Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
the freemason's story is a pastiche of theosophic symbology from many different cultures, it is a FICTION designed to make the organizations seem deeper and more meaningful than it is.They put together the transit and square to make a impressionistic pentagram. Thomas Paine even traced their roots to the egyptians. The whole Eye of Horus on the dollar bill was put there to fuck with us as a joke, huh? Those in power have kept an eye on their family lineage and have done so from the time before even the egyptians. The snake in the bible is from the Sumerian concept of the Abzu, a whirlpool. In Chinese it's a dragon. It symbolizes the connection between the ancient ruling people and the ones who lived outside. The Jews called these places Eden (Paradise) and Sheol, when a great calamity happened. It goes deep and these stories are all over the globe, meaning at one time these people were all one and migrated away.
it's a social club for gentlemen, nothing more, but it ONCE was a secret trade guild for builders, founded late in the dark ages.
now it's a frat for guys who aint in college no more.
even the pentacle you display above is hilarious.
"tetragramaton" is a GREEK word to describe (but not spell out) the hebrew letters that spell the secret name of god in quabalic theosophy (jewish ritual magic) that emblem alone dispels every claim they (and you) make about their mystical origins.
the rod of hermes is a symbol for learning and wisdom
theres hebrew letters
a scimitar (post rennaissance sword popular in aisa minor AFTER the arrival of the mongols)
a couple khopesh swords (bronze age weapons from the fertile crescent and north africa)
a couple crudely drawn alchemical symbols
and a cup which i can only assume is the Holy Grail of rennaissance myth.
you could get more wisdom from a Dan Brown novel.
you might just as well assume that emo kids in eyeliner and skinny jeans really do cast spells when they finger their pentacles and mutter in garbled latin.
the eye on the reverse of the great seal of the US is "the all seeing eye" of late renaissance psuedo-myth not the eye of Horus. it has more relation to Odin's eye than Horus'
if it featured the personification of "Liberty" "Victory" or "Columbia" would that have deep ancient meaning traced back to the first dynasties of egypt too?