MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

That's quite the conflict in interests.....
Policy makers to protect their business at a gov level....make all the rules to suit themselves and their interests only...
trust me you do not speak for the patients at all......
Cant wait for the para military police, that will be lobbied for to take down the black market, and patients who look after their own interests..with their medicine...
We had to know it will come to this kind of thing..... state side they even have NORMAL is on board with them,,,,,which makes them the biggest hypocrites of them all....
That's quite the conflict in interests.....
Policy makers to protect their business at a gov level....make all the rules to suit themselves and their interests only...
trust me you do not speak for the patients at all......
Cant wait for the para military police, that will be lobbied for to take down the black market, and patients who look after their own interests..with their medicine...
We had to know it will come to this kind of thing..... state side they even have NORMAL is on board with them,,,,,which makes them the biggest hypocrites of them all....

I guess we will have to wait and see if your dire predictions of world collapse and total lack of law and order come true, me I would rather find a way to make things better for both sides and I will keep trying to do that. You also appear to think that's not possible because I wish to run a med company and that makes me a bad person in your books. Well if it was not for people like me and there are lots of them you would be going to jail for a very long time if caught growing. But people like me have worked within the system to make it legal in Canada for 11 years. What was your contribution is what you need to ask the guy in the mirror.

As for speaking for patients if fact I do and quit often I speak for them, I'm one of those patients myself and so is one of my partners, so I do know what I am speaking about, and I am not happy with the law but will work within it.

You are clearly concerned about your right to grow at home, is that all you want? We know you won't stop because of the law change so why the beef? I think it would be more productive if you start your own patients group to champion you rights than spouting of rhetoric that has little value. But we know that won't happen.

Canadian I have been on this board for 7 years helping people and longer on other boards. I do the same in my real life also, so get your facts straight before trying to blow smoke up my ass, this is not my first rodeo.

Reminds me of a story about a boy who called wolf
One major aspect of the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia cannabis monograph is lab testing. It details three chromatography methodologies for determining potency: Thin-Layer (TLC), High Performance Liquid (HPLC), and Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID). The monograph further sets limits for pesticides, metals, microbes, fungus, and residual solvent in the case of cannabis extracts.

I thought that gas chromatography was not as accurate because the heat involved destroys some of the sample. Hmph...I guess I'll have to wait for my copy to arrive to hear that argument. I know that home testing thin layer kits are available.
I thought that gas chromatography was not as accurate because the heat involved destroys some of the sample. Hmph...I guess I'll have to wait for my copy to arrive to hear that argument. I know that home testing thin layer kits are available.

you are quite right the heat in the GC process does alter the compounds. I have looked at side by side test from GC and HPLC and the difference is not that much, I'll look for the comparisons.

I have had this discussion a few times and that has helped me decide that use what you have for the test. Any of the systems will do the required job. The Pharmacopoeia has GC because some countries are poor and need to test also and so are university's poor. New HPLC start at 200,000! plus you need all kinds of other stuff.

So the debate is now on the difference in test results. Well I decided I don't care but the GC in my opinion is a more accurate reading because patents need to apply heat to get the results, that's just what the GC does. It's more like a before and after reading and for me I more interested as a patent in what it is when I heat it. IMHO

Here is a nice source with loads of information:

and go to the very bottom of the page to the Medical Cannabis section in their Documents section here:

If you purchase one it probably couldn't hurt to drop my username as a referrer, thanks.

Thanks for nothing, like I need another day of reading Shit! and now I have my weekend ruined.

Just messing with you this is a great find, and I would rep the shit out of you if we could. Chill vibes your way. Save me a ton of searching and work. Party on
Applause. This post made me subscribe to this forum. Well said! I'm glad legalization will be removing many of the professional victims from the cannabis community.
Kootenaygirl I am impressed with your content and thoughtful but firm comments, just read the whole thing. Glad your staying positive as you wait. Well any thought I had of 3 months just went out the door. Yes I'm one of the chosen few so I guess that makes 78 the sound of Jaws plays and I'm crying, 4 to 9 months WTF thank you Steven.

Well there I said it I'm in and we should have the licence in end of the week. Don't know how many times I have said that. We have a small partnership and have the building we bought last summer. It's 40,000 sq. feet and all block construction. I'm using about 4,000 sq ft to start. Our security system cost for everything was $32,000, thumb readers are $1,000 each. Lots of good info here thank you everyone.

Amazing, I look forward to reading about you guys soon!
I'm all about legalization, but not at my expense. If I can't grow it...nobody else is going to do it for me!

No reason that we can't establish a system where both happen. It's not the LP's, it's the
way the MMPR is written at the moment. People spend too much time bashing LP's instead of just working to allow for home grows, too.