The lab work can be outsourced by any lab that holds the proper license. This was covered awhile back in this thread.
Yes it was but I did not see test kits covered, and I think with these kits I would ask for a ruling from HC. This is not a home test kit, it is used by LEO in the USA and many other groups. This would be good for quite a few reasons but I'll let those who are interested have a look, it could give you a competitive edge if used right and I don't just mean lab results.
redi I read all the comments but what was missing was real numbers on what it would cost in real world dollars to set up a lab. Do you know? Having products that are within price range for small LP is important to know and if we all do some work we can make informed decisions. I did my homework and called and checked out whats available to get the job done in house just for THC, THCA, CBD ect, that alone will allow you to do research and dial in your plants and focus on developing your product for your market.
I thought $200,000 was a good number for a full test lab but then I started looking around at what was involved scared me, I decided I'm in the growing business not the test business. The cost of testing is a cost of business and when we are in the black we will revisit the subject.
So I don't have $200,000 to toss at it, I do have $15,000 to buy a new GC with software and training. Now I can do a ton of testing in-house and so many other competitive advantages.....
By the way have you called and asked for samples of what you get from the labs for your dollar, you better have someone who knows how to read the information and put it into your QA report or good luck with that.
Thanks to my buddy MJ for the suggestion, excellent idea.