RIU pirate ship sign on.... or be impressed LOL


Well-Known Mod
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I don't even know where to start...
Her EYES! When they dress like that you must pretend you see NOTHING! and then pretend you are taken by her giant big brain! Otherwise you fail, it's a test.

dig for chest.
Fail (that explains so much)

What a rip off, I do all the work and you take most of the profit. I don't need no pimp I work alone matey! Spoke like a true pirate lol.
LOL or an intelligent woman!

i would start at the forecastle and steadily make my way to the poop deck.

I think we might need more john boats for all the johns.

That reminds me dirtsurfr you will need more rope, lots more rope....

any Poop deck jokes made yet?
The woman with the tickle parlor beat you to it! Although now I can't find it so it's possible I was stone cold sober and hallucinating again. It has happened, don't laugh.

Arrrr, me parrots wife died last week. Now I have to take him to "Parrots without Partners"
Ok what kind of parrot you got man? I may have a spare.


Ursus marijanus
Her EYES! When they dress like that you must pretend you see NOTHING! and then pretend you are taken by her giant big brain! Otherwise you fail, it's a test.

Fail (that explains so much)

Hey I could have gone with "X marks the spot". Better than that take ten paces and turn left at the palm tree stuff ...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Hey I could have gone with "X marks the spot". Better than that take ten paces and turn left at the palm tree stuff ...
I know, I keep trying to explain, it's the eyes sweetie really it is. That's what makes us so damn poor at it. Ask Minne :) you have to really concentrate on sincerity if you're one of us.


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I'll be drunk if you need me
I thought you were gonna drive the boat? If not you it's Hempy, and we disable warp drives when he's at the helm. We trust you to ram the big party boats so the guys can 'rescue' the wenches ;) I wanna see you toss those honeys off your lap LOL

Oops yeah drunk you are getting ready to drive a pirate ship, please pardon the lapse of logic.


Well-Known Member
I shouldn't be trusted to steer or navigate the ship under the influence of rum and/or hallucinatory drugs no matter how many times I will ask to.
Aright true story here gather round...
The last time I did Heroin..
Been without a few weeks and a friend found a gram bag of H.
We didn't shoot it we smoked it in menthol ciggs. 1/2 the tobacco knocked out
and 3/4 the filter from a KOOL menthol ciggerette, add a coke spoon scoop of H.
shake it down and go.
So we're on our second one when.
Relive the watch section 4 relive the watch..
It was my section and I was con/ helm.
The first part of the watch went fine I was on the con and all I did was track contacts
on one of those clear plexie glass thingys.
But then it was I turn at the helm..... I couldn't even focus on the compass. but I could hear it
make ca click sound every time I went over 1 degree off course, so I figured I'd turn one direction
and if it stopped I went the right way..... Will shit was I wrong pretty soon the Old Man is calling up from his State room
asking who's on the Helm which the B.M. would report Seaman Covert sir, short pause, tell seaman Covert to mind his helm.
That happened 3 or 4 times before I got off the Helm I looked at the plotted course after and it was like we was dodging land mines
I was so glad to get off that watch and that was the last time I had any H.
So I'm experienced at the Helm...


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Staff member
When I concentrate on sincerity, bad things happen to good crayons. :oops:
Leave my crayons out of this!

Is there such a thing as a pirate that gets sea sick?
I'm a pilot that gets airsick. So I'm almost certain I'll be a pirate that gets seasick. But it ends by the third day.

Aright true story here gather round...
The last time I did Heroin..
Been without a few weeks and a friend found a gram bag of H.
We didn't shoot it we smoked it in menthol ciggs. 1/2 the tobacco knocked out
and 3/4 the filter from a KOOL menthol ciggerette, add a coke spoon scoop of H.
shake it down and go.
So we're on our second one when.
Relive the watch section 4 relive the watch..
It was my section and I was con/ helm.
The first part of the watch went fine I was on the con and all I did was track contacts
on one of those clear plexie glass thingys.
But then it was I turn at the helm..... I couldn't even focus on the compass. but I could hear it
make ca click sound every time I went over 1 degree off course, so I figured I'd turn one direction
and if it stopped I went the right way..... Will shit was I wrong pretty soon the Old Man is calling up from his State room
asking who's on the Helm which the B.M. would report Seaman Covert sir, short pause, tell seaman Covert to mind his helm.
That happened 3 or 4 times before I got off the Helm I looked at the plotted course after and it was like we was dodging land mines
I was so glad to get off that watch and that was the last time I had any H.
So I'm experienced at the Helm...
OK time for the vote. I think we may have found our only qualified Cap'n.


Well-Known Member
So sorry Annie Lass But I gots me eye on the ships engineer.
Down the depths a Hell she be! Like livin ina oven but...
The rum be kept down dar and I aims to get me shares maties...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
So sorry Annie Lass But I gots me eye on the ships engineer.
Down the depths a Hell she be! Like livin ina oven but...
The rum be kept down dar and I aims to get me shares maties...
Ok Scottie ok..... but be ready when we hollerz down for more ......