If you're gonna give the credit for killing bin laden to the president, how about every time someone is killed as a result of a fuck-up we credit that to him too? The day I landed in Afghanistan, 8 American operators were killed by a miscalculated bomb dropped on their location - I did not see an article anywhere saying Bush kills 8 Americans today...
PTSD delusions from armchair patton. cute.
i'm the one who personally interrogated the guy who led us to the courier.
In my view, if he compromised, he didn't keep. So 239 kept, 269 not kept by those standards.
Example using hypotheticals: if Obama said he would remove the laws against cannabis, then compromises with the republicans and we get cheesus' idea, that's not really keeping his promise as there will be laws against the sale of cannabis.
~50% isn't too bad in my eyes though. I wonder if they did past presidents as well. Keep score. For all we know, Barry could be the one with most promises kept.
Would you look at that, just look at it...
that's something that someone with a lot of PTSD and a very, very small penis would do.
That's really sad your wife thinks that of you. Is that why she caught the irritable buck syndrome? Does she have vermin in her bum?
That's really sad your wife thinks that of you. Is that why she caught the irritable buck syndrome? Does she have vermin in her bum?
Always attacking everyone's family members
means you are alone and not loved
How sad
On point and such obvious outward manifestations of your daddy issues. Did your mother go single mom?
Sad, alone a bleak meaningless future
In my view, if he compromised, he didn't keep. So 239 kept, 269 not kept by those standards.
Example using hypotheticals: if Obama said he would remove the laws against cannabis, then compromises with the republicans and we get cheesus' idea, that's not really keeping his promise as there will be laws against the sale of cannabis.
~50% isn't too bad in my eyes though. I wonder if they did past presidents as well. Keep score. For all we know, Barry could be the one with most promises kept.
If you're gonna give the credit for killing bin laden to the president, how about every time someone is killed as a result of a fuck-up we credit that to him too? The day I landed in Afghanistan, 8 American operators were killed by a miscalculated bomb dropped on their location - I did not see an article anywhere saying Bush kills 8 Americans today...
If you're gonna give the credit for killing bin laden to the president, how about every time someone is killed as a result of a fuck-up we credit that to him too? The day I landed in Afghanistan, 8 American operators were killed by a miscalculated bomb dropped on their location - I did not see an article anywhere saying Bush kills 8 Americans today...
So you are saying that bin laden's capture and or death was also "miscalculated" then?
You don't seem to understand how government in the United States is supposed to work, compromise does not mean broken, it means that everybody gets a little of what they want. I'll give you this, if you give me that. One of the reason this government is so ineffective is the absolute lack of compromise.
You can check on most of the more recent presidents if you look - I believe he may hold a modern record for most campaign promises kept. You may not like his actions, or promises but that isn't what this converssation is about.
So you are saying that bin laden's capture and or death was also "miscalculated" then?
No. Do I really need to spell it out? If we are going to give presidents personal credit for every success under them then we must personally credit them with every failure.