsion to go home. He was under no requirement to give Z the time of day. He was just as free as Zimmerman ... rather freer, since he did not assume the higher standard of care that is a package deal with a carried gun. The onus of adult behavior was a) in pursuit and b) packing a weapon.

And we do not know that, running or walking, Z wasn't hunting T. I certainly cannot excuse Z of that at this time. And I cannot blame T for <cough!> standing his ground, if Z was indeed after a confrontation. cn

The EMT who responded said Zimmerman's head was 45% covered in blood. If my head was 45% covered in my own blood I would be alarmed. If an attacker was bashing my head into the concrete pavement I would be alarmed. I think a jury will conclude that it was reasonable for Zimm under these circumstances to conclude that he was in imminent danger of great bodily harm, or death. That is self defense.
Obviously not. But who's to say that's how it happened? I don't think there was any danger of T beating Z to death. Ya wanna kill someone with your fists? Larynx, not eyes and nose. cn
Really, that's all? No danger? You just dismiss the possibility? That's just a self serving false assumption contrary to known facts.
zimmerman chased martin after martin ran away, that is established fact, straight from zimm's mouth. eyewitnesses saw a chase before the final confrontation, items were dropped on the ground along the way. established fact. you;re just too dumb and unfamiliar with the facts of the case to know this. i've had to fill you in on details revealed in the interrogations endlessly.
"Details" you just make up. You're gross misinterpretation of testimony is destroying any credibility you might have once had. Oh! Wait! You don't have any credibility. Never mind.
"Details" you just make up. You're gross misinterpretation of testimony is destroying any credibility you might have once had. Oh! Wait! You don't have any credibility. Never mind.

Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey filed a probable cause affidavit today in the second-degree murder case against George Zimmerman, the community watchman who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin as he was walking home from a local convenience store.

Most of the information in the four-page affidavit is already widely known, but the document does shed some light on some of the gray areas in the Martin case. According to the affidavit, Martin tried to "run home" but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to pursue Martin. The affidavit states that Zimmerman then "confronted Martin and a struggle ensued."

Here is the probable cause affidavid which states Zimmerman chased after Martin
Now who is the pud? You are red

Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey filed a probable cause affidavit today in the second-degree murder case against George Zimmerman, the community watchman who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin as he was walking home from a local convenience store.

Most of the information in the four-page affidavit is already widely known, but the document does shed some light on some of the gray areas in the Martin case. According to the affidavit, Martin tried to "run home" but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to pursue Martin. The affidavit states that Zimmerman then "confronted Martin and a struggle ensued."

Here is the probable cause affidavid which states Zimmerman chased after Martin
Now who is the pud? You are red


LOL, that reads about as good as one of UB's posts. It is basically what they think *might* of happened.

"Zimmerman confronted Martin and a struggle ensued." Based on what evidence or witnesses can they conclude that Zimmerman confronted Martin? It is a guess at best. This is the most important sentence in the entire thing and all it says is that they don't know who started the struggle and they don't even mention injuries. What judge could look at this and go "Yea, they did their job in proving to me that this guy should be arrested." Granted they don't need to prove the entire case but this is to convince a judge it should even go to trial. FAIL. This is political.

Also, the returning home when confronted thing is shady at best. The use of 'falsely assumed' shows bias on the part of the investigator. 'Incorrectly assumed' would be a more fitting word. Falsely signifies lying to me, and how do you lie during an assumption to yourself. They might as well put "The lying murdering bastard" in front of Zimmerman's name each time. These are court documents from professionals and are very sloppy at best. Did you hear O'mara questioning Gilbreath(haha, great name.) about the assumptions in the affidavit? The entire answers were "I don't know" and "I already answered that question." referring to "I don't know". Very compelling, very compelling. Ill pull the switch on the chair.

An officer at the scene said they found the flashlight at the T illuminated on the ground.

An officer at the station said Z was grunting in pain.

An officer at the scene noted Z's nose and head injury at the scene.
Meanwhile Sanford police detective Christopher Serino, the department&#8217;s lead investigator into the Martin killing, told FBI agents that he believed Zimmerman was a &#8216;soft guy&#8217; with a &#8216;little hero complex&#8217;, but that he was no racist.

Hey, so now that we KNOW that Zimmerman isn't racist. Serino said it, it must be true.

In an April interview with two FBI agents, Christopher Serino, the Sanford Police Department&#8217;s lead investigator on the Martin killing, said that he believed Zimmerman&#8217;s actions &#8220;were not based on Martin&#8217;s skin color rather based on his attire, the total circumstances of the encounter and the previous burglary suspects in the community.&#8221;

Zimmerman&#8217;s ex-girlfriend said he was &#8220;the last person&#8221; she would expect to be involved in a shooting incident, explaining that he &#8220;was not the type of person to place himself in a physical confrontation.&#8221;(this is someone who had a failed relationship with him.)
Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey filed a probable cause affidavit today in the second-degree murder case against George Zimmerman, the community watchman who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin as he was walking home from a local convenience store.

Most of the information in the four-page affidavit is already widely known, but the document does shed some light on some of the gray areas in the Martin case. According to the affidavit, Martin tried to "run home" but Zimmerman followed him, disregarding the police dispatcher's instructions not to pursue Martin. The affidavit states that Zimmerman then "confronted Martin and a struggle ensued."

Here is the probable cause affidavid which states Zimmerman chased after Martin
Now who is the pud? You are red


Are you aware of what Alan Dershowitz said about the affidavit of probable cause filed by Corey in this case:

"Dershowitz called the affidavit justifying Zimmerman&#8217;s arrest &#8220;not only thin, it&#8217;s irresponsible.&#8221; He went on to criticize the decision to charge Zimmerman for second degree murder by special prosecutor Angela Corey as being politically motivated."


So, we have affidavits of probable cause that are irresponsible and politically motivated and Serino testifying to what happened that night while Zimmerman nods. Stinks to high heaven. I hope all you libs find yourselves in a similar situation.
An officer at the scene said they found the flashlight at the T illuminated on the ground.

they found a mini-flashlight on zimm's keys near the T, moron. his actual flashlight was found near the murder, smarty.

Zimmerman&#8217;s ex-girlfriend said he was &#8220;the last person&#8221; she would expect to be involved in a shooting incident, explaining that he &#8220;was not the type of person to place himself in a physical confrontation.&#8221;(this is someone who had a failed relationship with him.)

so did his dad and his wife. his wife was later found to be lying to the court. and we all know he goes out of his way to get into physical confrontations.

he once chased someone down with his car because he thought the guy spat at him.

he once assaulted a police officer who had identified himself as such.

he once threw a drunk girl, spraining her ankle, after snapping and losing his temper while working as private security.

he once staked himself outside of his ex-fiancee's place until she finally let him in, at which point he threw her on the bed, slapped her across the mouth, and asked her "how does that feel?".

this is a guy with a long, long history of temper and violence. all your false protestations to the contrary do not erase history.

i know you have a problem with history there, clawfoot.
Are you aware of what Alan Dershowitz said about the affidavit of probable cause filed by Corey in this case:

"Dershowitz called the affidavit justifying Zimmerman&#8217;s arrest &#8220;not only thin, it&#8217;s irresponsible.&#8221; He went on to criticize the decision to charge Zimmerman for second degree murder by special prosecutor Angela Corey as being politically motivated."


So, we have affidavits of probable cause that are irresponsible and politically motivated and Serino testifying to what happened that night while Zimmerman nods. Stinks to high heaven. I hope all you libs find yourselves in a similar situation.

zimmerman didn't nod, he affirmed. he had the option to tell serino "no" and he did at times during the interview.

deal with it. your butthurt about serino asking questions during an interrogation is out of hand.

take dershowitz's balls out of your mouth, too. he is not part of this case, is a hack, and is looking for attention from idiots. and you're more than happy to fellate him.
LOL, that reads about as good as one of UB's posts. It is basically what they think *might* of happened.

"Zimmerman confronted Martin and a struggle ensued." Based on what evidence or witnesses can they conclude that Zimmerman confronted Martin? It is a guess at best. This is the most important sentence in the entire thing and all it says is that they don't know who started the struggle and they don't even mention injuries. What judge could look at this and go "Yea, they did their job in proving to me that this guy should be arrested." Granted they don't need to prove the entire case but this is to convince a judge it should even go to trial. FAIL. This is political.

Also, the returning home when confronted thing is shady at best. The use of 'falsely assumed' shows bias on the part of the investigator. 'Incorrectly assumed' would be a more fitting word. Falsely signifies lying to me, and how do you lie during an assumption to yourself. They might as well put "The lying murdering bastard" in front of Zimmerman's name each time. These are court documents from professionals and are very sloppy at best. Did you hear O'mara questioning Gilbreath(haha, great name.) about the assumptions in the affidavit? The entire answers were "I don't know" and "I already answered that question." referring to "I don't know". Very compelling, very compelling. Ill pull the switch on the chair.

An officer at the scene said they found the flashlight at the T illuminated on the ground.

An officer at the station said Z was grunting in pain.

An officer at the scene noted Z's nose and head injury at the scene.
Meanwhile Sanford police detective Christopher Serino, the department’s lead investigator into the Martin killing, told FBI agents that he believed Zimmerman was a ‘soft guy’ with a ‘little hero complex’, but that he was no racist.

Hey, so now that we KNOW that Zimmerman isn't racist. Serino said it, it must be true.

In an April interview with two FBI agents, Christopher Serino, the Sanford Police Department’s lead investigator on the Martin killing, said that he believed Zimmerman’s actions “were not based on Martin’s skin color rather based on his attire, the total circumstances of the encounter and the previous burglary suspects in the community.”

Zimmerman’s ex-girlfriend said he was “the last person” she would expect to be involved in a shooting incident, explaining that he “was not the type of person to place himself in a physical confrontation.”(this is someone who had a failed relationship with him.)

Returning home is shady because he was towards the beginning of the T when the confrontation started. He was 70 yards from his house when he started running (we know where they were and the time from the 911 call.) The official time on the 911 call is at 7:11:42. You are talking less than 30 seconds if you are running or jogging. Walking the average person could easily walk this distance in a minute. You are talking a couple hundred feet.

7:11:42 - Martin starts running.
7:13:30 - Zimmerman starts walking back to truck.
7:13:41 - Ends call to police.

There is a full 2 minutes and some change that Martin had to get home. He could of walked home more than twice in that amount of time. He was running though - twenty or thirty seconds at best. This makes the investigators liars by outright making things up.
Returning home is shady because he was towards the beginning of the T when the confrontation started. He was 70 yards from his house when he started running (we know where they were and the time from the 911 call.) The official time on the 911 call is at 7:11:42. You are talking less than 30 seconds if you are running or jogging. Walking the average person could easily walk this distance in a minute. You are talking a couple hundred feet.

7:11:42 - Martin starts running.
7:13:30 - Zimmerman starts walking back to truck.
7:13:41 - Ends call to police.

There is a full 2 minutes and some change that Martin had to get home. He could of walked home more than twice in that amount of time. He was running though - twenty or thirty seconds at best. This makes the investigators liars by outright making things up.

again, we don't live in your world. darkies don't need to know their place. martin was doing nothing illegal, just running away from a guy with a long history of violence and temper and talking on the phone. all legal.

how come you mentioned a cop seeing zimm grunt in pain, but left out the cop that said zimm's nose did not appear to be broken?


A report from an officer who observed Zimmerman at the crime scene and his nose did not appear to be broken.
Transcripts of state attorney investigators&#8217; interview with Trayvon Martin&#8217;s cousin, who is also from Miami, and said he and Martin were very close and spent &#8220;almost every weekend together,&#8221; including on the Saturday before his death. The cousin, who is not identified in the redacted transcript, tells investigators he listened to all of the 911 calls, and that &#8220;without a doubt,&#8221; on &#8220;a stack of Bibles,&#8221; the voice calling for help on the night of the shooting was Trayvon&#8217;s.

same citation as above.
we all know zimmerman's story doesn't match zimmerman's story, but it doesn't match witness testimony either.

- A report of a witness to the struggle preceding the shooting, who told investigators she heard &#8220;normal&#8221; calls for help and &#8220;horrifying calls for help,&#8221; along with &#8220;agonizing yelps.&#8221; The witness also tells investigators the person on top during the scuffle appeared to be &#8220;wrestling&#8221; and not &#8220;arms swinging as if striking blows.&#8221; The witness describes the movement of the combatants as &#8220;side to side&#8221; on top of each other. Zimmerman&#8217;s defense has stated that Martin repeatedly struck Zimmerman and was bashing his head on a concrete walkway before Zimmerman drew his gun and shot the teen.

same citation.